Fox News

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Karl Rove: Palin Has 'Enormous Thin Skin'

If she doesn't like speculation, she can end it, he points out

(Newser) - The Karl Rove-Sarah Palin feud continues: Last night on Fox News, Rove called Palin “thin-skinned” a grand total of four times before being abruptly cut off for a breaking news update. Greta van Susteren repeatedly tried to get Rove onto a different track—she wanted to know why the...

Trump: Let's Take Libya's Oil

When you win a war, you keep the spoils, Trump explains

(Newser) - If Moammar Gadhafi gets the boot, we should get some booty, or so thinks Donald Trump. "We are NATO. We back NATO in terms of money and weapons. What do we get out of it?" he asked the hosts of Fox & Friends today. "Why won’t we...

Bill Nye Schools Fox News on Climate Change

No, moon volcanoes don't disprove it, he tells anchor

(Newser) - Bill Nye the Science Guy is making headlines after a recent Fox News appearance, during which things between him and anchor Jon Scott got a little awkward. Scott and Nye were talking about newly discovered moon volcanoes when Scott asked Nye if those volcanoes challenge climate change science: After all,...

White House, Fox News Feud Plays Out in Press Room

Jay Carney snipes with Ed Henry for second straight day

(Newser) - The frosty relations between the White House and Fox News have played out on two consecutive days via testy exchanges between Jay Carney and Fox correspondent Ed Henry, reports the Huffington Post . Today, when Henry pressed Carney on why the White House hasn't presented a debt plan to the...

ACLU, Gawker to Drop Suit Vs. Christie, Ailes

Governor's office releases schedule entry showing private dinner

(Newser) - New Jersey's ACLU says it will likely drop a lawsuit filed earlier today against New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie after Christie's office released records that seemingly indicate that he met with Fox News chief Roger Ailes last year. The ACLU filed the lawsuit on behalf of a Gawker...

Gawker Sues Chris Christie, Fox's Ailes

Claims that the network chairman is pushing politics

(Newser) - Gawker has filed a lawsuit to determine the nature of communication between New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Fox News chairman Roger Ailes, reports New York . The civil suit stems from a profile on Ailes that the magazine published in May, revealing that he had pushed Christie to enter the...

Former Exec: Fox News Hacked Phones, Too

'Black ops office' existed to do 'counter intelligence' work: Dan Cooper

(Newser) - A former Fox News exec who helped launch the channel in 1996 claims the Rupert Murdoch-owned network has a "counter intelligence and black ops office" that may have engaged in a little phone hacking of its own. The New York "brain room," which most thought was just...

Glenn Beck Laughs About Dead Tabloid Whistleblower

Foes will exploit Murdoch scandal to hurt Fox, he fears

(Newser) - The death of the whistleblower who landed Rupert Murdoch in trouble drew a big chuckle from Glenn Beck yesterday. "Did you hear about the guy who was the whistleblower on the News of the World thing? I love this story. He woke up dead!" Beck laughs on his...

Twitter Campaign: Boycott Murdoch

Will Fox News, NY Post get swept up in exploding scandal fallout?

(Newser) - Could Fox News and the New York Post get swept up in the fallout from the News of the World scandal? Determined Twitter and Facebook campaigns are urging the boycott of all Rupert Murdoch operations in the wake of the burgeoning phone hacking scandal at the shuttered British newspaper. Boycottmurdoch...

O'Reilly on Anthony Verdict: So Did a Martian Kill Caylee?

He flips over the outcome of the trial

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly is shocked at the Casey Anthony verdict—and he wants everyone to know it. The anchor blasted a juror’s assertion that Caylee’s death could have been accidental. “There’s no evidence—none—that Caylee Anthony died from an accident,” unless, of course, “...

Secret Service Probing Fox 'Obama Dead' Tweets

'Script Kiddies' claim responsibility for Fox hack

(Newser) - The Secret Service is investigating yesterday's President Obama assassination hoax by hackers on Fox News' political Twitter account, reports the Los Angeles Times . The agency plans to look into the postings that claimed the president had been shot at a restaurant in Iowa, and "conduct the appropriate follow-up....

Hacked Fox News Account Tweets: Obama Assassinated

Which, of course, is not true

(Newser) - You can go back to your watermelon and fireworks: Barack Obama has not been assassinated, contrary to what you might read on @foxnewspolitics . The Twitter account was hacked early today, and a series of six tweets were posted. The tale they told: Obama was "shot twice at Ross' restaurant...

Nixon Memo Reveals Ailes' Plan for Fox Prototype

TV great, memo said, because people don't like to think

(Newser) - Where did Roger Ailes get the idea for Fox News? Maybe from a Nixon-era memo aptly titled “A Plan For Putting the GOP on TV,” that envisioned a kind of proto-Fox News delivering “pro-administration” news to stations around the country. The 1970 memo, which Gawker found buried...

Glenn Beck Signs Off Fox
 Glenn Beck 
 Signs Off Fox 

Glenn Beck Signs Off Fox

'Now is the time to be part of the solution'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is no more on Fox News: He signed off from his show for the final time today. "He kept the chalkboards to a minimum, and shed no tears," writes Jack Mirkinson at the Huffington Post . "He also shied away from too many specific recollections about...

Stewart Slaps Back at Fox's Racism Charge

Daily Show host: No, really, I do offensive voices all the time

(Newser) - Fox News seems to thinks Jon Stewart is a racist, and Stewart's hitting right back. Last week, and again on Monday, Herman Cain said Stewart had attacked him “because I happen to be a black conservative,” decrying the “Amos and Andy” voice Stewart used when making...

Jon Stewart: Fox News a Bunch of 'Crybabies'
 Stewart Zings Fox 'Crybabies'  

Stewart Zings Fox 'Crybabies'

Fox is playing the victim, Daily Show host says

(Newser) - It's been more than a week since debating Chris Wallace on Fox News , but Jon Stewart is still hounding the network. Wallace now says he wishes he'd told Stewart that Fox told "the full story" instead of "other side of the story," prompting an incredulous...

Jon Stewart Lashes 'Lying Dynasty' Fox

Funnyman goes on attack after Politifact says he was wrong

(Newser) - The non-partisan fact-checkers at Politifact have rated his assertion that Fox News viewers are the most consistently misinformed viewers false , Jon Stewart acknowledged on the Daily Show last night. Some studies have shown Fox viewers to be the most misinformed but others have rated viewers of some specific Fox shows...

CNN's Ed Henry: New Fox Chief White House Correspondent
 CNN's Ed Henry Jumps to Fox 

CNN's Ed Henry Jumps to Fox

Taking same White House correspondents gig, but with new boss

(Newser) - CNN White House correspondent Ed Henry is jumping to Fox News to take the same job over there, the network announced yesterday. Henry joined CNN in 2004 from Roll Call, and he covered the president, Congress, and politics for the network. A Fox News exec says the network has been...

Stewart: Fox News Totally Edited My Interview

Cuts made Stewart seem crazy, and left out the best part

(Newser) - Jon Stewart appeared on Fox News for the third time on Sunday, and he kicked off last night's show by giving Comedy Central viewers the inside scoop. "One: I suggest you look at the unedited version online, where my emotional states don't seem to change so arbitrarily....

Van Jones Challenges Beck to Debate, Threatens Fox Suit

Beck dismisses challenge from former White House official

(Newser) - "I’ve had all I can stand, Fox TV, and I can’t stand no more," former White House "green jobs" czar Van Jones said in recent tirade against the Glenn Beck and his soon-to-be-ex-employer. Jones, who resigned in 2009 after being targeted by Beck, has challenged...

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