Maureen Dowd

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Only Hillary Can Ruin Her Run for President

Maureen Dowd: She must leave Clinton 'cheesiness' behind

(Newser) - The question is not whether Hillary Clinton is running for president in 2016—it's whether she can learn enough from past mistakes to convince voters she's the right woman for the job, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . The Democrats want to see her in the...

Film Makes Clear: Cheney Pulled the Strings All Along

Dowd sees evidence of the VP's manipulation in new documentary

(Newser) - Maureen Dowd noticed something interesting while watching the new documentary The World According to Dick Cheney. In his interviews "Cheney dispenses with the fig leaf of 'we,'" Dowd observes in the New York Times . He says things like "I had a job to do,"...

Romney Adviser &#39;Treats Mitt Like a Cardboard Cutout&#39;
Romney Adviser 'Treats Mitt Like a Cardboard Cutout'
Maureen Dowd

Romney Adviser 'Treats Mitt Like a Cardboard Cutout'

Stuart Stevens 'too hip to walk through fire': Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - Poor Stuart Stevens: Already derided by political insiders and slammed by conservatives , Mitt Romney's artsy, unpredictable top strategy guy today gets a grilling from Maureen Dowd. "You get the sense that the strategist considers himself cooler than the candidate, that he’s too hip to walk through fire...

Times Reporter Leaked Dowd Column to CIA

Mark Mazzetti did so without her knowledge, paper says

(Newser) - The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has brought to light a media flap that could prove embarrassing to the New York Times. National security reporter Mark Mazzettii of the Times emailed an advance copy of a Maureen Dowd column to the CIA last year, complete with the plea, “this...

Why Romney Made That 'Horrible' Gaffe

Maureen Dowd: He's just too proud of himself

(Newser) - Turns out Mitt wasn't the first Romney to show off his foot-in-mouth skills. His father George, running for president in 1967, said officials had put him through “the greatest brainwashing that anybody can get” when he toured Vietnam. "And it was painful for Mitt" to see dad...

Out of Dubya&#39;s Ashes, Bush 41&#39;s Star Rises
 Out of Dubya's Ashes, 
 Bush 41's Star Rises 

Out of Dubya's Ashes, Bush 41's Star Rises

It's 'Poppy chic' for Poppy Bush, writes Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - George HW Bush hasn't gotten a lot of love since getting unceremoniously booted from office by an Arkansas upstart named Bill Clinton, but a funny thing has happened over the years,writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . Because George W Bush tried to be his father's...

GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary
 GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary 
Maureen Dowd

GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary

Maureen Dowd thinks Republicans have a bout of 'mass misogyny'

(Newser) - On Saturday, Hillary Clinton took a resounding shot at Republicans. "Why extremists always focus on women remains a mystery to me," she said. "It doesn't matter what country they're in or what religion they claim. They want to control women." Clinton isn't supposed...

Radicals Creating &#39;Ghastly Outdated Party&#39;
 Radicals Creating 
 'Ghastly Outdated Party' 
Maureen Dowd

Radicals Creating 'Ghastly Outdated Party'

Even Republican leaders turning against current 'losers'

(Newser) - With even top Republicans such as Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani, and Alan Simpson turning on the current crop of GOP candidates, "their crazed Reagan fixation," and their antiquated views on sex, gays, and more, it's becoming clear the GOP has become the "Ghastly Outdated Party,"...

Newt and Callista: A 'Narcissistic Blastoff'

But Callista's surrogate ambition a double-edged sword: Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - Blame Newt Gingrich's third wife Callista for his relentless, Quixotic quest for the presidency, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . Where other politicians' spouses often appear beside them, looking on dutifully and quietly, Callista's "frozen attentiveness" is something entirely new, perfectly reinforcing her husband's...

Newt and Barack: Two Introverted &#39;Victims&#39;
Newt and Barack: Two Introverted 'Victims'
maureen dowd

Newt and Barack: Two Introverted 'Victims'

Both politicians deflect blame in their ivory towers: Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - “I, I’m so in love with you,” President Obama sang at the Apollo this week. But Maureen Dowd heard only a rare expressive moment from a man "who came to Washington on a wave of euphoria" and "has had a presidency with all the joy...

Santorum an 'Uncompassionate Conservative'

Santorum's 'uber-Catholicism' lacks humanity, says Dowd

(Newser) - With his repeated attacks on gay marriage and gay rights in general, Rick Santorum is "an unexpected revival of ... uncompassionate conservatism," writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "Rick Perry baits gays because it’s good politics; Santorum sincerely means it," Dowd writes. "His...

