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Ex-Conn. Governor Faces More Prison Time

John G. Rowland charged in alleged campaign scheme

(Newser) - Former Gov. John G. Rowland, who resigned 10 years ago in a corruption scandal that sent him to prison, was indicted yesterday on charges he tried to hide his role in two congressional campaigns. Former Republican congressional candidate Lisa Wilson-Foley and her husband pleaded guilty March 31 to a scheme...

Hillary Clinton: Lewinsky Was 'Narcissistic Loony Tune'

Archived papers of Diane Blair include insights into Hillary's life

(Newser) - Talk about timing: With the presidential race just a midterm election away, the conservative Washington Free Beacon has dug up the archived papers of a former friend of Hillary Clinton's. Political science professor Diane Blair—described by Hillary as her "closest friend" before Blair died in 2000—kept...

It Might Be Time to Ditch &#39;Checks and Balances&#39;
It Might Be Time to Ditch 'Checks and Balances'

It Might Be Time to Ditch 'Checks and Balances'

Peter Aldhous: Otherwise, don't expect DC's gridlock to change

(Newser) - The political gridlock in DC can't seem to get much worse, and public opinion polls about Congress can't get much lower. At Medium , Peter Aldhous runs through the usual explanations—partisan media outlets, campaign donations run amok, gerrymandering, to name a few—but he thinks those fed up...

Hillary Hits the Speech Jackpot, Er, Circuit

Clinton is raking in the bucks, but dances a fine line with a 2016 run

(Newser) - For a paltry $200,000, Hillary Clinton will dish up such useful gems as, "Leadership is a team sport," and "A whisper can be louder than a shout." The former secretary of state is cashing in on the Clinton family business of speechifying, the New York ...

GOP Leaders Splurge on Coffee, Donuts
 GOP Leaders Splurge 
 on Coffee, Donuts 
$24K ... in 3 months

GOP Leaders Splurge on Coffee, Donuts

Blew $24k on Whole Foods, Dunkin Donuts, PF Chang's in just 3 months: report

(Newser) - While serving up sound bites on belt-tightening and cost-cutting to the public, House Republican leaders have been helping themselves to the exact opposite behind closed doors, chowing through $24,000 in taxpayer dollars on food and beverages in just three months, according to an investigation by the Washington Guardian . John...

12 Stars-Turned-Politicians
 12 Stars-Turned-Politicians 

12 Stars-Turned-Politicians

Oddly, most of them are Republican

(Newser) - Despite the fact that celebrities almost always seem to lean left, Celebuzz reports that most stars who become politicians are actually Republican. A dozen Hollywood VIPs who ended up with DC connections:
  • George Murphy: The 1930s and ‘40s star was the first big actor to transition to politics, serving

Brazil Judge: Bust Google Boss for YouTube Videos

Judge says videos violate election laws

(Newser) - A judge has ordered the arrest of a Brazilian Google boss for his failure to pull YouTube videos. Authorities argue that the videos—concerning accusations against a Campo Grande mayoral candidate—are slanderous and violate election laws, reports the BBC . An electoral court said Fabio Jose Silva Coelho committed the...

Randy Newman: I'm Dreamin' of a White President

'Who knows how to handle money and start a war'

(Newser) - Just in time for the election, sometimes-satirical singer Randy Newman has dusted off his "Short People" chops with a political carol that includes the line, "I'm dreaming of a white president," NPR reports. He "won't be the brightest, perhaps," Newman croons in the...

Quote Approval Is Ruining Journalism
 Quote Approval 
 Is Ruining Journalism 

Quote Approval Is Ruining Journalism

David Carr discusses a disturbing trend

(Newser) - Today's journalists are increasingly faced with subjects who insist on "quotation approval" as a condition of their interviews—and that's a big problem, writes David Carr in the New York Times . Politicians who want to approve quotes before a piece runs reveal "democracy" to actually be...

