Maureen Dowd

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Blame Hendricks for Rise in Retro-Sexy TV

Fall will see flurry of sex-filled programs set in the '60s, '70s: Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - Naked Playboy bunnies, sexy '60s stewardesses, redos of titillating '70s camp like Charlie's Angels—the coming fall TV season promises heaping servings of sex-filled nostalgia. "Hollywood is a world ruled by men, and this season, amid economic anxieties, those men want to indulge in some retro...

Pope John Paul II Beatification: He's No Saint, Says Maureen Dowd
 John Paul 
 Is No Saint 

Maureen Dowd

John Paul Is No Saint

Remember that whole pedophilia scandal he ignored?

(Newser) - On this Easter, Maureen Dowd turns to another resurrection of sorts next Sunday: The beatification of Pope John Paul II, or "PR boost" that Pope Benedict hopes to get from the "swiftest ascension toward sainthood on record." And while there was much to love about the "...

Moammar Gadhafi: US Dares Not Go 'in Search of Monsters,'
 We Dare 
 Not Go After 
 This Monster 

We Dare Not Go After This Monster

Ousting Gadhafi would not be the 'cakewalk' hawks make it out to be

(Newser) - The same hawks who drummed America into a "cakewalk" war in Iraq now want to march right in and liberate Libya, even though, in the case of Paul Wolfowitz, one "would think" he'd "have the good manners to shut up and take up horticulture," writes Maureen...

Maureen Dowd: Ford's Now Building Smartphones on Wheels
 Ford's Now Building 
 Smartphones on Wheels 

Ford's Now Building Smartphones on Wheels

'In-car connectivity' is a plethora of distractions

(Newser) - Ford's got a slick new whiz-bang simulator, and Maureen Dowd kicked the tires—and almost ran smack "into a huge green truck," she writes for the New York Times. The problem is Ford's new "in-car connectivity"—a "cornucopia of diversions on your dashboard," Dowd...

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT
 McCain, Your 
 Family's Right: 
 Dump DADT 
maureen dowd

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT

Looks like Dems have missed their chance again

(Newser) - This week’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell hearings were typical of Washington lately: “The Democrats waited too long to close the deal, the president showed no leadership, and a campaign promise that was seen as a fait accompli now seems a casualty,” writes Maureen Dowd in...

Afghanistan Is 'Faking Us Out'
 Afghanistan Is 'Faking Us Out' 
maureen dowd

Afghanistan Is 'Faking Us Out'

We're stuck in a region that's taking us for a ride, writes Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - Considering the fact that the billions we've spent on intelligence hasn't enabled us to distinguish between an impostor and an actual Taliban leader, it’s no wonder the war in Afghanistan is a mess. “The tragedy has descended into farce,” writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times...

Thomases Are Epic in Their Bad Judgment
 Thomases Are Epic 
 in Their Bad Judgment 

Thomases Are Epic in Their Bad Judgment

Ginni's wacky phone call nothing next to political endeavors

(Newser) - Ginni Thomas, intending to very belatedly salvage her man's reputation, instead made a mockery of it, opines Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. And while "it's too late to relitigate the shameful Thomas-Hill hearings," Ginni Thomas' errant phone call is just the latest instance of "supremely...

Sarah Palin Could Learn Something From Marilyn

Maureen Dowd: We shouldn't aspire to be ignorant

(Newser) - One of Sarah Palin's greatest sins is that she's "made ignorance fashionable," writes Maureen Dowd. Palin, in fact, revels in it. "You struggle to name Supreme Court cases, newspapers you read and even founding fathers you admire? No problem." It just proves you're not some Ivy...

'Mean Girls' Run the GOP
 'Mean Girls' 
 Run the GOP 


'Mean Girls' Run the GOP

Dowd's sort of afraid of Brewer, Angle, et al

(Newser) - It's a new breed of GOP woman: Whether they're telling Harry to "man up," knocking the president's cojones, carting around a gun, or getting catty with a rival's hairdo, "We are in the era of Republican Mean Girls," writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times....

Blame Obama for Nutty Candidates
Blame Obama for Nutty Candidates 
Maureen Dowd

Blame Obama for Nutty Candidates

Maybe he needs to visit Christine O'Donnell's fantasy land

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell—the “Palin Mini-Me” running for Senate in Delaware—is off in her own fantasy world, writes Maureen Dowd of the New York Times : Middle Earth, to be precise. “I aspire to be soft and gentle like Arwen, but realistically, I’m a fighter, like Eowyn,...

