
Stories 641 - 650 | << Prev 

Health Reform a Blow to Film
 Health Reform a Blow to Film 

Health Reform a Blow to Film

Hospital bills have driven many Hollywood screenplays

(Newser) - No one doubts that American life will change when health-care reform takes effect. But few have considered how the changes will affect popular culture—specifically movies. Health care has been a catch-all motivator for screenwriters, allowing for the injection of life-or-death struggle into otherwise comfortable American middle-class existence. John Lopez ...

Palin PAC Targets 20 Dems
 Palin PAC Targets 20 Dems 

Palin PAC Targets 20 Dems

She aims to 'fire' those who voted for health reform

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s political action committee plans to use its monetary might to remove from office 20 Democrats who voted for the health-reform measure that passed the House on Sunday. “We’re going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people,...

Mitt Won't Own Up, but Dems Just Passed RomneyCare

Health bill is similar to Mass. plan—but don't expect Romney to admit it

(Newser) - In yesterday's press briefing, Robert Gibbs couldn't resist tweaking the GOP by noting that the health reform bill opponents like to call ObamaCare looks a whole lot like RomneyCare. "I'm sure Gov. Romney hates it every time I say that," he joked. Mitt Romney wasn't laughing— the once...

Website Tests Rush's Pledge to Flee Obamacare

Limbaugh vowed to move to Costa Rica if health reform passed

(Newser) - The final stages of the battle for health care reform have been dramatic, so you could be forgiven for forgetting about Rush Limbaugh. He recently said he'd to move to Costa Rica if "Obamacare" passed. Now that it has, one website is soliciting donations to make sure he keeps...

Agreement in Abortion Debate: Stupak Deal Stinks

Executive order inflames one side; 'yea' votes enrage the other

(Newser) - Activists on both sides of the abortion issue slammed a deal crucial to the passage of health care reform in the House. President Obama agreed to trade a reaffirmation of the ban on federal funding for abortion for the support of key House Democrats, led by Bart Stupak of Michigan....

Limbaugh: I'll Move to Costa Rica if Health Reform Passes

Rush will 'go to Costa Rica' rather than face Obamacare

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh vowed to leave the US if Obama's health care reforms come into effect. Limbaugh told a caller to his radio show today that if "this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented—I am leaving the country. I'll go to...

Post-Partisan? Obamacare Push Proves the Lie
Post-Partisan? Obamacare
Push Proves the Lie
charles krauthammer

Post-Partisan? Obamacare Push Proves the Lie

Health care reform is too big for a party-line vote

(Newser) - Barack Obama came to office on the promise of a post-partisan world, but he's about to jam through a monumental health care bill in the most partisan way imaginable, writes Charles Krauthammer. The president insists reform is popular because people support individual items in principle. Of course they do, writes...

Don't Gloat Too Long, Conservatives
 Don't Gloat 
 Too Long, 
william kristol

Don't Gloat Too Long, Conservatives

Nice work, but Democrats themselves and tea partiers deserve credit

(Newser) - William Kristol thinks Republicans and conservatives are entitled to celebrate over the current state of President Obama's agenda, "but only a little." After all, the bulk of the credit goes to Obama himself (his "big-government liberalism" united foes), Nancy Pelosi (for being "ideologically blinkered"), Harry...

Romneycare Did In Obamacare
 Romneycare Did In Obamacare 

Romneycare Did In Obamacare

Mass. already has even-more-liberal health plan—why aid others?

(Newser) - Mitt Romney didn’t help Scott Brown win by campaigning for him, Timothy Noah writes, but by giving Massachusetts universal health care four years ago. Sure, the senator-elect and the former governor railed against Obamacare as a “one size fits all” health reform plan, but they were being disingenuous....

Obamacare's Real Architect? GOP's Romney

Too bad it's political suicide for him to say so now

(Newser) - Though no Republicans voted for the health-reform bill that just passed the Senate, one GOP star could claim a large chunk of credit for it. The plan has many of the same features as the successful plan Mitt Romney brought to Massachusetts as governor, Timothy Egan writes—but, though Romney...

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