
Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>

Tim Pawlenty Blasts Mitt Romney, 'Obam-newCare'
 Swipes at 

Pawlenty Swipes at 'Obam-neyCare'

Here's looking at you, Mitt Romney

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty declared open season on Mitt Romney today, equating Massachusetts' health reform with the federal overhaul in a mashup he termed "Obam-neyCare." “The president’s own words [are] that he patterned in large measure Obamacare after what happened in Massachusetts,” Pawlenty told Fox News....

Obama Thanks Romney for 'Assist'

Laugh line goes over well in Massachusetts

(Newser) - President Obama held a pair of fundraisers in Boston last night, and in both he tried out a new jab at Mitt Romney, saying that he'd passed health care reform "with a little assist from the former governor of Massachusetts." Both swipes drew laughter, notes the Washington ...

Unapologetic Romney Defends His Health Plan

Says he knows it would be politically smart to denounce it

(Newser) - Mitt Romney gave his big speech on health care reform today, saying pretty much what everyone expected him to say : Repeal Obamacare and let the states figure it out. Conservative critics maintain that his own version of Romneycare dooms his candidacy—see today's Wall Street Journal editorial —but...

Romney&#39;s ObamaCare Problem
 Romney's ObamaCare Problem 

Romney's ObamaCare Problem

He has to renounce it in today's speech, Wall Street Journal insists

(Newser) - In a major speech he'll deliver on health care today, Mitt Romney says he wants to repeal ObamaCare , but that’s not enough for the Wall Street Journal —it wants him to renounce RomneyCare, too. Romney is still calling the reform he enacted in Massachusetts a “success,...

Mitt Romney: I'll Do Away With ObamaCare on Day One
Romney: I'll Do Away With ObamaCare on Day One

Romney: I'll Do Away With ObamaCare on Day One

He wants to leave it up to the states

(Newser) - If he’s elected president, Mitt Romney says the first thing he’d do is defang the new federal health care reform law. “The president definitely forgot the admonition to ‘do no harm,’” Romney writes in a USA Today op-ed. “If I am elected president,...

Romney's Do-or-Die Time: He'll Speak on Health Care

First major policy speech set for Thursday

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is about to grab the third rail of 2012 candidacy—health care reform. He plans a major address on the subject Thursday on ways to "repeal and replace Obamacare," reports the Los Angeles Times . Romney's big knock as a candidate, of course, is that he...

Jon Stewart on Paul Ryan's Budget Plan: Just Like Obamacare (Daily Show Video)
 Ryan's Plan? 
 Just Like Obamacare 
jon stewart

Ryan's Plan? Just Like Obamacare

But of course, now Republicans love it and Democrats hate it

(Newser) - Remember last year, when Republicans hated Obamacare because of "exchanges, difficult end-of-life decisions, cuts to vulnerable seniors"? Well, Jon Stewart does, and last night he informed America: "Guess what? [Paul] Ryan's plan is all that, plus a $750 billion cut to Medicaid. How do they characterize a...

Dana Milbank: Anthony Weiner Is the Only Democrat Fighting for Health Care
 Weiner's the 
 Only Dem in 
 Health Brawl 

Dana Milbank

Weiner's the Only Dem in Health Brawl

Dana Milbank: Only he is standing up to Republican attacks on law

(Newser) - Republicans keep attacking health care reform, and with one loud exception, Democrats have been "passive to the point of wimpy" in defending it, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . That exception? "Brooklyn-born streetfighter" Anthony Weiner. "I don't represent the hide-under-the-desk wing of the Democratic Party,"...

Judge: States Can't Ignore Health Care Law—Yet

They must continue implementing it while it winds through courts

(Newser) - A federal judge who declared President Obama's health care overhaul unconstitutional ruled today that states must continue implementing it while the case makes its way through the courts. US District Judge Roger Vinson was responding to a request from Obama administration attorneys who sought to ensure Florida and 25 other...

Coming Soon: Obamacare Comic Book

MIT economics professor will spell out benefits in graphic novel

(Newser) - It doesn't have the ring of, say, Hulk vs. the New Avengers, but Obamacare will get the comic book treatment this fall as Health Care Reform: What It Is, Why It’s Necessary, How it Works. An MIT professor who helped craft the legislation—as well as the state's own...

