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GOP Elections Commissioner Charged With Election Fraud

NY's Jason Schofield allegedly filled out, or had others fill out, ballots in other people's names

(Newser) - A local elections official in New York was arrested Tuesday by the FBI, accused in a ballot scheme that allowed him or others to cast votes in other's names. On at least five occasions between May and October 2021—a period in which voters could request absentee ballots online...

A Special Election Next Week Is Being Closely Watched

Contest to fill open congressional seat in New York state seen as a national 'bellwether'

(Newser) - It was shaping up to be a ho-hum special election in New York state to fill an open congressional seat. But next week's contest between Republican Marc Molinaro and Democrat Pat Ryan has suddenly become so much more. Politico sees it as the "ultimate bellwether" race, one that...

Bipartisan Plan Clarifies 1887 Law to Prevent Another Jan. 6

It makes clear that VP's role in proceedings is symbolic

(Newser) - Defeated presidential candidates pressuring the vice president to reject the results will not become a regular feature of American elections under bipartisan legislation introduced Wednesday. One of the two bills clarifies the 1887 law that Donald Trump tried to exploit to stay in power, the Washington Post reports. The Electoral...

Supreme Court Puts a Big Case on Next Term's Docket

It could profoundly affect federal elections

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's monumental term is over, and the one that begins in October just had a potentially big case added to the docket. The New York Times and the Washington Post describe it in strikingly similar terms: The court "will consider what would be a radical change...

Anti-LGBTQ Legislation Prompts a Midterms Surge

Record number of LGBTQ candidates are running for Congress

(Newser) - There are only a dozen or so LGBTQ members of Congress who are publicly out, but per a new report from Axios , that may be about to change come November. The news outlet reports that at least 104 LGBTQ candidates announced this year they're vying for seats in the...

RNC, Election Deniers Have a Midterm Strategy

It reportedly involves training volunteers as poll workers, connecting them with lawyers

(Newser) - As the midterms are starting to take shape, a pair of stories about 2020 election deniers who are coming together with the RNC to form an "organized cavalry" of volunteers determined to suss out and shine a light on what they believe will be Democratic wrongdoing during the 2022...

Australia Just Voted Out Its Prime Minister

Scott Morrison concedes defeat to opposition leader Anthony Albanese

(Newser) - Australia's prime minister conceded defeat after an election Saturday that could deliver a minority government. Scott Morrison acted quickly despite millions of votes yet to be counted, because an Australian prime minister must attend a Tokyo summit on Tuesday with US, Japanese, and Indian leaders. "I believe it'...

Trump: Yes, Pence Could Have &#39;Overturned&#39; Results
Trump's Line
About Pence
a Ruckus
the rundown

Trump's Line About Pence Causes a Ruckus

Ex-president says explicitly that his VP could have 'overturned' election results but chose not to

(Newser) - Former President Trump made a flurry of provocative assertions over the weekend, both at a Texas rally and in a Sunday night statement . At the rally, he said he'd consider pardons for those connected to the Capitol riot and called for the "biggest protests we have ever had"...

Bannon Has a Plan, and His Followers Are Acting On It

Far-right supporters signing up in droves to become local election precinct officers

(Newser) - Far-right followers of Steve Bannon are heeding his unusual battle cry—to start working in their local election precincts. And as an investigative piece by ProPublica explains, this seemingly innocuous suggestion has the potential to affect election results around the country. To be clear, Bannon is not urging his followers...

Senate Republicans Block Voting Rights Bill

Vote on For the People Act was 50-50

(Newser) - The biggest voting rights bill in decades met its widely expected fate in the evenly divided Senate Tuesday, with Republicans unified in opposition. Senators voted 50-50 on advancing the For the People Act, the Hill reports. Democrats needed 60 votes to overcome the GOP filibuster and advance the bill to...

From All 10 Ex-Defense Secretaries, an 'Exceptional' Op-Ed

They note Biden has won, warn the military has no place getting involved in any election disputes

(Newser) - "The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived." So reads an unusual op-ed that appeared Sunday in the Washington Post , co-signed by all 10 living ex-defense secretaries. The...

Puerto Ricans Try Again to Vote
Puerto Ricans Try
Again to Vote

Puerto Ricans Try Again to Vote

Some polling places for primary never opened a week ago

(Newser) - Thousands of Puerto Ricans on Sunday got a second chance to vote for the first time, a week after delayed and missing ballots marred the original primaries in a blow to the US territory's democracy. More than 60 of the island's 110 precincts opened following a US Supreme...

Hong Kong CEO Calls Off Elections for a Year

Carrie Lam cites coronavirus dangers, but pro-democracy activists say it's simply a power grab

(Newser) - Local council elections in Hong Kong last year saw a surge of pro-democracy winners, and opposition parties had hoped to claim a similar victory in this year's legislative elections set for Sept. 6. Those hopes will now have to wait: Hong Kong CEO Carrie Lam announced at a Friday...

Trump Sees 'Hoax No. 7' Underway in DC

He slams report of Russian meddling in the 2020 election

(Newser) - Reports that intelligence officials informed Congress that Russia is meddling on President Trump's behalf in the 2020 election have caught Trump's attention, and he's not happy with the news—specifically that the lawmakers were informed about it. Sources told the New York Times and Washington Post that...

Report: Russia Hack Infiltrated Election Systems in Every State

Senate Intelligence Committee report outlines a 'cascading intelligence failure,' per 'NYT'

(Newser) - On Wednesday, ex-special counsel Robert Mueller testified Russia was gearing up to again meddle in US elections. On Thursday, a bipartisan report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee further details just why Mueller's statement is so concerning. The standout point of the first volume of the panel's findings:...

Trump Brushes Off Criticism of Remarks on Foreign Info

Says he meets with world leaders all the time, and it would be 'ridiculous' to inform the FBI

(Newser) - President Trump generated headlines Wednesday when he said during an interview that he would listen if a foreign government approached with dirt on a political rival. On Thursday, Trump pushed back against the resulting criticism, reports the Hill . "I meet and talk to 'foreign governments' every day,"...

270 Vote-Counters Die From 'Overwork' After Huge Election

So says an elections commission rep in Indonesia

(Newser) - A cost-cutting measure during Indonesia's elections season seems to have been a fatal one. Reuters notes that this year's day at the polls on April 17 was the first time the nation merged its parliamentary and national votes with the presidential one, mainly to save money. That move,...

This Is the 'Biggest Drama' Facing Israel Elections

Arab turnout is extremely low: reports

(Newser) - A prominent Israeli pollster says that Israel has never seen such a decline in Arab turnout, calling it "the biggest drama" facing the national election. Camil Fuchs told Israel's Chanel 13 TV that exit polls revealed startling low turnout throughout the day, the AP reports. Prominent Arab politicians...

Pentagon to Hackers: Go Ahead, Access Russia's Cyber Systems

It's reportedly part of DOD plan in preparation for cyberattack if Russia interferes with midterms

(Newser) - What may soon become a more "regular currency of war": cyberattacks, per the Center for Public Integrity , and it notes that the US Department of Defense may start cashing in as early as next week. Current and former senior US officials reveal to the investigative journalism nonprofit that the...

One Big Race to Watch: Trump's Pick in Kansas

Kris Kobach is trying to unseat a sitting GOP governor, with the president's backing

(Newser) - Voters in five states go to the polls on Tuesday, and analysts will again be looking for clues on what the results might mean for the November midterms. Some highlights:
  • Kansas: The GOP primary for the governor's seat might be the highest-profile contest of the night because of President

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