Barry Needs a Backbone

 Barry Needs 
 a Backbone 
Maureen Dowd

Barry Needs a Backbone

Dowd's Republican sister, like many, is deserting her inept hero

(Newser) - The would-be savior of Washington, Barack Obama, is losing fans fast, writes Maureen Dowd for the New York Times, including Dowd's sister, Peggy, a Republican who changed sides to vote for Obama. She, like many, believed Obama would change Washington. He hasn't. And, with the country more divided than ever...

What Obama's Remodel Really Needed
 What Obama's 
 Remodel Really 


What Obama's Remodel Really Needed

NYT scribe isn't so hot on the president's office makeover

(Newser) - Well, Obama's got himself a fancy new "redecorated man cave" (aka Oval Office) in the middle of the recession, gripes Maureen Dowd, in the latest "tone-deaf" move out of the communication-handicapped White House. "It might have been wise, given America’s slough of despond, to hark back...

Let Fate Pick Your College Roomie
 Let Fate Pick 
 Your College Roomie 
maureen dowd

Let Fate Pick Your College Roomie

Matching services ruin a good life lesson

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd is saddened by this new trend of college students using matching services to pick their roommates. If college is supposed to broaden your horizons, what's the point in finding someone exactly like you to live with? As a primer for the real world, letting fate determine your dormmate...

Leaks Make It Clear: We Still Don't Have a Clue
Leaks Make It Clear:
We Still Don't Have a Clue
maureen dowd

Leaks Make It Clear: We Still Don't Have a Clue

We can create insurgencies, just not armies

(Newser) - Robert Gibbs may be correct in asserting that the WikiLeaks trove unearthed nothing fundamentally new, writes Maureen Dowd, but "it reflected one chilling fact: the Taliban has been getting better and better every year of the insurgency. So why will 30,000 more troops help?" We seem to be...

'Misogynistic' Church Would Let Polanski Stay a Priest

Maureen Dowd unimpressed by new edict on sexual abuse

(Newser) - If Pope Benedict was trying to do penance for the sex abuse scandal this week, he'd better say a few billion more Hail Marys, because equating the ordination of women as priests with the rape of young children wasn't quite the way to do it, writes Maureen Dowd in the...

It's Time to Get Dirty, President Spock
 It's Time 
 to Get Dirty, 
 President Spock 

It's Time to Get Dirty, President Spock

Obama's aloofness doesn't belong anywhere near Gulf

(Newser) - Just about everyone has a critique of President Obama's oil spill response—and never one to sit on the sidelines, Maureen Dowd lets "President Spock" have it over his aloof attitude. Writing in the New York Times, she assails "the man whose presidency is rooted in his ability...

Obama &amp; Co. Romance Hated Karzai With Lies
Obama & Co. Romance
Hated Karzai With Lies
Maureen Dowd

Obama & Co. Romance Hated Karzai With Lies

Time to snuggle up to the lesser of two evils

(Newser) - Washingtonians lie all the time, but “with the arrival of Hamid Karzai, the mendacity blossomed into absurdity,” writes Maureen Dowd of the New York Times . Obama can't stand Karzai—and really, neither can anyone else. But Dowd says they'll pretend to like him, because “like a lover...

It's Time to Man Up, Benedict
 It's Time to Man Up, Benedict 

It's Time to Man Up, Benedict

Vatican needs to stop covering up and admit its role

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd's column never rests on Sundays, and she takes this Easter to continue her full-on assault of Pope Benedict, this time eviscerating the Vatican's chief exorcist's assertion that the New York Times' unfavorable coverage of the sex abuse scandal has been "prompted by the Devil." "The...

Get Lost, Benedict, We Need a Woman for the Job

Pope is hopelessly tainted, and it's time for a nun to right the church

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd continues her rant on the scandal-ridden Catholic patriarchy for a second Sunday, calling for Pope Benedict to "go home to Bavaria," while the church gets itself a "nope"—"a nun who is pope." Dowd isn't buying claims that the "sin-crazed 'Rottweiler'...

Screw Bart and Benedict, Time for Nun-Sense
Screw Bart and Benedict, Time for Nun-Sense
Maureen Dowd

Screw Bart and Benedict, Time for Nun-Sense

Sisters want health reform, get only grief from good old boys

(Newser) - When he's penning his latest right-to-life language, Bart Stupak certainly doesn't "call up nuns" for advice—rather, he looks to bishops and anti-abortion groups. But the nuns have broken with the bishops to endorse health reform, and Maureen Dowd thinks she might have "to bang Bart’s head...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>