
Stories 61 - 79 | << Prev 

Syria Heads to the Polls
 Syria Heads to the Polls 

Syria Heads to the Polls

But opposition decries elections as sham

(Newser) - Even as violence continues in Syria despite last month’s ceasefire, voters today headed for the polls for a parliamentary election that the government insists is a sign of political reform. But the opposition calls it a sham: "All of this is a theater show,” one man tells...

How Mega Millions Can Save Our Political System
How Mega Millions Can Save Our Political System

How Mega Millions Can Save Our Political System

Combine Election Day with a lottery: Norman Ornstein

(Newser) - Nearly half the adult population of the US took part in last month's Mega Millions lottery, giving Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute an idea on how to "transform" our political system: Enter voters in a lottery. If people have the chance to win big by voting,...

Slovakia Leftists Heading for Big Win

Elections give leftist party first majority in Slovakia history

(Newser) - Slovakia's leftist opposition appears headed toward a big win in yesterday's elections, reports the AP . With most of the votes counted, the Smer-Social Democracy party has taken 44.8% of the vote, enough for 84 of the 150-seat parliament. If the lead holds up, it will be the...

Congo Polling Stations Attacked

Violence mars start of elections

(Newser) - Today’s presidential and legislative elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo have gotten off to a violent start. Reuters reports that masked gunmen fired on one polling station in Lubumbashi, while locals burned down three others in a neighboring province. The AFP reports 15 burned polling stations in that...

New Zealand Conservatives Win Re-Election

Green and anti-immigration parties make gains

(Newser) - The leader of New Zealand's Labour party conceded defeat to Prime Minister John Key's National Party in elections today, paving the way for him to return for a second term as the nation's leader. The dominant performance by Key's National Party, however, appeared to come up...

Party&#39;s Over Conservatives, Prepare for Battle
Party's Over Conservatives, Prepare for Battle
Charles Krauthammer

Party's Over Conservatives, Prepare for Battle

2011 elections show the midterm wave is over: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer thinks the 2011 elections were a clear warning to conservatives: “The 2010 party is over. 2012 will be a struggle,” he writes in the Washington Post . In Ohio voters easily rejected a law limiting public sector unions—though they also voted against the individual health care...

Ohio Election Worker Bites Voter's Nose

Cops seeking Cleveland poll monitor

(Newser) - Cops in Cleveland are looking for a rogue poll monitor who attacked a voter who attempted to intervene in a dispute with a campaign worker. The poll supervisor "was trying to intimidate a woman who was less than 5 feet tall and he's probably 6 feet," said...

The Biggest Issues, Races on Today&#39;s Ballots
The Biggest Issues, Races
on Today's Ballots
election day

The Biggest Issues, Races on Today's Ballots

Lawmakers will be watching closely for clues to voter mood heading into 2012

(Newser) - It’s Election Day, and the AP rounds up the most important (or just plain interesting) contests and issues around the country:
  • Governorships: They’re up for grabs in Mississippi and Kentucky, but in both states the incumbent party (Republican in the former; Democrat in the latter) is expected to

An Arab Spring First: Tunisia Votes

But many parties face accusations of shady financing

(Newser) - With Tunisians voting today in the Middle East's first elections since the dawn of the Arab Spring, analysts and citizens alike are looking to the vote for a sense of where Tunisia and democracy in the region might be heading, reports the AP . Tunisia's 7.5 million voters...

Tunisian President Dissolves Government Amid Riots

12 killed in protests last night

(Newser) - Amid huge riots over poverty, Tunisia’s president has decided to dismiss his government, the AP reports. President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali intends to call legislative elections in 6 months, earlier than planned. Meanwhile, thousands of protesters calling for Ben Ali’s resignation continued to demonstrate in the capital,...

Southern Sudan Votes, Could Spawn New Nation

Referendum to end decades of sectarian violence

(Newser) - Millions flock to the polls in southern Sudan today for a historic election that could give birth to a new nation, reports the Washington Post . The nation's 22-year-old civil war ended in 2005 with some 2 million casualties, but the violence continued, made worse by a sectarian divide, with the...

Did Chatty Michelle Break Voting Laws?

Conservative watchdog slams first lady's 'technical violation'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama may have violated Illinois election laws by seeking support for her husband’s agenda at a Chicago polling station, holds the Daily Caller . The first lady was talking with voters, and reportedly urged them to support said agenda—but state laws ban political discussion near polling places, the...

Democrats Plan 'Political Triage'
 Democrats Plan 'Political Triage' 
Election 2010

Democrats Plan 'Political Triage'

Party studies polls to pick races it can win

(Newser) - Ahead of November's elections, the Democrats are studying poll data and searching for races they can win, finds the New York Times . This system of "political triage" will see party funds pulled from long-shot races and funneled to stronger candidates. Nancy Pelosi also asked candidates in safe districts to...

Election Season to Blame for Mosque Uproar: Imam

Feisal Abdul Rauf wants peace

(Newser) - Why all this controversy over the so-called Ground Zero mosque? The imam behind it thinks he knows. "There is no doubt that the election season has had a major impact upon the nature of the discourse," he tells an Abu Dhabi-based newspaper. Numerous conservative candidates are indeed opposing...

Fearing Election Losses, Berlusconi Calls Rival Ugly

Italian PM lashes out as polls put his party at disadvantage

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi is getting nasty over the prospect of his party losing seats in this weekend's regional elections, and he's aiming his fury at the media, judges, and…the governor of the Piemonte region? “You know why Bresso is always in a bad mood?” said Berlusconi about the 65-year-old...

Economic Fury Is the New Culture War
 Economic Fury 
 Is the New 
 Culture War 


Economic Fury Is the New Culture War

Deficits were the rallying cry for yesterday's winners

(Newser) - "Conservatives have supposedly gotten their groove back," Peter Beinart writes about the results of yesterday's state races, "but it's not the same old groove." The candidates who won—or almost won—downplayed social issues and focused on the economy, which Beinart calls the “new culture...

Obama Is Minimal Factor in NJ, Va., Exit Polls Show
Obama Is Minimal Factor in NJ, Va., Exit Polls Show

Obama Is Minimal Factor in NJ, Va., Exit Polls Show

Majorities say president has no influence on vote

(Newser) - President Obama seems to have been a minimal factor in gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia, at least according to early exit polls. In Virginia, where Republican Bob McDonnell won, 55% said Obama wasn’t behind their vote; that figure was 60% in New Jersey, where the race was...

Obama Backlash Will Wallop Dem Candidates Next Week

GOP's chances looking good in Gov races as fallout builds

(Newser) - America's dissatisfaction with Democratic rule just 9 months into the Obama presidency will be crystal clear after next week's elections, writes Karl Rove . Republican Attorney General Bob McDonnell looks set to defeat Democrat Creigh Deeds in Virginia's gubernatorial race on the back of anti-Washington, anti-Obama sentiment, Rove notes in the...

Osama Warns Europe to Leave Afghanistan

Al-Qaeda mastermind says Obama 'has no regard for human life'

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden wants Europe to pull its troops out Afghanistan and sever ties with the US. In a new audio message, the al-Qaeda chief admonishes European nations for putting in with a United States whose “supreme commander has no regard for human life and intentionally bombs villagers from...

Stories 61 - 79 | << Prev