'Hot' Newt Gingrich Vs. 'Cold' President Obama? Maureen Dowd Loves It
 'Nutty Newt' vs. 'No Drama 
 Obama?' Yesssss! 
Maureen Dowd

'Nutty Newt' vs. 'No Drama Obama?' Yesssss!

Maureen Dowd loves the election-year match-up

(Newser) - With Newt Gingrich surging in the polls and kicking butt in debates , Maureen Dowd is dreaming of a Gingrich/Obama match-up: "The Drama Queen versus No Drama Obama," she writes in the New York Times . "The apocalyptic prophet versus the ambiguous president." The conflict would be "...

Steve Jobs: So Great With Tech, So Awful With People

Biography zeroes in on contradiction

(Newser) - One thing the new Steve Jobs biography has done has tempered the saint-like portrait of him that emerged in the days after his death. Maureen Dowd in the New York Times and Farhad Manjoo in Slate focus on this part of Jobs' personality, the one through which he could be...

Perry Leads 'How Great Is It To Be Stupid?' Party

He's 'a pistol-totin’, lethal-injectin’, square-shouldered cowboy': Dowd

(Newser) - There's a brand new sheriff in town, folks. Only problem is, he's a moron, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times . Sizing up a Rick Perry–President Obama race for 2012, Dowd sees "a classic cultural collision between a skinny Eastern egghead lawyer who’s inept...

Maureen Dowd: Obama Fights Back With Jobs Speech, But Reveals Lazy Side
 Barry's Baaaaaack, 
 But Are We Satisfied? 
Maureen Dowd

Barry's Baaaaaack, But Are We Satisfied?

Obama gets feisty again, but he had to be 'cajoled': Dowd

(Newser) - Fiiiiinally... the fiery President Obama of old came roaring back with a killer jobs speech this week. "What a relief," sighs Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "The president was strong and House Republicans were conciliatory." But it's not that simple, she says, because...

'Repugnant' White House Headed for One Term

Obama can't fight the class he wants to join, says Dowd

(Newser) - President Obama is turning into such a passive, spineless self-parody that he risks getting the boot in 2012, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "It's repugnant," she condemns. Blocked by Republicans at every turn and facing a terrible economy, Obama is turning once again to...

Maureen Dowd: Barack Obama, Come Out of the Closet
 Come Out 
 of the Closet 


Barry, Come Out of the Closet

It's time to stop playing both sides on every issue

(Newser) - While Andrew Cuomo was leading the charge on gay marriage, Barack Obama was sitting on his hands and "evolving," complains Maureen Dowd in the New York Times, which, "as any girl will tell you, is the first sign of a commitment-phobe." He trumpeted gay rights at...

Newt Gingrich's Presidential Aspirations Sunk By Devotion to Wife Callista
 Newt's Devotion 
 to Callista Sunk 

Newt's Devotion to Callista Sunk Campaign

Gingrich paid steeper price for fidelity than he ever did for cheating

(Newser) - At a moment when Anthony Weiner's career is imploding because he's a dog, Newt Gingrich's presidential aspirations are dissipating "because he loved not wisely, but too well," opines Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. Indulging Callista Gingrich's desire for a two-week Greek vacation...

Feminist Outrage? Try a Shrug of Resignation
Feminist Outrage?
Try a Shrug of Resignation
maureen dowd

Feminist Outrage? Try a Shrug of Resignation

Maureen Dowd: American women conditioned to 'assume the worst'

(Newser) - Bonjour, American women. You have "traded places with France" when it comes to attitudes about the not-so-noble pursuits of men, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . Consider that after the DSK scandal broke , "a spirited feminism" emerged in France, with women angrily demanding that the sexism...

Christine Lagarde, Dominique Strauss-Kahn's Likely Successor, Is Also His Antithesis: Maureen Dowd
 DSK's Likely 
 Successor Is 
 His Antithesis 

DSK's Likely Successor Is His Antithesis

Christine Lagarde would signal a new era at the IMF

(Newser) - If Dominique Strauss-Kahn presided over a testosterone-fueled, gray-suit clad world of international finance, then it is perhaps no small irony that it's poised to get a zebra-print breath of fresh air in the form of his likely successor. New York Times scribe Maureen Dowd writes a glowing profile of...

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