Fox News

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Fox Affiliate Calls Neo-Nazis 'Civil Rights Group'

National Socialist Movement not described as hate group by Orlando station

(Newser) - When the National Socialist Movement started patrolling the streets of Sanford, Florida , in response to the uproar over Trayvon Martin's death , many media outlets mentioned the fact that the NSM is made up of neo-Nazis. But not Fox News' Orlando affiliate, which described the organization as a "civil...

Geraldo: Blame Hoodie for Trayvon's Death

Rivera says 'black and Latino youngsters' should not wear hoodies

(Newser) - Geraldo Rivera knows what to blame for Trayvon Martin 's death: the teen's choice of clothing. The Fox News host said today on Fox & Friends that he would "bet money" George Zimmerman wouldn't have shot Martin if Martin hadn't been wearing a hoodie, Politico...

Obama Blamed Fox News for Political Woes

David Corn's 'Showdown' also reveals Obama's 'secret strategy' with GOP

(Newser) - President Obama accused Fox News of hobbling his political success by repeatedly saying he's a Muslim, according to a new book on his administration. During a closed-door meeting with labor leaders in 2010, Obama said he was "losing white males" who watch Fox News and "hear Obama...

Romney Stumbles in Fox Interview
 Romney Stumbles 
 in Fox Interview 

Romney Stumbles in Fox Interview

Fox host Megyn Kelly unceremoniously cuts him off

(Newser) - So much for Fox News shilling for Mitt Romney . The GOP frontrunner sat down with Megyn Kelly yesterday, and today the political world is buzzing about how poorly it went. Kelly delivered hard questions, and even cut him off during his final sentence, while Romney looked by turns irritated, defensive,...

Santorum: Fox News 'Shilling' for Romney

He gets into heated debate during radio show

(Newser) - The big political focus today is on Alabama and Mississippi, but Rick Santorum managed to draw some attention with a volatile charge against Fox News. The network is "shilling" for Mitt Romney, he said today on Brian Kilmeade's show on Fox News Radio, according to the Hill . The...

Stewart Floored By Fox's Rape Apologist

Daily Show host mocks Liz Trotta, Rick Santorum for views on women in combat

(Newser) - Jon Stewart celebrated Valentine's Day last night by gleefully ripping into people who have a problem with the Pentagon's new policies on women in combat. He took some brief shots at Rick Santorum ("What a surprise, Prudence von StickUpHisAss has some concerns!") but saved his...

Fox News Takes Heat for Move Toward Center

It's part of Roger Ailes' 'course correction'

(Newser) - Is Fox News shifting to the center, relatively speaking? Politico thinks so, tracing it back to a "course correction" ordered by Roger Ailes last fall. He wanted Fox to move away from Tea Party "cheerleading" and to tone down the far-right rhetoric, writes Politico's Keach Hagey. "...

Fox Pundit: No Surprise Women in Military Get Raped

And Liz Trotta is not happy with how much money we're spending on the issue

(Newser) - The military's easing of the ban on women in combat came just a few weeks after news that sexual violence in the military has risen sharply —and in a recent segment on Fox News, contributor Liz Trotta (who has seen her share of gaffes in the past) found...

Eastwood: I'm Not Politically Affiliated With Obama

Chrysler ad a political football

(Newser) - God bless America ... and the Chrysler bailout ... seemed to be the message that left football fans misty-eyed after Clint Eastwood's Super Bowl Chrysler ad. It's "halftime" in America, and we're all pulling together for a brighter economic future, says the gravelly-voiced star. But Eastwood was opposed...

Fox News Tops Rankings for 10th Year

Roger Ailes' plan was a winner, anchor says

(Newser) - Fox News has plenty of critics— including Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy —but it also has more viewers than its two closest rivals combined, according to the latest Nielsen Ratings. The figures show that Fox is the most-watched cable news channel for the 10th year in a row,...

