immigration reform

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Zuckerberg: Why Our Immigration System Is a Mess
Zuckerberg: Why Our Immigration System Is a Mess

Zuckerberg: Why Our Immigration System Is a Mess

It keeps smart people out who hold the key to a 'knowledge economy'

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg's political advocacy group for immigration reform launches today, reports Politico , and Zuckerberg himself takes to the Washington Post to explain the rationale behind You'll get the gist from a string of questions he poses in the op-ed piece:
  • "Why do we kick out

Immigration Bill Will Ramp Up Border Security

Senate preps legislation as marchers gather in DC

(Newser) - Today, thousands are gathering in Washington to demand immigration reform—and with a Senate bill set for release as soon as tomorrow, "we are optimistic," an activist tells WCSH . Possible details of the legislation are emerging, and it may set some tough standards in terms of security, notes...

Graham: Immigration Deal Is at Hand

After Rubio says reports of deal are 'premature'

(Newser) - Despite Marco Rubio's statement this morning that reports of an immigration deal are "premature," Lindsey Graham says it's all over but the shouting. "I think we've got a deal," he told CNN this morning, according to Politico . "We've got to write...

Obama to Congress: 'Finish Job' on Immigration

Calls for April debate

(Newser) - At a White House ceremony honoring 28 new American citizens today, President Obama called for Congress to "finish the job" on immigration reform. He said the system is "broken" and now is the time "to fix it once and for all," his most substantive remarks on...

Immigration Deal in Limbo Over Business-Labor Snag

Reform stalls over how much to pay low-skilled immigrants

(Newser) - The broad strokes of a bipartisan immigration deal are finished, but a fight between business and labor over how much to pay low-skilled immigrants is holding up the final package, reports AP . A bipartisan group of eight senators missed a self-imposed deadline to wrap things up yesterday before the Senate'...

Rand Paul Backs Citizenship for Illegals

Move could be latest groundwork for potential 2016 run

(Newser) - Rand Paul is endorsing a pathway to citizenship for the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants, a significant move for a favorite of tea party Republicans who are sometimes hostile to such an approach. "If you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place...

US Should Sell Citizenship for $50K
US Should Sell
Citizenship for $50K

US Should Sell Citizenship for $50K

Writers at think tank lay out case of 'market-based' immigration plan

(Newser) - Hey buddy, wanna be a US citizen? How much is it worth to ya? Because if it's enough, you can stay, as far as two writers at Stanford's Hoover Institution are concerned. "We propose that, instead of the current maze of rules and formulas, the US should...

Jeb Bush Pens Book, Disagrees With It

Now he backs a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants

(Newser) - Jeb Bush's new book is out today, but it seems his opinions have already changed. In the book—which, to be fair, he says was written last year—he says illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay but be unable to "obtain the fruits of citizenship." "...

Arizona Heckler to McCain: 'Where's the Dang Fence?'

Town hall gets testy over immigration

(Newser) - John McCain took a lot of heat at a pair of town hall meetings yesterday over his new push for immigration reform, with many angry Arizona residents telling him in turn that illegal immigrants should never become citizens, the AP reports. "Cut off their welfare and their stuff and...

SOTU Guests: Ted Nugent, Mohawk Guy

A look at who will be attending tonight's State of the Union address

(Newser) - Who will be sitting in the audience when President Obama gives his State of the Union address tonight? Well, not everyone will be a fan:
  • Ted Nugent will be there as a guest of Rep. Steve Stockman, Talking Points Memo reports. Nugent wants to "counter the scams and lies

House '90%' Done on Own Immigration Reform Bill

Secret 8-member team hopes to have own proposal in February

(Newser) - Not to be outdone by the Senate , a secret, eight-person team—four Democrats and four Republicans—in the House of Representatives is putting together its own immigration bill, reports Politico . Although the group won't make its initial deadline of tomorrow, sources say the House team is making good progress...

Big Difference in Immigration Plans: Gay Couples

Obama to reveal his proposal today, and same-sex couples will be mentioned

(Newser) - Today's big immigration news will come straight from the president's mouth. Barack Obama will set out his own immigration reform plan in Las Vegas today, and it will offer more specifics than his 2011 immigration " blueprint " did. But his intention is not to put forth an...

White House: Immigration Deal Sounds Good

But Obama's wary of border security provisions

(Newser) - The White House offered a tentative endorsement of the bipartisan immigration deal that a group of senators offered today. "We are seeing a consensus building here," spokesman Jay Carney said, adding that the deal appears to "mirror" President Obama's principles. But Roll Call reports that Carney...

8 Senators Push Deal to Give 11M Path to Citizenship

Bipartisan offering would enact sweeping immigration overhaul

(Newser) - A group of eight key senators has crafted a sweeping immigration overhaul deal that offers a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. Under an outline of the bipartisan plan seen by Politico , the deal tackles immigration reform in a comprehensive measure that...

Paul Ryan: GOP Has Got to Expand Appeal
 Paul Ryan: 
 GOP Has Got 
 to Expand Appeal 


Paul Ryan: GOP Has Got to Expand Appeal

Also, he's not going to talk about a 2016 run in 2013

(Newser) - Paul Ryan made his first talk-show appearance since the 2012 election, so obviously it's time to ask him about his ambitions for the 2016 election and watch him dodge the question: Calling such talk "premature," Ryan added , “I’ve got an important job to do. I...

Senators Near Deal on Immigration Reform

Bipartisan group includes Rubio, Schumer: Washington Post

(Newser) - Comprehensive immigration reform has been stuck in limbo for years, but President Obama's domination of the ever-growing Latino vote last fall seems to have changed that, reports the Washington Post . It says a group of six senators from both parties—including Florida's Marco Rubio—is close to the...

Napolitano Will Stay On
 Napolitano Will Stay On 

Napolitano Will Stay On

She'll remain Homeland Security secretary, official says

(Newser) - It may not be a "binder full," but President Obama's second-term Cabinet will include at least one woman: Janet Napolitano will remain Secretary of Homeland Security, a White House official confirms to the Washington Post . She had been widely expected to stay in her post. The Post...

Next for Obama: Immigration Reform

Plus: Executive order aims to limit family separations

(Newser) - Despite continued hand-wringing over fiscal policy, President Obama remains on schedule to push for immigration reform this month, an insider tells the Huffington Post . The effort will likely be led by Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who warns that "in the end, immigration reform is going to depend very much...

We Need Lots More Immigrants
 We Need Lots More Immigrants 

We Need Lots More Immigrants

A. Barton Hinkle thinks hardworking newcomers are good for America

(Newser) - Faced with demographic challenges, the GOP is clearly hoping that lightening up on immigration policy can save its neck. "Maybe it will, and maybe not. But it could save everyone else's," writes A. Barton Hinkle at Reason . Hinkle thinks we need to focus on bringing more people...

Young Immigrants Can Seek Legal Status This Month

Details of Obama plan released

(Newser) - Illegal immigrants who came to America as children can start applying for legal status this month, and the first two-year work permits will be granted this fall, reports the Los Angeles Times . Federal officials, announcing details of President Obama's controversial policy shift , say forms will be available online by...

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