
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Members of Congress With Lowest Net Worth

Alcee Hastings leads the way with a negative $4.7 million

(Newser) - Apparently, not everyone in Congress is rich . The Washington Post compiled a list of the 25 lawmakers with the lowest net worth, based on 2010 disclosures analyzed by the Center for Responsive Politics. Here are the "top" 5, all of whom are in the red. (There's no explanation...

Romney Running Away With NH
 Romney Running Away With NH 
new poll

Romney Running Away With NH

He leads with 39% support of likely GOP voters

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is currently running away with New Hampshire's GOP support, according to the latest polls. Romney has the backing of 39% of the state’s likely Republican voters. Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are tied with 17% each, just ahead of Jon Huntsman, who is backed by 11%...

Ron Paul: Ghost Writers Penned Racist Ad, Newsletters

He should have policed mysterious writers, campaign admits

(Newser) - Mysterious "ghost writers" have suddenly popped up in Ron Paul's explanation for racist and anti-gay comments in an investment newsletter and a direct-mail ad that have landed him in the hottest water of his campaign. "Dr. Paul did not write" the ad—which was signed by him—...

Ignore Candidates&#39; Spouses
 Ignore Candidates' Spouses 

Ignore Candidates' Spouses

You have no way of knowing what their marriage is like: Frank Bruni

(Newser) - Ann Romney has been out on the campaign trail recently, attempting to deflate any flip-flopper accusations directed her husband's way. "You want constancy? They’ve been married since the Mesozoic era," quips Frank Bruni of the New York Times . But he’s not impressed. The candidate’s...

National Review: GOP Will 'Blow It' With Newt

Character flaws make former speaker the wrong choice for GOP

(Newser) - The Republican Party has reached an "uncharacteristic degree of unity" and is capable of taking control of the White House and both houses of Congress next year—but it could blow it all if it nominates Newt Gingrich, warns the National Review . An editorial in the influential conservative magazine...

Ron Paul Could Get Obama Re-Elected
 Ron Paul 
 Could Get 
George Will

Ron Paul Could Get Obama Re-Elected

He could be spoiler as an independent: George Will

(Newser) - Ron Paul, who continues to poll well in several early voting states in the Republican primaries, is refusing to rule out a possible independent run for the presidency should he lose the GOP nomination. (“I’m not thinking about it because, look, I’m not doing badly right now,...

Bachmann: Girls Don't Ask Boys to Prom

They sit at home and wait

(Newser) - Just the big issue you've been waiting to hear the candidates weigh in on: prom. What does Michele Bachmann think about the dance? Bachmann believes only boys can ask girls to the prom, which could raise questions in some voters' minds about various diplomatic dances every president is expected...

DSK: Maid Gave Me a Look That Said 'Quickie'

It was 'consensual, but stupid,' Strauss-Kahn says in new biography

(Newser) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn said when he stepped naked from the shower to see the Manhattan hotel maid who later accused him of rape, their eyes met and he read an invitation to "precipitous but consensual" sex, says a new biography out today. But he still considers the encounter "stupid"...

Teen Tweeter Emma Sullivan Is No Hero: Ruth Marcus
 Teen Tweeter Is No Hero 
Ruth Marcus

Teen Tweeter Is No Hero

It's up to parents to insist on civil disagreement: Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - There's something wrong with a world in which Emma Sullivan , the 18-year-old high school student who refused to apologize to Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback after tweeting that he "sucked," is turned into a "heroine of the liberal blogosphere," writes Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post...

If Herman Cain Drops Out of Republican Race, Who Benefits?
 Who Benefits 
 if Cain Quits? 


Who Benefits if Cain Quits?

Cain dropping out could work either way for Romney, pundits say

(Newser) - The news that Herman Cain is "reassessing" his campaign in the wake of allegations of an extramarital affair has left pundits wondering which candidate would come out on top if the Cain Train came to a halt. A look around the blogosphere:
  • Some of Cain's Tea Party and

Teen Tweeter Won't Apologize to Dissed Kan. Governor

'I raised my kids to be free thinkers,' says mom of Emma Sullivan

(Newser) - A Kansas teen who blasted her conservative governor in a tweet is refusing to apologize—even though she has been ordered to do so by her school. "Just made mean comments at Gov. Brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot," Emma Sullivan, 18, tweeted to pals...

