
Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

Va. Ruling Won't Stall ObamaCare: White House

Implementation of it will proceed, says administration

(Newser) - Implementation of the new health care law will continue to move forward in spite of yesterday's federal court ruling that a key provision of ObamaCare is unconstitutional , the White House says. Regulations will continue to be written, plans to expand Medicaid will be considered, and this week, 150 officials from...

Federal Judge Declares Health Care Reform Unconstitutional
Federal Judge Declares Health Care Reform Unconstitutional
Breaking News

Federal Judge Declares Health Care Reform Unconstitutional

Rules in favor of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli

(Newser) - A federal judge declared the Obama administration's health care law unconstitutional today, siding with Virginia's attorney general in a dispute that both sides agree will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court. US District Judge Henry E. Hudson is the first federal judge to strike down the law, which has...

Second Judge Shuts Down Challenge to Obamacare

Conservative Christian university will appeal the ruling

(Newser) - A federal judge yesterday dismissed Liberty University's lawsuit challenging the Obama administration's new federal health care law, declaring that a provision requiring most individuals to obtain insurance is constitutional. The ruling is the second court decision upholding the law, following one in Michigan in October . University law school dean Mathew...

New GOP Rep: I Have to Wait to Get Health Care?

Maryland's Andy Harris can't understand why benefits don't kick in for a month

(Newser) - For a Republican who campaigned on repealing ObamaCare, Andy Harris had a rather unusual question at a meeting on congressional benefits yesterday: Dude, where's my health care? Harris, an anesthesiologist and newly elected Maryland rep, demanded to know why his federal health insurance takes a month to kick in. “...

Supreme Court Turns Down First ObamaCare Challenge

Kagan may not recuse herself from cases involving health reform

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has turned down the first preliminary challenge to President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. The decision to reject an appeal from a former Republican state lawmaker in California was no surprise because a federal appeals court has yet to consider the case. The high court almost never...

Dem Governor: ObamaCare Tempts Firms to Dump Plans

Tennessee's Bredesen foresees exodus to federally-subsidized insurance

(Newser) - If you crunch the numbers, President Obama’s health care plan is a great incentive for employers to stop providing coverage and put their workers in the hands of government-subsidized plans, meaning “much greater cost” for the US, writes Democratic Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen in the Wall Street Journal...

Federal Judge Rejects Challenge to ObamaCare

He says the insurance mandate is legal

(Newser) - A federal judge today rejected an attempt to stop key provisions of the new national health care law, saying Congress has the authority to require people to get insurance by 2014. The ruling—the first challenge to the Obama administration's overhaul—came in a lawsuit filed in Michigan by a...

Feds Handing Out Waivers to Health Insurers

Providers threaten to leave markets, stop offering coverage

(Newser) - The Obama administration has issued a host of waivers in recent weeks, exempting insurers and companies from new health care rules after they threatened to drop coverage, abandon markets, and refuse to sell various policies. So far, they’ve doled out one-year waivers to about 30 companies to allow them...

McD's: We'll Dump Worker Plans Over Health Reform

Chain wants waiver from 'mini-med' spending rules

(Newser) - McDonald's is threatening to drop employee health insurance because of new federal health care regulations requiring it to spend at least $4 out of every $5 its plan receives on health benefits. Mickey D's says that the requirement, meant to force companies to spend money on actual worker benefits rather...

Newt Gingrich Accuses Health Chief of 'Soviet Tyranny'

Blasts Sebelius over Obamacare

(Newser) - At least he didn't invoke Hitler: Newt Gingrich today accused health secretary Kathleen Sebelius of "Soviet tyranny" and said she embodies the "left-wing thought police" because of Obamacare, reports Politico . His money quote at the Values Voter summit in DC: “When Secretary Sebelius said the other day...

Pawlenty Tells Agencies to Shun Funds on Obamacare

Pledges to 'slow down' law where he can

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty is using the power of the governor's office to stake a claim against President Obama's health care overhaul—and get a leg up on other 2012 presidential aspirants. Pawlenty today forbid state agencies in Minnesota from applying for grant money available under the legislation, including a sex-education program,...

Why My Company Isn't Hiring
 Why My Company Isn't Hiring 

Why My Company Isn't Hiring

Taxes are driving up unemployment

(Newser) - Why is unemployment so high? Blame the government, writes Michael Fleischer in the Wall Street Journal . Using the employee who has his company's median salary as an example, the head of Bogen Communications explains that though she makes $59,000 on paper, she actually takes home only $44,000 after...

Dem Congressman Loses It With Constituent

(Newser) - it was presumably a nice chat with constituents at a Mexican restaurant until Rep. Ciro Rodriguez was challenged on the cost of ObamaCare, which he voted for. This 44 sec. video shows the Texas Democrat losing his temper in a heated exchange when a woman who suggested he wasn't "...

GOP Readies New Attack on Health Bill

Offensive asks for 'second opinion' on bill

(Newser) - The health debate ain't over. A group of Republican senators met yesterday in Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's office to plan a new attack. Using the slogan "second opinion," they hope to “to draw attention to the consequences of the health care law that the White House hopes...

Minn. Gov. Candidate Wants to Nullify Federal Laws

Emmer embodies GOP's rightward shift

(Newser) - Meet Tom Emmer, the Republican candidate for Minnesota governor. Emmer, a state legislator, enjoys the backing of incumbent Tim Pawlenty but is philosophically far right of the current governor: Emmer is an avowed "Tenther" who believes the Tenth Amendment gives states the right to nullify federal laws, TPM reports....

Threats Against Congress Triple Amid Health Fury

'There's more anger out there,' says GOP rep

(Newser) - Fury over the healthcare bill has contributed to a threefold increase in threats against members of Congress this year. Lawmakers reported a total of 42 threats from January to March 2010, up from 15 in the last three months of 2009. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was the latest victim. A...

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
health care reform

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'

Health care reform law opposition becomes Republican litmus test

(Newser) - The push to repeal health care reform has become a rallying cry for GOP candidates pushing for big congressional victories this year and eager to show their willingness to take on the Democratic agenda. In Florida, Gov. Charlie Crist and conservative upstart Marco Rubio agreed on little else in a...

Pelosi Celebrates Health Care Triumph

Speaker welcomes GOP push to repeal Obamacare

(Newser) - A triumphant Nancy Pelosi celebrated the passage of health care reform yesterday in a rousing speech to packed church service, declaring that she's not afraid of Republican efforts to repeal the bill if they retake Congress in November. Pelosi said that despite current misconceptions, Americans would soon appreciate the bill's...

Don't Fan the Flames&mdash; We'll All Get Burned
 Don't Fan the Flames— 
 We'll All Get Burned 


Don't Fan the Flames— We'll All Get Burned

Political rage is a national problem, not a partisan one

(Newser) - America's white-hot political rage is a national problem, not a partisan one—and if we're not careful, we'll all get burned. The Democrats are right to call attention to threats to lawmakers but they shouldn't treat this as a political opportunity, writes Peggy Noonan for the Wall Street Journal . "...

GOP Changes Force Health Bill Back to House

Senators uncover budget glitches for another vote

(Newser) - Senate changes in the nation's health reform measure now mean it must go back to the House for another vote, something Democrats had hoped to avoid. Senate Republicans uncovered two "minor provisions" in the measure at odds with budget law, according to a spokesman for majority leader Harry Reid....

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>