Fox News

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Jon Huntsman Delivers Brutal Romney Ad

'Mittstant Replay' puts the flip-flopping charges front and center

(Newser) - Yesterday, Ron Paul went after Newt Gingrich . Today, Jon Huntsman has Mitt Romney lined up. A barbed new ad that plays off Romney's recent Fox News interview plays up flip-flopping charges by juxtaposing old and new Romney clips on climate change, immigration, abortion, and Romneycare. Huntsman seems to be...

Fox News Ratings Plunge
 Fox News 
 Ratings Plunge 

Fox News Ratings Plunge

Fox drops 13%—but still has top 13 programs in cable news

(Newser) - Fox News is still leading the cable news ratings race—but for how long? Fox's overall ratings for November dropped 13% compared to the same month last year, reports Mediabistro . For the juicy 25-to-54-year-old bracket, the fall was even steeper, plunging 30% in prime time. CNN, on the other...

Gingrich Takes Shot at Fox News

 Takes Shot 
 at Fox News 
oh, snap!

Gingrich Takes Shot at Fox News

Says that unlike Fox analysts, he has to know what he's talking about

(Newser) - Former Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich isn't exactly speaking highly of his former colleagues. While at a town hall event in South Carolina last night, the GOP contender was asked about whether, as president, he would support funding for certain HIV/AIDS treatments. "What you said is information...

Stewart to Fox: Leave Thanksgiving Alone

Obama's address didn't need to include 'God'

(Newser) - If you’re not a Fox News fan, you may have missed the "uproar” President Obama’s Thanksgiving address caused—numerous Fox hosts were outraged that the president didn’t mention God. Well, Jon Stewart is outraged over the outrage. “If I recall my grade school pageants correctly,...

Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Fed Up With Sarah Palin, Sources Say
 Fox Chief 'Fed Up With Palin' 

Fox Chief 'Fed Up With Palin'

Roger Ailes furious that decision not to run wasn't announced on network

(Newser) - Fox News chief Roger Ailes was furious when Sarah Palin decided to announce her non-candidacy outside of the network, sources tell New York . Ailes—who grumbled that he "paid her for two years to make this announcement on my network"—was so angry that he considered yanking Palin...

O'Reilly's Lincoln Book Slammed for Historical Boo-Boos

Ford's Theatre superintendent writes scathing 4-page letter

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly's book, Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever, has sold nearly a million copies and currently sits at #2 on the New York Times bestseller list . Only problem is, it's riddled with errors, according to a scathing review from the National Park Service...

Rick Perry Buys $1M in Ads on Fox News

Huge buy is part of aggressive post-flub strategy

(Newser) - He's not just trying to joke his way out of political trouble: Rick Perry's campaign has shelled out a whopping $1 million for ads on Fox News, reports the New York Times . That means regular viewers can expect to see him seven times a day for the coming...

Cain's Wife to Break Silence on Fox

She'll have first campaign trail interview on Fox News

(Newser) - America will get its first good look at Gloria Cain soon: The campaign, beset by sexual harassment allegations , is setting up a debut interview for her with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News later this week, a source tells Politico . Until now, Mrs. Cain’s been conspicuously absent from the...

Geraldo Grills Cain Rep Over Sex Harassment Claims

But spokesman JD Gordon won't give a straight answer

(Newser) - Geraldo Rivera and his enormous mustache gave Herman Cain’s spokesperson the third degree last night, but after hammering him for nearly six minutes, still could not get a substantive denial of the recent sexual harassment claims against the candidate. JD Gordon called the claims “thinly sourced” and a...

GOP Presidential Debates Score Huge Ratings
 New Must-See TV: GOP Debates 

New Must-See TV: GOP Debates

Executives debate the potential reasons

(Newser) - There’s one big difference between this year’s GOP presidential debates and those leading up to the 2008 contest: People are watching them. This September’s Fox News debate, for example, attracted 6.1 million viewers—almost double the 3.2 million that Fox’s September 2007 debate drew,...