Miss Piggy Rips Fox News
 Miss Piggy 
 Rips Fox News 

Miss Piggy Rips Fox News

Channel called Muppets "anti-oil"

(Newser) - The Muppets are firing back at Fox News' claim their new movie is anti-oil . Asked about the accusation at a UK press conference, the Huffington Post reports that Kermit the Frog called the notion "categorically not true. If we had some problem with oil companies, why would we have...

Media Snubs Herman Cain's SOTU Speech

CNN, MSNBC, and Fox say they won't air his response

(Newser) - If you're hoping to watch Herman Cain deliver the Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union Address tonight, you're going to have to do it online , because none of the three major cable news networks tell the Atlantic Wire they plan to carry it....

Herman Cain Returns, With 9-9-9 Bus Tour

He launches 'Solutions Revolution' movement

(Newser) - He’s baaaaack. Ripping a page directly out of Sarah Palin’s playbook, Herman Cain is launching a quasi-campaign tour in a bus with a giant picture of his face on the side, he announced yesterday in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News . Cain says the road trip...

Santorum: Fox, O'Reilly Dissed Me

Former senator complains that right-wing media dismissed his candidacy

(Newser) - Seems Dan Savage isn't the only member of the media with whom Rick Santorum has a bone to pick: Even the right-wing media stalwarts over at Fox News have dissed the former Pennsylvania senator's candidacy, he complains today in a radio interview picked up by Mark Halperin of...

Ron Paul Still Winning in Iowa
 Ron Paul Still Winning in Iowa 

Ron Paul Still Winning in Iowa

And people believe he could actually win

(Newser) - Public Policy Polling caused a stir with last week’s poll showing Ron Paul leading in Iowa, and it looks like the result wasn’t a fluke. PPP’s numbers barely budged this week, with Paul leading Romney 24% to 20% and both comfortably ahead of the rest of the...

Oops: Fox Calls Romney, Obama 'Best Friends'

Clip mix-up has amusing results

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Mitt Romney may differ on politics—but apparently they're best friends. At least, that's what Fox News host Bill Hemmer told viewers today. After noting that Romney had recently been interviewed about his personal life, Hemmer said, "Here is Romney on his relationship with...

Blame Fox When GOP Loses
 Blame Fox When 
 GOP Loses 

Blame Fox When GOP Loses

Network has pushed talk show candidates on the nation: Guardian columnist

(Newser) - Given the state of the economy, President Obama should be a goner—yet he's comfortably ahead in most polls. Why? Jonathan Freedland of the Guardian has "one compellingly simple, two-word answer: Fox News." Obama's ahead only because of "the dire quality of a Republican field...

Roger Ailes Pens Memoir; Leaving Fox?

News chief reportedly cutting deal with Harper Collins

(Newser) - Fox News chief Roger Ailes is reportedly writing an autobiography, which may mean he's planning to abandon the conservative media colossus he launched in 1996. After all, he could hardly publish an unvarnished tell-all while managing Fox News, writes Gabriel Sherman in New York . People like Ailes' Fox colleagues...

Fox Viewers in Iowa Favor Newt Gingrich Over Mitt Romney by a Wide Margin

 Fox News 
 Viewers Hate 
Poll Numbers

Fox News Viewers Hate Romney

Gingrich trounces Romney among them in Iowa poll

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a big problem in Iowa, and it's on basic cable. Fox News viewers really don't like the former Massachusetts governor, with just 12% saying they back him—compared to nearly half for Gingrich, according to a New York Times /CBS poll. Overall in the state,...

With Gingrich on the Rise, It's No More Mr. Nice Mitt

He's ready to get aggressive, says differences will be 'well aired'

(Newser) - Looks like it's no more Mr. Nice Mitt. With Newt Gingrich suddenly ahead of him in the polls, Mitt Romney says he's getting more aggressive, with more ads, campaign stops, and media appearances. "We're just starting. We're just getting up ads. We're making our...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>