immigration reform

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McCain Leans Right Ahead of Primary

Conservative foe expected to attack on spending, immigration

(Newser) - John McCain is shimmying to the right and focusing on local Arizona issues ahead of what could be a tough primary challenge from former congressman JD Hayworth. A recent poll has McCain’s favorable rating at just 40%, the lowest since 1994 when he was embroiled in the Keating Five...

After Haiti Quake, Immigration Debate Rumbles

Advocates want US to soften its stance

(Newser) - The disastrous situation in Haiti has sparked calls for the US to soften its stance on Haitian immigration, particularly in respect to severely injured children and those with family members here. Though the US will allow Haitians already in the country illegally to stay for 18 months and will fast-track...

Obama Targets Employers in Immigration Crackdown

Worker raids give way to audits of companies

(Newser) - The Obama administration is cracking down on illegal immigration using a new approach: pursuing employers rather than the immigrants themselves, the Wall Street Journal reports. Immigration officials announced yesterday they’d begun auditing 652 companies; hiring breaches could mean fines or civil and criminal charges. The new method runs counter...

On Immigration Reform, Obama Skips Specifics
On Immigration Reform, Obama Skips Specifics

On Immigration Reform, Obama Skips Specifics

(Newser) - Lackluster support for immigration reform has forced President Obama to be purposefully vague about a timeline for legislation, Michael Muskal writes in the Los Angeles Times. “I’m committed to passing comprehensive immigration reform,” Obama told Latino leaders today. But his “vague language on timing for immigration...

Lefties: Obama's Becoming Dubya
 Lefties: Obama's 
 Becoming Dubya 

Lefties: Obama's Becoming Dubya

Left feeling spurned by new president's policies

(Newser) - Sorry, ladies: Hell has no fury like a political base scorned, and tensions are simmering among liberals, who feel spurned by President Obama, Josh Gerstein writes for Politico. With his reversals on military tribunals and releasing photos of abused detainees, and reluctance to tackle gay rights and immigration reform, some...

US Immigration Slows, Delaying Minorities' Rise

Won't form majority until 2050s; security, economy take toll

(Newser) - Immigration laws and the recession have slowed the growth of America’s immigrant populations, delaying the date when minorities will become the majority by as much as 10 years, the AP reports. Estimates had pointed to 2042, but it now could be another decade as growth slowed from 4% in...

Obama Seeks $27B to Clamp Down on Border

Budget focuses on halting flow of guns, illegal immigrants

(Newser) - In the budget he’ll hand to Congress tomorrow, President Obama is seeking $27 billion for border and transportation security as he focuses on immigration enforcement and battling the flow of US arms to Mexico. The 8% increase over this year’s budget allows for an expansion of border teams,...

Illegal Immigrants Having More Kids in US

(Newser) - The number of children born to illegal immigrants is rising rapidly, a new study says, raising a host of economic and social concerns. The number of such children rose from 2.7 million in 2003 to 4 million last year, the Washington Post reports. More than a third of the...

Labor Rivals Unite to Push Immigration Reform

Yes on legalization, no on guest-workers, say AFL-CIO, Change to Win

(Newser) - America’s two labor umbrella groups may be archrivals, but on immigration reform, they’ve agreed to put up a common front, which could be a big boon to White House hopes, reports the New York Times. The AFL-CIO and Change to Win have agreed to push for the legalization...

In a Switch, Emanuel Now Backs Immigration Reform

Once worried about red-state candidates, chief of staff now pushes Obama's reforms

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel seems to have had a change of heart about immigration reform. In the past, he's been a lukewarm advocate at best for fear it would hurt Democrats at the polls. But in his new job as chief of staff, he’s pushing immigrant-friendly laws and predicting legislation on...

Immigration Dragnets Catch US Citizens, Too

Legal residents have been detained, deported

(Newser) - Workplace raids and jail sweeps have become popular ways to enforce US immigration law, but they often result in the detention of legal residents, the Los Angeles Times reports. It can take months, sometimes years, to clear up, because many citizens don’t have proof of their legal status, few...

Obama Eyes Perilous Terrain of Immigration Reform

President pushing ahead with plans to legalize millions despite economic crisis

(Newser) - With an economic crisis, two wars, and major battles on health care and energy looming, the Obama White House will also enter the politically treacherous terrain of immigration reform, the New York Times reports. White House officials said the president "plans to start the debate this year," aiming...

Obama Brings Ethnic Media Into Loop
Obama Brings Ethnic Media
Into Loop

Obama Brings Ethnic Media Into Loop

Latino, black outlets see better access to White House

(Newser) - From phoning Hispanic radio hosts to appearing on Telemundo, President Obama has shown a willingness to connect with the Latino community many feel his predecessor lacked. And while Obama’s first print interview as president was with Black Enterprise magazine, the White House and ethnic media outlets are approaching this...

Gillibrand Mired in Ruckus Over Immigration

Caught in Upstate-NYC crossfire, senator may revisit hardline

(Newser) - Name a policy that rural Upstate New York and New York City agree on, and you've got, well, try finding one first. For everything else, there's a rock and a hard place for newly appointed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. First it was gun control, which the former upstate representative opposes. Now,...

Rivals' Meeting Today Could Benefit Both Men

Obama and McCain to get together in Chicago to talk cooperation

(Newser) - Meeting today in Chicago to bury the hatchet, Barack Obama and John McCain could each be of considerable use to the other, the Wall Street Journal notes. Working together, McCain could get his maverick groove back, and Obama could get help on these key areas:
  • Auto efficiency: McCain has worked

Hispanic Voters Turn Against McCain
Hispanic Voters Turn Against McCain

Hispanic Voters Turn Against McCain

Obama appears likely to capture important bloc in a landslide

(Newser) - With a record of immigration reform, John McCain once appeared a near-lock for the Hispanic vote—but the bloc is instead turning to Barack Obama, Politico reports. McCain is hovering around 26%, nowhere near Bush's historic 40% in the last election. Not only is McCain not getting credit for his...

McCain Accuses Obama of Killing Immigration Bill

Dems, advocates call ad misleading, say Mac opposed it himself

(Newser) - John McCain is accusing Barack Obama of trying to kill an immigration overhaul that both candidates supported, reports the Los Angeles Times. McCain is running a Spanish-language ad attacking Obama for undermining the immigration bill. He has also criticized the Democrat for supporting amendments “that would have killed the...

Lefty Kinda Still Likes This Guy
 Lefty Kinda Still Likes This Guy 

Lefty Kinda Still Likes This Guy

Bush has 'lowered my standards'

(Newser) - “What can I say?” writes left-leaning Jonathan Chait in revealing his continued affection for John McCain. “Bush has lowered my standards.” Remember, McCain was once “the country’s foremost progressive champion”—battling the religious right and tax cuts while pushing immigration and anti-global warming advances....

UK Immigration Rules Would Exclude This Man

Without college degree, Gates wouldn't qualify for visa aimed to bring skilled labor

(Newser) - Strict new immigration rules aimed at attracting highly skilled workers to Britain would keep tech icons Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Michael Dell from getting top-tier visas, Bloomberg notes, because they don't have college degrees. "It's a dumbing-down,'' one opponent says. "If you're a 20-something American with...

More Mexican Immigrants Becoming US Citizens

Number naturalized soared 50% in 2007

(Newser) - In 2007, while the US hotly debated immigration reform, the number of Mexican-born immigrants who became American citizens skyrocketed, the LA Times reports. Experts attribute the jump—122,000 people took the oath, 84,000 more than in 2006—largely to an aggressive pro-citizenship campaign and a desire to beat...

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