Momentum to Repeal Health Care Unstoppable

Sen. John Thune: Democrats can't keep ignoring reality forever

(Newser) - The Republicans' bid to repeal Obamacare might have failed in the Senate , but the GOP's John Thune thinks Democrats are going to have to face reality about this "awful" bill eventually. Most Americans don't like it, he says—finding a poll to back him up, as folks on both...

GOP Health Care Repeal Fails in Senate

Party-line vote came down as expected

(Newser) - A Republican drive to repeal the year-old health care law ended in party-line defeat in the Senate today by a vote of 47-51. Republicans conceded in advance their attempt at total repeal would fall short, but they accomplished an objective of forcing Democrats to take a position on an issue...

ObamaCare Ruling Keeps All Eyes on Anthony Kennedy
ObamaCare Ruling Keeps All Eyes on Anthony Kennedy
ezra klein

ObamaCare Ruling Keeps All Eyes on Anthony Kennedy

Ezra Klein: Court's ruling will likely arrive in heat of 2012 campaign

(Newser) - Instead of ObamaCare, maybe the nickname for health care reform should be KennedyCare. As in Anthony Kennedy, the Supreme Court swing vote who could very well decide whether the legislation lives or dies when it makes it to the Supreme Court. After yesterday's ruling by a federal judge in Florida...

South Dakota Bill: Every Adult Must Own a Gun

Republicans try to make a point with mandatory gun law

(Newser) - South Dakota lawmakers have introduced a bill that would force all of the state’s citizens to buy a gun “to provide for the self defense of themselves and others.” (Wait, is it still self-defense if you’re defending others? Isn’t that just defense?) The law would...

Fla. Judge: Obamacare Is Unconstitutional

Federal court sides with 26 states

(Newser) - A federal judge in Florida says the Obama administration's health overhaul is unconstitutional, siding with 26 states that had sued to block it. US District Judge Roger Vinson today accepted without trial the states' argument that the new law violates people's rights by forcing them to buy health insurance by...

Repeal of ObamaCare Is Going to Backfire on GOP
Repeal of ObamaCare Is Going to Backfire on GOP
eugene robinson

Repeal of ObamaCare Is Going to Backfire on GOP

Eugene Robinson: Turns out, a lot of people actually like it

(Newser) - House Republicans predicted they'd get scores of Democratic defectors in the vote to repeal health care reform, a sign of the "will of the people" to overturn the legislation, writes Eugene Robinson. Yeah, not so much: Not a single Democrat switched. "This is momentum?" Robinson asks in the...

House Votes to Repeal Obama's Health Care Law

Measure is all but certain to fail in the Senate

(Newser) - The Republican-controlled House has voted to repeal the health care law President Obama signed last year. The 245-189 vote marks the fulfillment of a promise many Republicans made in last fall's political campaigns. The measure has little or no chance of passing the Senate, where Democratic supporters of the law...

Five Votes to Watch in Today's Health Care Repeal
Five Votes to Watch in Today's Health Care Repeal

Five Votes to Watch in Today's Health Care Repeal

It's going to pass, but there's still some political intrigue at play

(Newser) - After all the talk, the House will finally vote later today on whether to repeal health care. It's no great mystery how things will shake out, of course: It's going to pass in the House, fail in the Senate, "then die the death of the symbolic bill that it...

Dems Quickly Pull Plug on 'Death Panels'

White House reverses course, deletes references to counseling

(Newser) - The end-of-life counseling derided as "death panels" that was originally part of health care reform, then taken out, then put back in , is back out again. For now. The Obama administration has reversed itself and removed references to the counseling from new Medicare regulations that quietly went into effect...

Politifact Names 'Lie of the Year'
Politifact Names
'Lie of the Year'

Politifact Names 'Lie of the Year'

Health care reform no 'government takeover'

(Newser) - This year’s biggest political lie is the phrase “a government takeover of health care,” holds the nonpartisan fact-checking group Politifact . The term "government takeover" was suggested by a GOP strategist, who called on Republican leaders to use it to refer to health care reform—and use...

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>