
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

One Big Race to Watch: Trump's Pick in Kansas

Kris Kobach is trying to unseat a sitting GOP governor, with the president's backing

(Newser) - Voters in five states go to the polls on Tuesday, and analysts will again be looking for clues on what the results might mean for the November midterms. Some highlights:
  • Kansas: The GOP primary for the governor's seat might be the highest-profile contest of the night because of President

For GOP, the Perils of &#39;Trumpism Without Trump&#39;
For GOP, the Perils of
'Trumpism Without Trump'
the rundown

For GOP, the Perils of 'Trumpism Without Trump'

Democrats have a great night in Virginia and elsewhere

(Newser) - The dust is settled on Tuesday night's election results , and most pundits are declaring them worthy of a big celebration for Democrats. The big win, of course, came in Virginia, where Ralph Northam fended off Ed Gillespie in the governor's race, though there's disagreement on how much...

In Tuesday&#39;s Biggest Race, Trump Looms Large
In Tuesday's Biggest Race,
Trump Looms Large
the rundown

In Tuesday's Biggest Race, Trump Looms Large

Virginia governor's race is neck and neck

(Newser) - America votes on Tuesday, and the biggest race on the ballot is in Virginia. Democrat Ralph Northam and Republican Ed Gillespie are in a razor-tight race for governor that has turned into a referendum on President Trump. Gillespie has closed the gap in the polls with a series of ads...

Why All Eyes Are On Elections in a Remote Utah Town

Polygamist FLDS group seems to be losing long-held grasp on the town—including local politics

(Newser) - In a place where political contests are virtually unknown, campaign signs offer the latest hint that a polygamous group is losing its grip on a remote community on the Utah-Arizona border. "For Hildale mayor vote Donia," reads a sign featuring Donia Jessop, a candidate pictured with a contemporary...

This Man Is About to Become the World's Youngest Leader

Sebastian Kurz, 31, is set to represent the millennial generation in Austria

(Newser) - At age 31, Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz is poised to become the first millennial to lead a European country following his party's victory in a national election Sunday. While no party won a majority, the telegenic Kurz is most likely to be sworn in as Austria's next...

States&#39; Rebuff on Voter Info Is &#39;Fake News&#39;: Kobach
Voter-Fraud Commission 
May Have Broken Law

Voter-Fraud Commission May Have Broken Law

Letter to states asking for voter data apparently didn't go through proper channels

(Newser) - President Trump has long contended that "millions" of illegal voters marred the November election, despite no evidence to support that belief, and the commission he's approved to shake out voter fraud has been hitting some roadblocks. The latest obstacle: the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity may have...

GOP: Trump Is Screwing Everything Up for Us

Party members fear Trump will cost them seats in the House and Senate

(Newser) - Jeb Bush has floated the idea of Donald Trump being a Hillary Clinton plant to help her take the White House, and seemingly never-ending Trump controversies might have Republicans starting to believe it. Politico reports that GOP leaders are stressing out about the negative impact that Trump's candidacy is...

Socialists Seethe: Venezuela Votes for 'Counter Revolution'

Crowds celebrate as Maduro blames 'economic war'

(Newser) - Venezuela's opposition won control of the National Assembly by a landslide, trouncing the ruling party and altering the balance of power after almost 17 years of socialist rule. The opposition coalition won at least 99 seats in the incoming 167-seat legislature, electoral authorities announced after midnight Sunday. The ruling...

Saudi Women Rock the Voter Registration for First Time

Historic moment as women prepare to cast ballots in December elections

(Newser) - Not unusual: A well-known businessperson and a schoolteacher registered to vote Sunday in Saudi Arabia's municipal elections in December. Unusual: that they were both women. Jamal Al-Saadi and Safinaz Abu Al-Shamat earned the honors of being the first two females ever in the kingdom to register (Saadi in Medina,...

