immigration reform

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Palin: Brewer Has 'Cajones' Obama Lacks on Immigration
 Palin: Obama Has No 'Cojones' 

Palin: Obama Has No 'Cojones'

Ex-Alaska gov has anatomical explanation for their differences

(Newser) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is able to take on illegal immigration because she has the "cojones" that President Obama "does not have," Sarah Palin said yesterday on Fox News Sunday. The former Alaska governor also ripped Obama for suing to block the new Arizona immigration law without...

Obama's Secret Weapon on Immigration: Evangelicals

Pro-reform Hispanic evangelicals a growing political force

(Newser) - President Obama's push for immigration reform has brought him some allies he's not likely to partner with on many other issues: evangelical Christian leaders, many of whom embrace a path to legalization for illegal immigrants. Growing evangelical support for immigration reform reflects the recent work of politically active Hispanic pastors,...

Arizona to Prez: Do Your Job, Secure the Border

Guv fires back after Obama scolding

(Newser) - Did President Obama's slam against Arizona's immigration law make the governor quake in her boots? Hardly. "Do your job. Secure the border," Gov. Jan Brewer shot back at the president in a speech to a Republican group. Brewer pledged to "defend this law against every assault, including...

Obama Calls Out GOP on Immigration Reform

He reiterates his opposition to Arizona's law

(Newser) - President Obama culminated a seemingly out-of-the-blue push this week on immigration reform with a speech today criticizing Republicans for "political posturing" on the issue. "Under the pressures of partisanship and election-year politics, many of the 11 (Republicans) who have voted for reform in past have backed away,"...

Jan Brewer: Most Illegals Running Drugs

And most Arizona governors are racist, say critics

(Newser) - While "a lot" of illegals hopping over Mexico's border into Arizona are looking for work, most are running drugs for cartels, says Gov. Jan Brewer in comments yesterday that elicited a chorus of critics who slammed her for everything from political posturing to racism. "I believe today, that...

Bloomberg Enters Fight on Immigration

Be tough on illegals, but help legal immigrants get here

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is jumping into the immigration debate, arguing for a policy that makes it easier for legal immigrants to enter the country and the workforce, but harder for illegal ones to do so. Hizzoner will announce a coalition of mayors and business leaders backing his push today, the Wall ...

John McCain's Sad Campaign
 John McCain's Sad Campaign 

John McCain's Sad Campaign

From presidential candidate to endangered senator

(Newser) - Two years ago, John McCain was running for president. Now, he’s trudging around Arizona just trying to keep his job, the New York Times laments. Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer has obviously followed McCain around the trail, but he won't talk to her. So she’s left to observe his strange...

Arizona's Next Target: Kids Born in US to Illegals

GOP wants to deny citizenship to 'anchor babies'

(Newser) - Arizona Republicans intend to take their tough immigration legislation one step further, and have set their sights on what they call "anchor babies": the US-born children of illegal immigrants, viewed as the legal "anchors" holding their undocumented parents in the US. This fall, the Arizona GOP plans to...

Calderon Bashes Arizona Law at White House

Says his people 'face discrimination'

(Newser) - Felipe Calderon visited the White House today and used the opportunity to slam Arizona's tough immigration law, ABC News reports. Speaking in Spanish, the Mexican president said he agreed that the immigration issue had to be addressed and the border strengthened. But he decried “such laws as the Arizona...

McCain: 'Complete the Danged Fence'
 McCain: 'Complete 
 the Danged Fence' 

McCain: 'Complete the Danged Fence'

'Senator, you're one of us,' sheriff declares

(Newser) - John McCain is a border hawk, you got that? He's “one of us.” And to make that absolutely clear, he's released this new ad in which he stoically declares his plan to “complete the danged fence.” You can expect that to be his new catchphrase, because...

Calif. Could Be Next Immigration Battleground

Arizona law eyed with suspicion, envy

(Newser) - The strict immigration law passed over the border in Arizona has energized both sides of the immigration debate in California. Community workers tell Reuters that young Latinos, worried that a similar law could hit the Golden State, have gone from being apathetic about politics to being ready to take to...

Obama: Start Immigration Reform This Year

He reaffirms support after backing away last week

(Newser) - President Obama seemed to deliver a death blow last week to the prospects of immigration reform by saying "there may not be an appetite" for another controversial issue in Congress. At the White House today, he administered a little life support, reports USA Today . "I want to begin...

Immigration Will Help GOP (for Now)
 Immigration Will Help 
 GOP (for Now) 

Immigration Will Help GOP (for Now)

Poll shows support for Arizona law in battleground states

(Newser) - Democrats are quaking in their boots over yesterday's poll showing that a majority of Americans supported Arizona's harsh new immigration law. The numbers—which are even worse in battleground states than they are nationally—indicate that while immigration hawkishness may someday come back to bite Republicans, it's a big advantage...

Silent Majority Backs Immigration Crackdown

Only 36% say Arizona law too harsh

(Newser) - Arizona may be under heavy fire for its strident new immigration law, but it appears a slim majority of Americans actually support it—and want more action taken. In the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, 51% said the Arizona law “is about right,” while another 9% said...

Immigrant Rallies Draw Huge Crowds Across US
 Immigrant Rallies Draw 
 Huge Crowds Across US 
'we are all arizona'

Immigrant Rallies Draw Huge Crowds Across US

LA, Dallas, Chicago and other cities host May Day protests

(Newser) - May Day rallies across the US today drew huge crowds today, as tens of thousands turned up in Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, Phoenix, and scores of other cities to protest Arizona's immigration law and stalled reforms. The LA Times takes note of a T-shirt in the crowd that sums up...

Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform
Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform
Dana Milbank

Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform

He 'clotheslined' Senate Democrats with his retreat

(Newser) - Immigration reform isn't going anywhere, and those pointing fingers should aim at President Obama, writes Dana Milbank. Obama vacillated, much as he did with the public option, and with the same result. He neither pushed for it not told supporters to wait. "Instead, he left a vaccum," and...

Democrats' ID Card Plan: Get Your Fingerprints

'Biometrics' a big part of immigration reform proposal

(Newser) - Now it's the Democrats' turn to be accused of trying to violate civil liberties in the name of immigration reform. A crucial part of their plan calls for what amounts to a high-tech national ID card. It would have a "biometrics" component—namely fingerprints—and every worker would need...

Calif. Rep: Deport US-Born Kids of Illegals

'Takes more than walk across border'

(Newser) - A California lawmaker wants US-born children of illegal immigrants deported, he told a Tea Party rally. "It takes more than walking across the border to become an American citizen. It's in our souls," Republican Duncan Hunter said in San Diego. Deporting American kids of illegal citizens is "...

Graham Bails on Climate Bill

Yanks support over Dems' plan to prioritize immigration

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham has taken his climate-change toys and gone home, reports Politico , withdrawing his support for a bipartisan bill he was to have announced tomorrow with co-sponsors John Kerry and Joe Lieberman. The moderate Republican was reportedly enraged by Harry Reid's plan to put the energy bill on the back...

Obama Targets 'Misguided' Arizona Immigration Law

President says measure flies in the face of 'basic notions of fairness'

(Newser) - President Obama ripped into Arizona's new illegal immigration law today, saying it threatens “to undermine basic notions of fairness we cherish as Americans.” Speaking at a naturalization ceremony for members of the military, he said he'd ordered his administration to “examine the civil rights and other implications...

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