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Michelle Obama: Best Place to Talk Politics? Church

First lady raises eyebrows with speech promoting political engagement

(Newser) - The Obamas might have a checkered history with religion and politics, what with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the president's "clinging" gaffe. But in a speech last week spotted by CNS News , Michelle Obama told the crowd that there was "no place better" than church to discuss...

Pranksters Hijack GOP Web Petition Against ObamaCare

'Barf vomit' not a good look

(Newser) - A kind-of clever live Internet petition launched by the Republican National Congressional Committee to attack ObamaCare went embarrassingly awry when it was hijacked by pranksters, reports Wired . The "I want repeal" petition on Tumblr allowed users to "sign" the petition and watch their name "print out" on...

Walker Victory a Major Blow to Labor

 Walker's Victory 
 Bad News for Labor 

Walker's Victory Bad News for Labor

But will that mean it's bad for Democrats, too?

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's victory in a fierce recall battle is a costly blow to labor that will likely have major repercussions across the nation, notes the Wall Street Journal. Inspired by Walker's ability to withstand a challenge to his labor changes cutting collective bargaining rights for most...

17 Hilarious Super PAC Names

Including: Raptors for Jesus

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert launched the first satirical super PAC—"Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow— but he's got a growing amount of company, especially since it's relatively simple to register a super PAC with the FEC. A sampling of Politico's favorites:

Calif. Dem: Elect Me and I'll Smoke Dope on Capitol Hill

Andy Caffrey often lights up on the campaign trail

(Newser) - Andy Caffrey is for the most part a pretty standard-issue progressive, but he's got one campaign promise that makes him stand out: He's vowing to smoke pot on the steps of Capitol Hill if he's elected. Caffrey, 54, is running for Congress in California and happens to...

10 Facts About That Imprisoned Candidate

Keith Judd is a big fan of Nixon

(Newser) - The imprisoned felon who challenged President Obama for the Democratic nomination in West Virginia's primary and won an impressive 40% of the vote remains the bizarre political story of the day. Politico rounds up 10 facts about the locked-up candidate, Keith Judd, including:

Only 26% of Political Donations From Women

Figure has actually dipped in recent years: Survey

(Newser) - Less than a third of political donations come from women, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed the money given to candidates, political action committees, and party committees in 2010 and discovered that only 26% of federal contributions came from female donors, a dip from 31% in 2008, and 27%...

Salahi Running for Virginia Gov
Salahi Running for Virginia Gov 

Salahi Running for Virginia Gov

White House gatecrasher thinks Virginia is for nutters

(Newser) - Get excited, Virginia residents: White House gatecrasher and former Real Housewives of DC hubby Tareq Salahi is running for governor of your state! Salahi formally announced his candidacy in the most appropriate political medium possible, ie, TMZ . "I am troubled to see how our current political figureheads continue to...

White Males Will Be Minority Among House Democrats

January will be a milestone for American politics

(Newser) - For the first time in history, a political party will soon be represented in Congress by a majority of female and minority lawmakers. The Cook Political Report predicts that white males will make up 46% to 48% of House Democrats when the new Congress is sworn in next January, reports...

Mitt Gushes About Wife's 'Warmblood' Horses

Did he put hoof in mouth with another wealth gaffe?

(Newser) - A new/old potential wealth gaffe from the mouth of Mitt Romney. The GOP candidate apparently gushed about his wife's much-deserved time off the campaign trail spent riding her "Austrian warmblood" horses (though he prefers his own "Missouri foxtrotter"); each costs as much as a pricey sports...

George McGovern Hospitalized
 George McGovern Hospitalized

George McGovern Hospitalized

He's having tests to find fainting cause: daughter

(Newser) - George McGovern has been hospitalized in Florida for tests, his daughter said yesterday. The former South Dakota senator and one-time presidential candidate was admitted to a St. Augustine hospital so doctors can determine why he occasionally passes out and loses his ability to speak, reports the Sioux Falls Argus Leader...

Sarah Palin Co-Hosting Today Show

She's going head-to-head with nemesis Katie Couric on GMA

(Newser) - Welcome to the lamestream media, Sarah Palin. She's going to be co-hosting NBC's Today show tomorrow morning, reports Mediabistro . Palin will go head-to-head with arch-nemesis Katie Couric, who's filling in this week on ABC's Good Morning America, and who's responsible for one of the former...

Gillibrand: I'll Ask Hillary to Run in 2016

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand likes her as candidate

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton in 2016? New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand says she'll be among those pushing for it. Gillibrand, who took over Clinton's Senate seat after Clinton left to become secretary of state, sat down with BuzzFeed to discuss women in politics. "I'm going to be one...

Vets Rip Flag With Obama&#39;s Face
 Vets Rip Flag With Obama's Face 

Vets Rip Flag With Obama's Face

Removed flag available for purchase online

(Newser) - O say can you see ... Barack Obama? A local Florida Democratic Party office has removed an American flag that replaced Old Glory's stars with President Obama's face after a handful of angry veterans turned up to call it disrespectful. “What really upsets me is that the flag...

Oklahoma Senate Passes Abortion Heartbeat Bill

Doctors would have to tell women they can listen to fetus

(Newser) - A state bill that would require doctors to notify women they have the option of listening to the heartbeat of the fetus before abortion has passed the Oklahoma Senate and will move on to the House for expected passage there, reports Reuters . The original incarnation of the bill required women...

Candidate, 54, Arrested for Tearing Down Rival's Signs

Did we mention his opponent is 18?

(Newser) - The race for the Berlin Township seat on the Delaware County GOP's Central Committee got ugly yesterday, when candidate Rick Gemienhardt, 54, was arrested for tearing down campaign fliers put up by his opponent, Adam Fleischer—an 18-year-old high school senior. Fleischer was hanging posters on doors yesterday when...

Senate Cat Candidate Hounded by Attack Ad

Will Hank insist on ultrasounds before spaying?

(Newser) - Me-ouch. Hank the tabby who's running a spoofy campaign for a Virginia Senate seat had no idea politics could be such a catfight . Hank's already being hit with a dog-eat-dog attack ad firing questions off about his birth certificate, tax returns (he hasn't filed any), alleged use...

Tim Tebow: I Might Go Into Politics

Denver Broncos star says new career 'could be in my future'

(Newser) - Looks like we could be seeing some Tebowing on Capitol Hill: Tim Tebow says he'd consider a political career "if it's something I care about," the Huffington Post reports. "It could be something in my future," he told Dave Feherty on the Golf Channel....

Perry Campaign Security Cost Texas Taxpayers $800K

Home state paid for food and lodging for bodyguards

(Newser) - Gov. Rick Perry's ill-fated presidential run cost the taxpayers of Texas nearly $800,000, spent on travel fees for the security detail that followed Perry around on his campaign from September through November, a state report reveals. Perry took 48 trips across state lines, mostly to primary battlegrounds Iowa,...

DC's 50 Most Powerful People

Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell top the list

(Newser) - Who are the real power brokers in Washington? GQ names the top 50 in its biennial list of the most powerful people in DC—although, the magazine notes, "People with the last names Obama and Biden not included." The top five:
  • Eric Cantor: The House majority leader is

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