conservative media

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This Year's Top Liberal Turkeys
 This Year's Top Liberal Turkeys 

This Year's Top Liberal Turkeys

Stimulus, President O-bow-ma get top billing

(Newser) - As we await tomorrow’s feast, conservative pundit Michelle Malkin gives us something to gnaw on, running down the year’s top turkeys:
  • The stimulus: The “Generational Theft Act” isn’t even a turkey, but a “Turbaconducken—the heart attack-inducing dish of roasted chicken stuffed inside a duck

SNL a Right-Wing Mouthpiece
 SNL a Right-Wing Mouthpiece 

SNL a Right-Wing Mouthpiece

Or latest sketch just a 'vehicle to make anal sex joke'

(Newser) - Saturday’s SNL cold opener—which poked fun at Obama’s deficit spending—conclusively marked the show as an “occasionally humorous right-wing propaganda organ,” writes Ethan Porter of True/Slant . SNL’s been obviously anti-Obama since the primaries, pausing only to mock Sarah Palin, who's far less popular than...

Beck to Unveil 'Big Plan' at Saturday Rally
 Beck to Unveil 
 'Big Plan' at 
 Saturday Rally 

Beck to Unveil 'Big Plan' at Saturday Rally

Righty pundit OK with destroying Dems and GOP

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has got a “big plan” for 2010, and he’s going to let us in on it tomorrow at a Florida rally that coincides with the beginning of his book tour, insiders tell Politico . The Fox News host’s new direction is likely to involve his 9....

Fox Caught Fudging Footage Again
 Fox Caught Fudging 
 Footage Again 

Fox Caught Fudging Footage Again

This-just-in Palin video actually from '08 campaign

(Newser) - The incident isn’t on par with Jon Stewart catching Fox News host Sean Hannity passing off old video as new, but lefty blogger Faiz Shakir found the network doing something similar today. Noting huge crowds for Sarah Palin’s book tour, host Gregg Jarrett alerts viewers to “pictures...

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN
 Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN 

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN

Longtime anchor announces move on tonight's show

(Newser) - Anchor Lou Dobbs is leaving CNN, he announced during tonight’s show—his last after 27 years at the channel. Dobbs, whose contract wasn’t up until 2011, has made waves with his anti-immigration views and his questioning of President Obama’s citizenship; he didn’t shed much light on...

Hannity to Daily Show : Yep, We Screwed Up
Hannity to Daily Show:
Yep, We Screwed Up 

Hannity to Daily Show: Yep, We Screwed Up

Fox host calls protest footage mixup 'inadvertent'

(Newser) - Fox News host Sean Hannity admitted tonight that his staff spliced video from a Capitol Hill protest last week with footage from an earlier, much larger protest over the summer—and apologized to Comedy Central’s Daily Show and host Jon Stewart, who brought the creative editing to light. “...

Beck Loses Fight Against Satire Site
Beck Loses Fight Against Satire Site

Beck Loses Fight Against Satire Site

Owner gives up domain name suggesting rape, murder anyway

(Newser) - Glenn Beck came out on the losing end today in his attempt to shut down a satirical website the Fox News host alleged was defamatory and infringed on his trademark. And though an arbitrator ruled that “even a ‘moron in a hurry’ would not likely conclude that Complainant...

'Death Is Not Imminent' for Hasan Despite Multiple Shots
'Death Is Not Imminent' for Hasan Despite Multiple Shots

'Death Is Not Imminent' for Hasan Despite Multiple Shots

Plus, a report that he was yelling in Arabic

(Newser) - Suspected Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan isn’t mortally wounded despite taking at least four bullets, military officials say tonight. “I would say his death is not imminent,” notes a spokesman at the Texas military base where the Army psychiatrist killed 12 and injured 31 earlier...

Appendicitis Takes Beck Off Air

Fox host has appendix removed, out indefinitely

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s appendix accomplished today what the nasty wishes of liberals everywhere couldn’t: It took him off the air. Beck excused himself early from his national radio show; an exec at his production company confirmed the operation. “Before going under Glenn asked the doctor to draw out...

White House, Fox News Reach a 'Truce'

Analysts skeptical about how long it'll last

(Newser) - The White House and Fox News appear to have called a “truce” in their war of words after a meeting today between Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs and Fox exec Michael Clemente. Clemente then returned to the channel’s DC bureau and asked staff to remain “fair and...