Israel Votes, but Little Mystery Over Who Will Win

Netanyahu almost certain to be re-elected, but voters turning out

(Newser) - It's election day in Israel, but there's not a lot of intrigue: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is almost certain to win another term, although his ticket (a joint ticket combining his conservative Likud Party with the ultranationalist Yisrael Beiteinu) could lose as many as 10 of the seats...

Allende Grandkid Wins Chile Mayor Race

Maya Fernandez Allende sweeps to victory in leftist wave

(Newser) - The granddaughter of Chile's late socialist leader Salvador Allende has won her first major political election. The victory of Maya Fernandez Allende, who will now be mayor in Nunoa, came as leftist parties regained lost ground in municipal elections across the nation. Allende, a veterinarian, grew up in Cuba...

Syria Heads to the Polls
 Syria Heads to the Polls 

Syria Heads to the Polls

But opposition decries elections as sham

(Newser) - Even as violence continues in Syria despite last month’s ceasefire, voters today headed for the polls for a parliamentary election that the government insists is a sign of political reform. But the opposition calls it a sham: "All of this is a theater show,” one man tells...

How Mega Millions Can Save Our Political System
How Mega Millions Can Save Our Political System

How Mega Millions Can Save Our Political System

Combine Election Day with a lottery: Norman Ornstein

(Newser) - Nearly half the adult population of the US took part in last month's Mega Millions lottery, giving Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute an idea on how to "transform" our political system: Enter voters in a lottery. If people have the chance to win big by voting,...

Slovakia Leftists Heading for Big Win

Elections give leftist party first majority in Slovakia history

(Newser) - Slovakia's leftist opposition appears headed toward a big win in yesterday's elections, reports the AP . With most of the votes counted, the Smer-Social Democracy party has taken 44.8% of the vote, enough for 84 of the 150-seat parliament. If the lead holds up, it will be the...

Congo Polling Stations Attacked

Violence mars start of elections

(Newser) - Today’s presidential and legislative elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo have gotten off to a violent start. Reuters reports that masked gunmen fired on one polling station in Lubumbashi, while locals burned down three others in a neighboring province. The AFP reports 15 burned polling stations in that...

New Zealand Conservatives Win Re-Election

Green and anti-immigration parties make gains

(Newser) - The leader of New Zealand's Labour party conceded defeat to Prime Minister John Key's National Party in elections today, paving the way for him to return for a second term as the nation's leader. The dominant performance by Key's National Party, however, appeared to come up...

Party&#39;s Over Conservatives, Prepare for Battle
Party's Over Conservatives, Prepare for Battle
Charles Krauthammer

Party's Over Conservatives, Prepare for Battle

2011 elections show the midterm wave is over: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer thinks the 2011 elections were a clear warning to conservatives: “The 2010 party is over. 2012 will be a struggle,” he writes in the Washington Post . In Ohio voters easily rejected a law limiting public sector unions—though they also voted against the individual health care...

Ohio Election Worker Bites Voter's Nose

Cops seeking Cleveland poll monitor

(Newser) - Cops in Cleveland are looking for a rogue poll monitor who attacked a voter who attempted to intervene in a dispute with a campaign worker. The poll supervisor "was trying to intimidate a woman who was less than 5 feet tall and he's probably 6 feet," said...

The Biggest Issues, Races on Today&#39;s Ballots
The Biggest Issues, Races
on Today's Ballots
election day

The Biggest Issues, Races on Today's Ballots

Lawmakers will be watching closely for clues to voter mood heading into 2012

(Newser) - It’s Election Day, and the AP rounds up the most important (or just plain interesting) contests and issues around the country:
  • Governorships: They’re up for grabs in Mississippi and Kentucky, but in both states the incumbent party (Republican in the former; Democrat in the latter) is expected to

An Arab Spring First: Tunisia Votes

But many parties face accusations of shady financing

(Newser) - With Tunisians voting today in the Middle East's first elections since the dawn of the Arab Spring, analysts and citizens alike are looking to the vote for a sense of where Tunisia and democracy in the region might be heading, reports the AP . Tunisia's 7.5 million voters...

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