immigration reform

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Obama: 'We Have to Remain a Nation of Immigrants'

President calls for immigration reform at citizenship ceremony

(Newser) - President Barack Obama marked the Fourth of July by welcoming two dozen US service members as newly-sworn American citizens, saying the contributions they have already made dramatize the need for Washington to achieve comprehensive immigration reform. "Just as we remain a nation of laws, we have to remain a...

Arizona Ruling a Quagmire for Romney, GOP

Hispanic vote needed for swing states, but GOP loves tough policies

(Newser) - With Republicans and Mitt Romney struggling to get Hispanic votes, yesterday's Supreme Court ruling mostly striking down Arizona's tough immigration law has just muddied an already difficult dilemma, reports the Washington Post . Getting tough on illegal immigration fires up the GOP base, but Romney needs upward of 40%...

Scalia: Arizona Ruling 'Boggles the Mind'

Justice unloads on Obama, even as both sides declare victory

(Newser) - Reactions are flying in to the Supreme Court's decision to strike down much of Arizona's immigration law, but one of the most extreme came from the court itself. Speaking in dissent of the ruling, Antonin Scalia questioned whether Arizona and other states would have even joined the union...

Hispanic Voters Focus on Economy, Not Immigration

Other issues ranked above immigration: Gallup poll

(Newser) - Mitt Romney recently rolled out a decidedly more relaxed attitude on immigration , likely in an attempt to appeal to Hispanic voters—but perhaps he needn't have bothered: A new Gallup poll finds that registered Hispanic voters in the US care more about a whole host of other issues than...

Immigration Reprieve 'Right Thing to Do, Period'

President Obama explains his decision to let young illegals stay

(Newser) - Allowing immigrants who were brought to the US as children to stay is the right thing to do for our economy, the right thing to do for national security, and "above all, it is the right thing to do, period," President Obama argues in an op-ed in Time...

To Kill Immigration, Just Keep Making America Suck

We're not exactly the 'land of opportunity' these days: Alex Pareene

(Newser) - President Obama's plan to offer immunity to many young illegal immigrants "presents a quandary for the conservative movement," writes Alex Pareene on Salon : While most conservatives are opposed to immigration (yes, some of them are even opposed to the legal kind), they also recognize that they need...

Bloomberg: Feds Should Make Cities Take Immigrants

He blasts Obama for failing to lead on immigration

(Newser) - America's immigration system is turning away the very workers it needs for economic growth, Michael Bloomberg warned at a panel discussion yesterday. The New York City mayor, pointing to a report showing that other countries are snapping up skilled migrants, argued that states should be allowed to set immigration...

For Illegals, No More Mr. Nice Border Patrol

'Consequence delivery system' won't just turn border crossers around

(Newser) - Up until recently, if you were caught crossing the border illegally into Douglas, Ariz., Border Patrol would give you a sandwich and some orange juice—and drive you right back to Mexico. Not anymore. The US Border Patrol is changing its policy, instituting a new "Consequence Delivery System" that...

California May Consider Amnesty Program

Democratic lawmaker hopes to get measure on the ballot

(Newser) - The debate over offering amnesty to illegal immigrants might soon be a ballot issue in California. Democratic lawmaker Felipe Fuentes formally introduced a measure yesterday that would allow about 1 million undocumented immigrants in California to live and work there without worrying about getting deported, reports McClatchy Newspapers . Fuentes filed...

Hire Local? Farmers Who Seek US Workers Hit Hard

Even with high unemployment, Americans walk off too-hard job

(Newser) - John Harold is trying to do the right thing when it comes to harvesting his 1,000-acre Colorado farm, by hiring only legal foreign workers and, this summer, offering more positions to unemployed locals. But “it didn’t take me six hours to realize I’d made a heck...

Hispanics Now the Majority Sent to Federal Prison

Big demographic shift attributable to immigration offenses

(Newser) - With immigration offenses on the rise, more than half of those sent to federal prison for felonies this year are Hispanic. Though Hispanics already outnumbered other ethnic groups in that category, this is the first year they have been the majority of such offenders, the AP reports. A new government...

Jan Brewer: White House 'Snubbed' Me

Arizona guv would have appreciated invite to immigration reform meeting

(Newser) - The White House must've, er, forgotten to invite Jan Brewer—champion of Arizona's controversial immigration law—to its roundtable on immigration reform yesterday, and she considers that "truly a snub." Said Brewer last night on Fox News: "You would have thought one of the governors...

US Court Upholds Block on Ariz. Immigration Law

Backs lower court that staved off key parts

(Newser) - A US appeals court today ruled that key parts of Arizona's controversial immigration law will remain blocked, reports the Washington Post, “Arizona has attempted to hijack a discretionary role that Congress delegated to the Executive,’’ read the majority opinion in the 2-1 decision, which ordered only that...

Colbert to Testify Before Congress
 Colbert to Testify 
 Before Congress 

Colbert to Testify Before Congress

But will he be in character at immigration hearing?

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert is getting serious tomorrow. Or not. The Comedy Central host will testify before Congress during a hearing on immigration , alongside United Farm Workers president Arturo Rodriguez, who appeared on his show in July. Rodriguez talked to Colbert about the UFW’s “Take Our Jobs” campaign, which...

Gay Marriage Meets Immigration Reform
Gay Marriage Meets Immigration Reform

Gay Marriage Meets Immigration Reform

A foreign same-sex spouse can't apply for citizenship

(Newser) - Gay couples can marry in five states and Washington DC, but if one spouse is a foreigner, he or she still still can't apply for US citizenship—at least not through his or her spouse. Because the federal government doesn't recognize gay marriage, only foreign-born spouses of heterosexual citizens need...

Illegal Population to Boom if We Kill 14th Amendment

5M US-born illegal residents by 2050

(Newser) - It's commonsense math, says the author of a new illegal immigration study: If the right to citizenship for US-born children of illegal immigrants is repealed, it's not going to deter all illegal immigrants from entering the country. But it will make the children born to those who do so illegals,...

Florida Tries to Outdo Arizona on Immigration

AG/gubernatorial candidate proposes even tougher law

(Newser) - Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has proposed a sweeping new immigration bill that makes Arizona’s look tame. The bill would require immigrants to carry documentation at all times, or risk 20 days in jail, and would allow judges to more harshly punish illegal immigrants accused of the same crimes...

Why Not Just Sell US Citizenship?

Professor argues that it's worth upwards of $100,000

(Newser) - If so many people want to be American citizens, Nobel laureate Gary Becker thinks we should just sell the privilege. He reckons you could price US citizenship at roughly $50,000 to $100,000, he explains, as part of Big Think's “Dangerous Ideas” series. Poor people could get a...

Virginia Joins Arizona on Immigration Checks
Virginia Joins Arizona on Immigration Checks
who needs a law?

Virginia Joins Arizona on Immigration Checks

AG: cops can check status during any stop

(Newser) - Virginia’s Republican attorney general, Ken Cuccinelli, has issued a legal opinion stating that police may check the immigration status of anyone they stop for any reason. “Virginia law enforcement officers have the authority to make the same inquiries as those contemplated by the new Arizona law,” Cuccinelli...

Mitch McConnell Wants to 'Review' 14th Amendment

That pesky part about birthright citizenship

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell thinks Congress “ought to take a look” at changing the 14th Amendment so that it does not grant citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. That puts McConnell right in line with a growing Republican push on the issue, alongside Jon Kyl and Lindsey Graham, the Hill...

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