'Nixonian' Applies to Fox, Not Obama
'Nixonian' Applies to Fox, Not Obama
Joe Conason

'Nixonian' Applies to Fox, Not Obama

For starters, Tricky Dick henchman Roger Ailes runs the network

(Newser) - Pundits have been decrying the Obama administration’s “Nixonian” attack on Fox News—and that’s ridiculous, writes Joe Conason of Salon. The president’s within his rights to avoid or criticize an organization that won’t treat him fairly, and that definitely describes Fox. The network is run...

Obama Assault on Fox News Is 'Nixonian'
 Obama Assault 
 on Fox News  
 Is 'Nixonian' 

Charles Krauthammer

Obama Assault on Fox News Is 'Nixonian'

White House needs to recognize the legitimacy of opposition

(Newser) - The Obama administration is over the line in its war on Fox News, seeking not only to criticize it, but to delegitimize and marginalize it, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post. “There’s nothing illegal about such search-and-destroy tactics,” he argues, but they do violate “Madisonian...

White House-Fox Spat Now Involves ... Mao

In old video, communications director Anita Dunn calls Chinese leader a favorite

(Newser) - That was quick. The White House sent communications director Anita Dunn after Fox over the weekend, and now an old video has surfaced—much to the delight of Glenn Beck and others—in which she calls Mao one of her "favorite political philosophers." In a speech to high...

Rush: I'm Not a Right-Wing Monster
 Rush: I'm Not a 

Rush: I'm Not a Right-Wing Monster

Limbaugh says he's mostly kidding, screwing with media

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh insists he’s not controversial. “I say nothing that’s shocking or surprising,” he said during a three-hour interview with MSNBC. That's a caricature by detractors who want to portray him as far-right fringe. What he is, he added, is entertaining: "I turn people on....

There He Is: Miss America Judge Rush Limbaugh

Glenn Beck needs something really great to upstage this

(Newser) - The perennially publicity-hungry Miss America Pageant will shake up the judges' panel for the January event by adding a lightning rod: Rush Limbaugh. The right-wing titan isn't the first political blowhard to serve as a judge—MSNBC's Chris Matthews did a stint in 2007—but the pageant "has...

Fox Poll Numbers on Health Care Sneakily Biased
Fox Poll Numbers on Health Care Sneakily Biased
nate Silver Analysis

Fox Poll Numbers on Health Care Sneakily Biased

Health care question asked after leading ones

(Newser) - If Fox News’ latest poll were trustworthy, it would be bad news for Democrats; it turned up just 33% of the public supporting health care reform efforts, to 55% opposed, a far worse number than other polls. The natural liberal response: “It’s a Fox poll, so of course...

Beck and Co.: Just Little Men With Big Voices
 Beck and Co.: Just Little 
 Men With Big Voices 

David Brooks

Beck and Co.: Just Little Men With Big Voices

(Newser) - Once again the right-wing radio guys have managed to convince everyone that they are a great and powerful force to be reckoned with. David Brooks revisits the 2007 Republican primaries, when Rush, Hannity, Beck and company were all weak-kneed over Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney, but bashed “unreliable deviationists”...

Beck Is the Next Limbaugh
 Beck Is the Next Limbaugh 

Beck Is the Next Limbaugh

Health care protests and Van Jones ousting may have made him king

(Newser) - Two people ought to be scared of Glenn Beck, one GOP media strategist tells Politico: Barack Obama and ... Rush Limbaugh. The Fox host’s success in drumming up health care protests and taking down Van Jones have many wondering whether he’s captured Limbaugh’s crown. “Beck is the...

GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub
GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub

GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub

President will appear on every other network Sunday

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers are peeved because President Obama is—try not to laugh—snubbing Fox News. Obama will appear on every political Sunday talk show this week, except Fox News Sunday. “If people are going to be on the Sunday talk shows, they should be on all of them,”...

Beck Didn't Need Mainstream Help to Oust Van Jones

Damage was done by the time the New York Times, USA Today, others, even noticed

(Newser) - Traditionally the script goes like this: Pundit attacks someone, the mainstream media notices, and the sap is quickly shown the door. The Van Jones affair was a lot like that, only without that mainstream middleman, writes Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. Glenn Beck’s assault took out Jones before...

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