Officer in Obama Motorcade Killed in Florida Crash

He's struck by truck as he attempts to stop traffic

(Newser) - A motorcycle cop accompanying President Obama's motorcade in Florida was killed when he was struck by a pickup truck yesterday. The officer, whose identity hasn't been released, was killed as he prepared to shut a section of an interstate in Palm Beach County, reports AP . No charges have...

Haley Barbour Apologizes for Obama 'Hot Poker' Dig

Sorry, but I wasn't talking about branding prez, he says

(Newser) - Haley Barbour has apologized for a rude, crude—and some would say racist—suggestion about what to do to President Obama. "While I would love" for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to "put a hot poker to Obama’s butt , I thought he did what he was supposed...

Obama Gets a Chuckle Out of GOP

Zings health plan: 'RomneyDoesn'tCare'

(Newser) - If the Republican National Convention is rattling President Obama, he's not showing it. In fact, he's cracking new jokes on the stump. Pointing to a debunked GOP TV ad claiming he ditched work requirements for welfare recipients, Obama yesterday shrugged, smiled, and said: “Sometimes they just make...

Eyes Settle, Once Again, on Christie's Weight

Obesity a challenge for governor

(Newser) - GOP conventioneers might have been transfixed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's hard-hitting speech last night, but there was something else they couldn't help noticing: He seemed larger than ever. The portly politician has said in the past he needs to do something about his weight, but he'...

Number of Blacks Who Support Romney: 0%

Romney ticket 4 points behind Obama's heading to convention

(Newser) - Ever wonder how many black voters support Mitt Romney? The simple answer is: 0% . A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has found that 94% of blacks back President Obama, compared to zilch for Romney. The poll also found that Obama is doing better among Latinos, voters under 35, and women....

Dear Fellow Economists, Stop Playing Politics
Dear Fellow Economists,
Stop Playing Politics

Dear Fellow Economists, Stop Playing Politics

Laurence Kotlikoff: Those who take sides demean the profession

(Newser) - Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff takes note that 500 of his colleagues have signed a statement supporting Mitt Romney's policies and castigating Barack Obama's. All 500 "owe our profession a sincere apology," he writes at Bloomberg View . But this isn't a partisan rant, it's...

GOP Rep: 'Legit Rape' Victims Don't Get Pregnant

Todd Akin now says he 'misspoke'

(Newser) - GOP Missouri Rep. Todd Akin now says he goofed when he insisted "legitimate rape" victims don't get pregnant. Akin, who is running for Senate against Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill, had said in an interview yesterday that some kind of biological mechanism protects "legitimate rape" victims from pregnancy,...

Boehner: Let's Play 'Offense' on Medicare

He has conference call to ease concerns on Paul Ryan pick

(Newser) - House GOP leader John Boehner orchestrated a conference call last night to settle the nerves of members of his party worried over a recent barrage of Democratic attacks tying them to Paul Ryan's controversial plan to reshape Medicare, reports Politico . Boehner told his colleagues that Democrats were already planning...

Obama Campaign App Tracks Down Democrats

Map shows nearest 'blue' households for canvassers: ProPublica

(Newser) - Click a button on your iPhone and locate the nearest… Democrat? A new app unveiled by the Obama campaign displays a Google map speckled with blue flags representing the closest registered Democratic households to where you're standing, reports ProPublica . Each blue flag is accompanied by a first name, age,...

Governor Cory Booker or Senator Cory Booker?

Newark's mayor is considering both options

(Newser) - Cory Booker is looking for a promotion. The Newark mayor, Democratic party phenom, and random rescuer of people from fires , is contemplating the launch of a campaign for either the Senate or the governorship in New Jersey, reports Politico . Booker announced his intentions last night at a local county committee...

Mitt Tries to Quash 'Anglo-Saxon' Gaffe

Obama just doesn't get 'special' Anglo-Saxon vibe: adviser

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was backpedaling as fast as he could yesterday after an unidentified adviser derided President Obama for not being able to recognize the depth of the British-American relationship because he can't fully appreciate the shared "Anglo-Saxon heritage," the Daily Telegraph reported Tuesday. "We are part...

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