Obama Needles Fox Reporter as Romney 'Spokesman'

President jabs back after Ed Henry quotes the GOP candidate

(Newser) - Was that a little White House-Fox News friction at President Obama's press conference today? When the network's Ed Henry asked about US reaction to Iran's alleged Saudi plot —and used a quote by Mitt Romney critical of Obama to do so—Obama responded, "Well, I...

Wall St. Protesters Harass Geraldo Rivera

But they didn't chase him off, Fox insists

(Newser) - Fox News host Geraldo Rivera found the crowd pretty hostile to his network when he attempted to report on the Occupy Wall Street movement from New York City's Zucotti Park. Hecklers chanted "Fox News lies" as Rivera conducted interviews and: "Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey,...

Hank Hits Back at Fox, ESPN —in Song

Country artist claims his words were twisted

(Newser) - Hank Williams Jr. is hitting back at the media—how else?—in song. The country artist’s Monday Night Football intro was dumped by ESPN after he compared President Obama to Hitler on Fox News (or Williams did the dumping himself, depending on who you ask). And now he’s...

Roger Ailes: 'I Hired Sarah Palin Because She Was Hot'

Fox News chief says he was concerned about ratings, not politics

(Newser) - In an interview with the AP about the 15th anniversary of Fox News, Roger Ailes has set off a mini-tizzy with this line about Sarah Palin: "I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings." He was deflecting criticism that the channel is politically biased—as...

Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama, Hitler
 Hank Williams Jr. 
 Compares Obama, Hitler 
bizarre interviews

Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama, Hitler

Bizarre 'Fox and Friends' interview getting some attention

(Newser) - Hank Williams Jr.'s Fox and Friends interview got weird right off the bat this morning, as he sat back with sunglasses on and arms crossed and dourly noted, "I'd rather be up there looking at Gretchen [Carlson]." But things got even weirder when Carlson asked...

Nancy Grace Wardrobe Malfunction: Jon Stewart Says Fox News Not Biggest Boob for Once
 Biggest Boob: 
 It's Nancy Grace Vs. Fox 

Biggest Boob: It's Nancy Grace Vs. Fox

Grace wins title for 'one shining moment'

(Newser) - Chaz Bono’s casting on Dancing With the Stars caused an uproar , but in the first episode, Jon Stewart says it was Nancy Grace who accidentally assaulted American family values . “Why is the angry lady from CourtTV trying to breastfeed my children?!” demanded Stewart on last night’s...

Roger Ailes: Beck, Palin Were 'Branding Issue'

Fox News shifts towards center, plays up GOP's 2012 conflict

(Newser) - Is Fox News going moderate? Not exactly, but Roger Ailes has consciously made a “course correction” from hyper-partisanship back toward the center, sensing that the public has grown weary of the Tea Party, he tells Howard Kurtz of Newsweek . Glenn Beck’s inflammatory rhetoric in particular “became a...

Americans Big on Religious Freedom ... But Not Muslims

Fox News viewers especially see clash of civilizations

(Newser) - Americans are big on the concept of freedom of religion—but they aren’t so keen on Muslims. According to data from a larger study last week, spotted by Dino Grandoni of the Atlantic , 88% of Americans say the country was founded on the principle of religious freedom, yet a...

Zombie Game Hits Tea Party, Fox Hosts

Free shooter lets you blast away at top Fox commentators

(Newser) - It's zombie-killing fun for the whole family—well, the whole liberal family, assuming they approve of guns and killing. Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Fox News, and the Koch Brothers are just some of the big-name conservative zombies you must confront in Tea Party Zombies Must Die , a free...

Weather Reporter Wallows in ... Raw Sewage?

Fox reporter Tucker Barnes was giving Irene update from Ocean City

(Newser) - We're used to seeing reporters weather rain, sleet, snow, and even gale-force winds to bring us the story, but getting pelted with raw sewage? Meet WTTG reporter Tucker Barnes, who, in the course of giving a Hurricane Irene update from Ocean City, Md., was drenched by what he described...

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