Maureen Dowd

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

'Captain Obvious' Deduces Terror's Alive, Well

National security crises are not the time to play it cool, Obama

(Newser) - "No Drama Obama" reacted to the attempted Christmas bombing with characteristic cool—he "reviewed the reviews, analyzed the intelligence every which way," then he "came down from the mountaintop" to declare what we already know, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "We are...

Obama Loves Brainy Women
 Obama Loves Brainy Women 
Maureen Dowd

Obama Loves Brainy Women

And unlike Bill, he's not looking over their shoulders for bimbos

(Newser) - Unlike the Clinton White House, which courted Hollywood, Obama hasn't had movie stars in the Lincoln bedroom—he's the star, Maureen Dowd says in a chat with movie columnist Patrick Goldstein. Dowd says Obama reminds her of a gorgeous actress who insists on being taken seriously for her brains, not...

Where's Our Brave New Technology, Brave New President?

Obama's response to Flight 253 smacks of Spock

(Newser) - The attempted Christmas terror attack leaves Maureen Dowd feeling that we're pathetically behind the curve on security—"patting down grannies and 5-year-olds, confiscating snow globes and lip glosses"—and the president's "listless" response didn't make her feel any safer. Obama once seemed like a leap into the...

Cocky Karzai Calls Gates' Bluff
 Cocky Karzai Calls Gates' Bluff 

Cocky Karzai Calls Gates' Bluff

Defense sec gets dissed by Afghanistan, Iraq 'puppets': Dowd

(Newser) - Robert Gates may be the man "running the world's best military," a force not inconsequential to stability in Afghanistan these days, but Hamid Karzai thumbed his nose at the defense secretary on his recent visit. "Puppets just aren’t what they used to be," notes Maureen...

Salahis Fit In With DC Poseurs
 Salahis Fit In With DC Poseurs 
Maureen Dowd

Salahis Fit In With DC Poseurs

Washington's full of preeners, fakers, and wannabes

(Newser) - The Salahis have finally gotten a real invite to a high-brow Washington event—a Congressional hearing into their infamous party crashing. Surely, the Salahis shouldn’t have been allowed to slip in—it shows a Secret Service “with glaring—and chilling—vulnerabilities and liabilities,” writes Maureen Dowd in...

Obama Emerges From White (Frat) House
 Obama Emerges 
 From White (Frat) House 

Obama Emerges From White (Frat) House

Now Dowd wants to play him at Scrabble

(Newser) - Turns out Tom Friedman played golf with President Obama last month—and fellow New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd isn't ashamed to admit she felt "a twinge of envy." Dowd's happy that Obama finally invited a woman to join him on the links this weekend, after catching heat...

Maybe Sports Betting Can Save Newspapers
Maybe Sports Betting
Can Save Newspapers
maureen dowd

Maybe Sports Betting Can Save Newspapers

Desperate times require desperate solutions, some say

(Newser) - With newspapers sinking deeper into trouble by the day, Maureen Dowd explores the idea of saving the day with a little vice. Specifically, allowing papers to rake in money by setting up online sports betting on their websites. Dowd herself isn't pushing it, but she has fun kicking it around...

C'mon, Dave Letterman Is No Bill Clinton

 C'mon, Dave 
 Letterman Is 
 No Bill Clinton 

Maureen Dowd

C'mon, Dave Letterman Is No Bill Clinton

And he's no Clarence Thomas, either. He didn't harass—or lie.

(Newser) - These days you can't drink and smoke in the office like the ad execs on Mad Men, but when it comes to affairs with young women, working men are still living in the 1960s, writes Maureen Dowd. David Letterman is only the latest boss to fall for the interns and...

Dancin' DeLay: This Is the 'Real Tom'

(Newser) - America is getting to see a whole different side of Tom DeLay on Dancing with the Stars, and he wants you to know it's the real Tom DeLay. Maureen Dowd chats up the man once dubbed the “meanest man in Congress” and ponders the meaning of his transformation. “...

