Fox News

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Why Murdoch, Ailes Are No Romney Fans

Romney 'too soft' for News Corp honcho, NYT reveals

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch has never been a big fan of Mitt Romney, and the lukewarm feeling is mutual, the New York Times finds. On Romney's two visits to the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal—which printed a scathing attack on the "confused" Romney campaign yesterday—there was...

Let&#39;s Forgive Fox, CNN for Jumping the Gun

 Let's Forgive Fox, CNN  
 for Jumping the Gun 

jack shafer

Let's Forgive Fox, CNN for Jumping the Gun

Jack Shafer: 'Stop smirking, it could happen to you'

(Newser) - It's fair to mock Fox News and CNN for incorrectly reporting that the individual health mandate had been struck down; after all, organizations that brag about being quick should face consequences when they're wrong. But in the end, "I forgive CNN and Fox for their breaking news...

Stewart Jumps on CNN, Fox SCOTUS Flub

Obama, Romney also get jabbed on last night's 'Daily Show'

(Newser) - The AP may have told its reporters to stop mocking CNN and Fox News for getting their initial coverage of yesterday's ObamaCare ruling wrong, but Jon Stewart had no such compunctions last night . "It was a moment of great drama and, like many of our greatest dramas, a...

Even Obama Got Fooled by Today's Errant TV Reports

He watched CNN and Fox say the Supreme Court overturned ObamaCare

(Newser) - President Obama had a bad moment this morning as the Supreme Court ruling on health care reform came down: He stood and watched two of the TVs in the outer Oval Office as news reports declared that the court had struck down the individual mandate, reports Talking Points Memo . A...

News Corp Confirms It Will Split

Rupert Murdoch will chair both companies; investors celebrate

(Newser) - News Corp is confirming that the media behemoth will split in two, allowing its more profitable entertainment properties to break free of its less profitable publishing ones, reports the Wall Street Journal —which itself is on the publishing half of that divide. "We will wow the world as...

Vatican Hires Fox News Journo for Media Gig

Greg Burke will try to stop the 'blunders'

(Newser) - The Vatican has hired an American journalist from Fox News to smooth its rocky relationship with the media and help guide the Church through its latest scandal , reports Reuters . Greg Burke, 52, a member of the conservative Opus Dei group, will leave his Fox post in Rome to become communications...

MSNBC Aired Anti-Romney Video in February

Fox producer loses CNN job offer over anti-Obama video

(Newser) - Fox is taking flak for airing a video that resembled an anti-Obama campaign ad , but there was no similar outcry when MSNBC produced an equally partisan anti-Romney video in February, the Atlantic finds. "Mitt: Better Off Mute," an Artist spoof that portrayed the gaffe-prone Romney as a silent...

Fox Backtracks on Obama Attack Video

Fox & Friends video was unauthorized, Fox chiefs say

(Newser) - In a move that even Roger Ailes might have trouble describing as "fair and balanced' with a straight face, Fox & Friends morning show twice aired an anti-Obama video yesterday that strongly resembled a campaign ad. The 4-minute video, credited to a Fox producer and titled "Four Years...

Roger Ailes: Jon Stewart Told Me He's a Socialist

Fox News chief slams MSNBC, 'cesspool of bias' NYT

(Newser) - Ever wonder what would happen if Jon Stewart and Roger Ailes went for a beer? According to Ailes, the two actually did meet in a bar once—and the Daily Show host "basically admitted he's a socialist," said Ailes. The Fox News chief, speaking at his alma...

SNL Scrapped Skit Mocking Obama

Spoofed president's handling of Osama bin Laden anniversary

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live opened this weekend with a sketch parodying Fox News (catch highlights here) —but the show had planned a spoof of President Obama, the Daily Caller reports. The ditched sketch featured regular Obama impersonator Fred Armisen taking a lot of credit for the killing of Osama bin...

Fox News Mole Gets Six-Figure Book Deal

But it's 'low' six figures for Joe Muto

(Newser) - The Fox News mole apparently has enough secrets to spill that it's worth a six-figure book deal. Joe Muto will get an advance in the "low six figures" from publisher Dutton for the upcoming Atheist in the Foxhole, reports Gawker , where Muto-as-mole first surfaced . Dutton says the book...

Fox News Mole Gets Served Search Warrant

And Joe Muto tweets his way through the process

(Newser) - Fox News mole Joe Muto got an early morning wake-up call from the New York District Attorney's Office today, which served him with a search warrant at 6:30am, tweeted Muto. According to Muto's Twitter feed, he was greeted by a "very polite crew" who "took...

Simpsons Tweaks Fox News on Fox TV's Anniversary

25th anniversary has Simpsons creators add message to first episode

(Newser) - The Simpsons had happy birthday wishes for Fox last night—along with a little shot at Fox News—as part of Fox's 25th anniversary trip down memory lane, reports Mediaite . The channel re-aired the very first Simpsons episode, "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire," but at the...

Catholic League Threatens Daily Show Boycott

Jon Stewart used racy Nativity scene in bit attacking Fox News

(Newser) - Jon Stewart's attempt to tweak Fox News earlier this week has the Catholic League threatening to organize a boycott of his Daily Show. Leaders are furious about a bit that aired Monday that strategically placed a Nativity scene over a naked woman's private parts. It was part of...

Gingrich Bolts When Student Journo Asks Fox Question

Aide, Secret Service physically block UNC's Memet Walker

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich had no problem bashing Fox News last week, but he apparently really does not want to be questioned about it now, as a reporter for the University of North Carolina's Daily Tar Heel found out Saturday. Memet Walker had scheduled a private interview with Gingrich at a...

Gawker Paid Fox News Mole $5K: Forbes

Joe Muto apparently hasn't struck it rich over his posts

(Newser) - So what's a mole go for these days? Gawker paid Fox News turncoat Joe Muto $5,000 for his insider posts, writes Jeff Bercovici at Forbes . (He says he got the figure straight from John Cook, a friend who works for Gawker.) Bercovici crunches some numbers on ad...

Mole Flap Shows Media&#39;s Need to Get Over Itself
Mole Flap Shows Media's Need to Get Over Itself

Mole Flap Shows Media's Need to Get Over Itself

Forbes blogger: Outlets obsessed with self-image

(Newser) - The Fox News mole story may have generated lots of headlines yesterday, but it's "about the weakest cloak-and-dagger story imaginable," writes John McQuaid at Forbes . Outed mole Joe Muto hasn't offered much beyond the mundane so far about the inner workings at the network, he notes....

Gingrich: 'CNN Is Less Biased Than Fox'

Newt claims Fox News has been shilling for Romney all along

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is not happy with his former employer , Fox News, which he accused yesterday of backing Mitt Romney since the beginning of the Republican nomination race. "Callista and I both believe CNN is less biased than Fox this year," he said at a private meeting of Delaware...

Fox Mole Found, Fired
 Fox Mole Found, Fired 

Fox Mole Found, Fired

Joe Muto was O'Reilly Factor producer

(Newser) - Joe Muto's career at Fox News lasted eight years, but his career as Gawker 's "Fox mole" only lasted some 36 hours after his first column . Muto, an associate producer on the O'Reilly Factor, unmasked himself after being summoned to a meeting with a senior Fox...

Fox News: We Got the Mole Mole: No, You Didn't

Gawker's anonymous source still operating

(Newser) - It's a whack-a-mole, media style: Fox News said today it had found the "mole" who has been writing insider columns for Gawker. (Like this one about a Romney-Hannity interview.) But the mole has since posted a note on Gawker contradicting the claim. "If Fox has smoked...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>