We&#39;re Stuck With 2 Minority Parties
 We're Stuck With 
 2 Minority Parties 
David Brooks

We're Stuck With 2 Minority Parties

The public doesn't like either, but they get election wins anyway

(Newser) - Back in 1951, a political analyst came up with the theory that at any time in America there’s a Sun Party, which drives the agenda, and a minority Moon Party that shines by reflecting its rays. But these days, “we are living in the era of two moons...

Newt Gingrich's Freddie Mac Deal Epitomizes Washington Slime | Timothy Egan
Newt's Freddie Deal:
the Epitome of DC Slime

Newt's Freddie Deal: the Epitome of DC Slime

This was classic influence peddling, writes Timothy Egan

(Newser) - You can laugh off Newt Gingrich’s giant Tiffany’s account , or even his marital merry-go-round . But his cozy relationship with Freddie Mac “encapsulates why Washington is broken and how the powerful protect and enrich themselves, unanchored to basic principles,” writes Timothy Egan in the New York Times...

Bachmann: CBS Conspired Against Me

Fewer debate questions were base on poll rankings, says network

(Newser) - A misdirected CBS email has triggered a charge by Michele Bachmann's campaign that the network is trying to freeze out the candidate because of its liberal bias. An email sent by CBS political analyst John Dickerson—whose recipients mistakenly included a member of Bachmann's campaign—stated that Bachmann...

Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Others Losers in CNBC Debate
 So, Who Else Lost the Debate? 
GOP Debate Roundup

So, Who Else Lost the Debate?

Because Rick Perry obviously did

(Newser) - The moment that will live in infamy from last night’s debate , the gaffe that overshadowed everything else, was Rick Perry’s utter meltdown as he forgot one of the agencies he himself wanted to eliminate. But there were other people onstage, and here’s how people are grading them...

No One Looks Good in &#39;Seedy&#39; Cain Scandal
 No One Looks Good 
 in 'Seedy' Cain Scandal 
Dana Milbank

No One Looks Good in 'Seedy' Cain Scandal

Dana Milbank suddenly finds the 2012 race distasteful

(Newser) - It’s kind of fitting that Sharon Bialek delivered her risqué account of her sexual encounter with Herman Cain at New York’s Friars Club. After all, the Club touts itself as a "ribald comedy" destination, and ribaldry is exactly what we got, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington ...

MSNBC Hires Megan McCain
 MSNBC Hires Meghan McCain 

MSNBC Hires Meghan McCain

She made her debut yesterday

(Newser) - There's an new broadcast commentator in town. Get ready for the Republican voice and face of Meghan McCain on ... MSNBC . "I'm very excited," said McCain, 28, in her broadcast staff debut yesterday as she weighed in on the GOP field. "I didn’t know it...

Would We Ever Elect the Fat Guy?

Americans find hefty politicians hard to swallow

(Newser) - Is Chris Christie too fat for the White House? His extra girth could serve him well in an election—to a point. It makes him look like one of the gang, if the gang is the growing number of obese Americans. And his pounds prove he's a guy not...

Palin: There's Still Time to Get in the Race

Still not declaring, and still dropping hints

(Newser) - Don't write off Sarah Palin for the 2012 race—yet. That's not to say she has declared she's running, but Palin is still teasing the public ... and leaving the door open. “There is still time, and I think on both sides of the aisle I think...

Hail the Daring New Populist Prez
 Hail the 
 Daring New 
 Populist Prez 

Hail the Daring New Populist Prez

At long last, a reason to fight, says Dana Milbank

(Newser) - President Obama's debt-reduction tax-the-rich plan may be unrealistic and "highly partisan," but it's thrilling, declares Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . At last, "the president hasn’t conceded the race before the starter’s gun, hasn’t begun a game of strip poker in his...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>