Wilson: 'I Am Not Going to Apologize Again'

 Wilson: 'I Am 
 Not Going to 

Wilson: 'I Am Not Going to Apologize Again'

Gibbs denies Obama opposition motivated by race

(Newser) - Responding to threats by Democrats demanding he apologize to President Obama on the House floor, Rep. Joe Wilson was adamant today: “I am not going to apologize again.” The South Carolina Republican told Fox News Sunday, “I apologized to the president on Wednesday night. I believe that...

In Affair, Mark Became Marco, 'Canoodling Lothario'

(Newser) - Mark Sanford’s affair stemmed from his love of a woman—and his love of the “dashing new version of himself he saw in her molten eyes,” writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. Mark, the Sanford we knew, “was the self-righteous, Bible-thumping prig who pressed...

Fly Strike Shows Another Side to Prez

No 'negotiation' in direct smack

(Newser) - President Obama’s precision fly-swatting has caught the nation’s attention—perhaps because it showed a surprisingly forceful approach, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. “Some Americans fear that President Obama is too prone to negotiation, comity and splitting the difference,” Dowd notes. “This moment...

Rove: Maureen Dowd Has 'Bitter Little Heart'

(Newser) - Karl Rove fired back today at Maureen Dowd for criticizing former President Bush’s frequent vacation time in Texas, Politico reports. “I think Maureen Dowd is a bitter, twisted, deranged columnist for the New York Times,” Rove told Fox News, “who misses no opportunity to show her...

Marshall: Back Off Plagiarism Charges
Marshall: Back Off Plagiarism Charges

Marshall: Back Off Plagiarism Charges

Dowd's mistake unintentional, says author of original line

(Newser) - Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo isn't joining the chorus of critics against Maureen Dowd, who admitted she inadvertently lifted one of Marshall's lines in her weekend column. "I generally think we're too quick to pull the trigger with charges of plagiarism," writes Marshall. "Whatever the mechanics...

Dowd Sorry for 'Plagiarizing' Liberal Blog

Says Josh Marshall passage came unattributed from a pal

(Newser) - Fans of Talking Points Memo did a doubletake when they got to a passage in Maureen Dowd's column yesterday on the timing of Bush use of torture; Josh Marshall had written the same thing—short of three words—three days back. Dowd has corrected her column online, and the New ...

Key Twitter Myths Debunked
 Key Twitter Myths Debunked 

Key Twitter Myths Debunked

A guide to what Twitter isn't

(Newser) - The whole country may be having a love affair with Twitter, but a great many people are missing the point, argues blog Among the things Twitter isn't:
  1. A replacement for email. "Idiot" Maureen Dowd's New York Times column was "entirely missing the point."
  2. A forum

Edwardses Can't Get Out of Their Own Way
Can't Get Out of Their Own Way

Edwardses Can't Get Out of Their Own Way

With book, betrayed Elizabeth trades privacy for payback

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards knew her husband’s run for president could implode the moment his affair with Rielle Hunter came out, but she played the loving wife role anyway. “It was hard to walk away,” writes Maureen Dowd of the New York Times. “Just as it’s hard...

Dowd: GOP Has Short Memory
 Dowd: GOP 
 Has Short 

Dowd: GOP Has Short Memory

'Quaint' calls for balance follow reign of 'Boy Emperor'

(Newser) - As their party contracts with the defection of Arlen Specter, the GOP is complaining about a disappearing balance of power: “How quaint,” writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times—this from the party whose “arrogant” previous administration “did its best to undermine checks and balances....

Obama Plays Shrink to Europe: Dowd
 Obama Plays Shrink 
 to Europe: Dowd 

Obama Plays Shrink to Europe: Dowd

President brings "psychological finesse" to the G20

(Newser) - Therapists could learn a thing or two from the "psychological finesse" Barack Obama showed in Europe this week, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times. Obama's upbringing taught him how to "slip in and out of different worlds," and that legacy was on display at...

Old Gray Lady Grabs Obama by the Ear

Krugman, Friedman, Dowd, Rich, editorial board all pile on prez

(Newser) - The Obama administration bore an avalanche of criticism this weekend from the usually friendly New York Times. Influential columnists Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, Thomas Friedman, and Maureen Dowd—plus the paper’s editorial board—all piled on a president who “is increasingly overwhelmed, and not fully appreciative of the...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>