Fox News

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Murdoch Tried to Buy US Presidency&mdash;Media Yawn
Murdoch Tried to Buy US Presidency—Media Yawn
Carl Bernstein

Murdoch Tried to Buy US Presidency—Media Yawn

Carl Bernstein rips into coverage at Washington Post, elsewhere

(Newser) - Carl Bernstein can't quite believe how the US media mostly ignored what he sees as a bombshell story: As his Watergate partner Bob Woodward revealed earlier this month , Rupert Murdoch tried to get David Petreaus to run for president last year, promising to bankroll his campaign and give him...

Fox Sidelines Karl Rove, Dick Morris

Post-election, Ailes wants fresh faces

(Newser) - The post-election shake-up at Fox News includes benching two of the pundits who called it wrong the most persistently, New York reports. Under orders from Roger Ailes, producers must get permission before booking Karl Rove or Dick Morris. "The election’s over," says a Fox spokesperson confirming the...

Petraeus: &#39;I Love Roger Ailes&#39;
 Petraeus: 'I Love Roger Ailes' 
Transcript Revealed

Petraeus: 'I Love Roger Ailes'

Transcript of call with Fox Reporter revealed

(Newser) - Did Roger Ailes really try to convince David Petraeus to run for president in April 2011? Just how close was the general with the conservative network? Well, you can now judge for yourself, because the Washington Post has published the full transcript of the call Bob Woodward obtained between Petraeus...

Stewart Bombs Fox's 'War on Christmas'

'Christmas is so big, it's eating other holidays'

(Newser) - It's that most wonderful time of year when Fox News starts drumming up the case for a "War on Christmas," and Jon Stewart isn't putting up with it anymore. Host Gretchen Carlson asked on air whether she was "nuts" to think the war was real,...

For Stumbling Fox, Megyn Kelly Is a Hero

She's smart, telegenic, and skips the GOP cheerleading: Noreen Malone

(Newser) - Fox News may still be licking its wounds after Karl Rove's " bizarre" moment on election night, but Megyn Kelly proved why she might just be the network's salvation, writes Noreen Malone at the New Republic . She was the shining star Tuesday night when she challenged Rove and...

Rove's New Claim: Obama 'Suppressed the Vote'

Argues on Fox News that Obama did so via negative ads

(Newser) - Karl Rove is not backing down: Though he seems to have accepted the fact that President Obama was, in fact, re-elected, Rove was back on Fox News yesterday to claim that Obama won by "suppressing the vote," the New York Daily News reports. How exactly did the president...

As Rove and Aides Argued Results, Romney Gave Up

Campaign advisers were urging both not to concede defeat

(Newser) - Karl Rove's on-air confrontation with Fox News' projection team, and Mitt Romney's failure to concede once all the networks had called the race, were two of the weirdest subplots on election night, but the reasons for both are coming into focus. Rove remains one of the best-connected men...

Stewart: Fox Had 'Avalanche on Bullsh** Mountain'

Kelly to Rove: Is that math, or Republican-friendly math?

(Newser) - Things went pretty smoothly for the networks on Election Night, Jon Stewart said on last night's Daily Show —with the screaming exception of the station he lovingly dubs "BMN: Bullshit Mountain News." Or as you know it, Fox News. Stewart runs down Fox pundits devoutly dismissing...

Karl Rove Disputed Fox&#39;s Ohio Call
Rove Disputes Fox's Call, Triggers 'Bizarre' Moment

Rove Disputes Fox's Call, Triggers 'Bizarre' Moment

He warned network against 'intruding in process'

(Newser) - Fox News contributor Karl Rove caused a kerfuffle by disputing his own network's decision to call Ohio for President Obama. He called the decision "premature," saying "we have got to be careful about calling things when we have like 991 votes separating the two candidates and...

Police: 'Suicide Gunman' Had Violent Record

Jodon Romero, 33, killed himself live on Fox News

(Newser) - The gunman whose suicide was broadcast live on Fox News yesterday had just stolen a car and led Phoenix police on a 90-minute chase, the Arizona Republic reports. Police today identified him as Jodon Romero, 33, a violent, convicted criminal who was wanted for parole violation on a weapons charge....

