
Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>

Many States Lag in Embracing Obamacare

States have chance to organize their own 'exchanges'

(Newser) - Obamacare needs more than the Supreme Court's approval this summer. It also requires states to organize "exchanges" where people can buy health insurance—but 75% of uninsured Americans live in states that are yet to get cracking, the AP reports. Some states, like Florida and Louisiana, have flat-out...

Andrew Sullivan Defends President Obama; Conservative Bloggers React

 Obama Critics: 
 Really So 
'newsweek' cover story

Obama Critics: Really So 'Dumb'?

Conservatives react to Andrew Sullivan's article

(Newser) - Andrew Sullivan's unflinching defense of President Obama in Newsweek is irking conservative bloggers today. No wonder, considering the headline: "Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?" Taking on the right, Sullivan calls Obamacare a "moderate," fiscally responsible program, and says "a depression was averted" with...

Judge Roberts: All Justices Can Rule on Obamacare

Chief justice says Supreme Court peers can't withdraw

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's chief justice yesterday defended the right of his fellow justices to rule on Obamacare, the New York Times reports. John G. Roberts didn't mention justices Clarence Thomas and Elena Kagan by name, but both are facing calls to withdraw from the ruling because of their...

Supreme Court Will Hear ObamaCare Case in March

Lengthy case will be argued over 3 days

(Newser) - President Obama's health-care law will head to the Supreme Court at the end of March, and justices are devoting a whopping five and a half hours of arguments to it. Most cases are argued for just an hour, but the weight of the case and its implications for federal...

White House Gives States More Say on Health Law

Proposal would let them determine 'essential benefits'

(Newser) - In a potentially big shift, the White House is poised to give states much more flexibility on how to implement a key part of health care reform. Under a proposal outlined by health chief Kathleen Sebelius, the federal government would largely let states determine what "essential health benefits" would...

Health Reform Insured 2.5M Young People

Coverage up among 19- to 25-year-olds, now eligible for parents' insurance

(Newser) - Roughly 2.5 million people between the ages of 19 and 25 have gained health insurance since President Obama signed his health care reform bill, more than double the 1 million the White House had been expecting, according to a new administration analysis. The bump is almost entirely due to...

Breast Cancer Survivor Apologizes to Barack Obama, Says ObamaCare Gave Her Insurance When No One Else Could

 I Was Wrong: 
 May Save Me 
in case you missed it

I Was Wrong: ObamaCare May Save Me

One breast cancer patient's apology to the president

(Newser) - Until about a month ago, Spike Dolomite Ward was so upset with Barack Obama that she’d taken a Sharpie to her bumper sticker, changing its message from "Got hope" to "Got nope." Now, she’s publicly apologizing. What changed? “I found out three weeks ago...

C-SPAN: Let Us Televise Health Care Arguments

It asks Supreme Court to allow cameras for first time

(Newser) - C-SPAN thinks the coming health care debate before the Supreme Court would be a perfect time to make history. The channel has written a letter to John Roberts requesting that it be allowed to televise the five-plus hours of arguments scheduled to take place in March over President Obama's...

Foes Want Kagan, Thomas to Skip Health Care Vote

But don't expect either to do so

(Newser) - Now that the Supreme Court has decided to rule on President Obama's health care law, expect to see pressure from activists on both sides to get Elena Kagan and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves, notes the National Law Journal . Already, the decision has called new attention to a story...

Why Supreme Court's Look at ObamaCare Surprises

SCOTUS allots 5.5 hours for oral arguments, will examine Medicaid portion

(Newser) - That the Supreme Court decided to hear a challenge to ObamaCare's individual mandate is not too shocking. But, as Politico reports, a number of aspects of the court's decision are surprising—and historic. The court will hear 5.5 hours of oral arguments in March, which Politico calls...

Supreme Court Accepts Health Care Case

Hearings, ruling will fall in heat of 2012 election campaign

(Newser) - The Supreme Court says it will hear arguments over President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, setting up an election-year showdown over the White House's main domestic policy achievement. The justices today revealed they would take the case, meaning arguments could come in March, with a decision following in...

Romney's New Pickle: Mass. Health Costs Highest in US

And his GOP rivals are using that fact in their attacks

(Newser) - Five years after RomneyCare took effect in Massachusetts, the state boasts the highest insurance premiums and health care costs in America, a fact that Mitt Romney's competitors in the race for the GOP nomination are increasingly using to attack him with, reports Politico . “Certainly, Gov. Romney made sure...

GOP to Obama: What Took So Long to Kill Insurance Plan?

It plans hearing into scrapping of 'CLASS'

(Newser) - The Obama administration's decision to scrap a key part of its health care reform is not going to slip quietly away. House Republicans will make sure of it. The Energy and Commerce panel has scheduled a hearing for later this month on the now-shelved CLASS Act, reports the Hill...

ObamaCare Modeled on RomneyCare: Records

NBC News obtains records that are sure to play a part in tonight's debate

(Newser) - As the GOP frontrunner, it's widely expected that Mitt Romney will face a tough time tonight —and it looks like tough might be an understatement. NBC News has obtained White House visitor log records that reveal that ObamaCare doesn't just resemble RomneyCare , it was actually modeled on...

Dems Seek Probe of Clarence Thomas

20 lawmakers say he failed to disclose wife's earnings

(Newser) - Clarence Thomas may not only have to recuse himself from a Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare—he might also face an investigation into his finances, Raw Story reports. Yesterday 20 House Democrats called for a probe into Thomas' failure to comply with the Ethics in Government Act of 1978. More...

Obama Asks Supreme Court to Hear Health Care Case

26 states also request high court ruling today

(Newser) - The Obama administration launched its Supreme Court defense of its landmark health care overhaul today, formally appealing a ruling by the federal appeals court in Atlanta that struck down the law's core requirement that individuals buy health insurance or pay a penalty beginning in 2014. Though the case has...

Appeals Court Tosses Virginia ObamaCare Lawsuits

Unanimous decision issued

(Newser) - A federal appeals court in Virginia has dismissed two lawsuits that had claimed President Obama's health care overhaul was unconstitutional. The unanimous decision was issued today by a three-judge panel of the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals. It is the second appellate court ruling affirming the government's...

Romney Boasts His Health-Care Law Is 'Big Asset'

Romney seeks middle as other GOP candidates vie for right

(Newser) - With the GOP presidential candidates vying to be the rightest-of-the-right at yesterday's Freedom Forum in South Carolina, Mitt Romney kept focused on the general election, where wooing moderates is key, reports Politico . For example, he defended the need for federal regulations. “Regulation is necessary to make a free...

Court Calls Health Law Unconstitutional

Appellate panel says insurance mandate is unconstitutional

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today struck down the requirement in President Obama's health care overhaul package that virtually all Americans must carry health insurance or face penalties. A divided three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the so-called individual mandate, siding with 26 states that...

Appeals Court Upholds Health Care Reform

Federal panel says Obama legislation is constitutional

(Newser) - President Obama's health care reform scored a legal win today: A federal appeals court in Cincinnati ruled that requiring people to obtain insurance or pay a penalty does not violate the Constitution, reports CNN . "We find that the minimum coverage provision is a valid exercise of legislative power...

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>