Man Kills Himself on Live TV as Fox Covers Car Chase

Fox anchor Shepard Smith: 'We really messed up'

(Newser) - Fox News aired a live car chase in Phoenix today that ended with a man fatally shooting himself before the network could cut off its feed, the New York Times' Media Decoder blog reports. Anchor Shepard Smith gave moment-by-moment commentary as the carjacking suspect eluded police, jumped from his car,...

Stewart: 47% Gaffe Turns Fox Into 'Bulls#%t Mountain'

Daily Show host asks who the real moochers are

(Newser) - Jon Stewart did what he does best on last night's Daily Show : Made fun of Fox News, or as he calls it, "Romney Campaign Headquarters." In a segment hilariously titled "Chaos on Bullshit Mountain," Stewart ran through the network's oft-contradictory attempts to spin Romney'...

College &#39;Bro&#39;: How I Punked Fox
 College 'Bro': How I Punked Fox 

College 'Bro': How I Punked Fox

Max Rice promised what program wanted: disenchantment with Obama

(Newser) - Columbia College Chicago film student Max Rice knew he could snag Fox in a national TV prank after a friend of a friend reached out in a phone call seeking conservative graduates to blast President Obama on television. "When I picked up the phone, my ears perked up at...

Fox's Most Awkward Interview Ever

'Former Obama supporter' makes network look dumb

(Newser) - How much awkward can you handle? If the answer isn't "all of it," then don't watch the interview that recent college grad Max Rice gave Fox News this morning. Rice was introduced as a former Obama voter who was now unemployed, living with his parents, and...

Glenn Beck Returns to Television Tonight

This time he's got his own channel

(Newser) - He's baaaaaack. Conservative talk show host and onetime Fox News darling Glenn Beck is returning to the television airwaves after about a year of trying his hand at Internet-only broadcasting, reports the New York TImes . He plans to make an announcement later today about a new partnership with Dish...

R.E.M. to Fox: Stop Playing Our Music

Michael Stipe doesn't appear to be a fan of the network

(Newser) - Today's entry in the don't-mix-my-music-with-your-politics meme: R.E.M. sent a cease-and-desist letter to Fox News after the network used "Losing My Religion" in its coverage of the Democratic convention, notes the Hollywood Reporter . At least Michael Stipe was more colorful than most: "We have little...

Palin: Fox Axed My Interviews
 Palin: Fox Axed My Interviews 

Palin: Fox Axed My Interviews

She's disappointed at missing chance to honor McCain

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, star of the 2008 Republican National Convention, wasn't happy when Fox News cut her out of this year's coverage. "I’m sorry Fox canceled all my scheduled interviews tonight," she wrote on her Facebook page yesterday, because with former running mate John McCain speaking...

In Fox Sports' Olympics Headline, a Geography Goof

It was a bit fuzzy on the Mideast yesterday

(Newser) - They're not bad at puns, but the writers at Fox Sports may need some geography lessons. Fox Sports ran a photo yesterday of Iranian athlete Hamid Soryan after he won his gold medal for Greco-Roman wrestling with the headline: "It's in the Baghdad," Gawker noticed. That...

News Channels Ruining Games for Jon Stewart

'Spoiler alerts' aren't working, says Daily Show host

(Newser) - The bizarre phenomenon of Olympic "spoiler alerts" is driving Jon Stewart nuts. CNN asks viewers to put the TV on mute before the newscasters go on to announce results. "People watch CNN not on mute?" Stewart asked incredulously on last night's Daily Show , poking at the ways...

George Zimmerman Goes on Fox Tonight

Sean Hannity will interview him

(Newser) - In his first major interview, George Zimmerman will go on Fox News to be interviewed by Sean Hannity at 9pm today, reports CBS News . "Zimmerman will open up about what happened the night of Trayvon Martin's death and his experience in the aftermath of the fatal shooting,"...

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