conservative media

Stories 81 - 98 | << Prev 

Righty Pundits Cooked Up 'Death Panels'

False rumor tracks back months, to same old conservative voices

(Newser) - The stubborn false rumor that President Obama is planning to encourage euthanasia, or ration health care through “death panels,” may sound like the stuff of anonymous e-mail campaigns, but it actually came from comparatively mainstream conservative media outlets, the New York Times reports. The first whispers came way...

Lefty Talking Heads Fan 'Birther' Flames

Debunked rumor gets far more play on MSNBC than on Fox

(Newser) - When CNN correspondent Candy Crowley mentioned birthers on Lou Dobbs’ show last week, the host panicked. “Don’t say ‘birthers,’ whatever you do,” he said. “Not on this broadcast.” Dobbs has become a much-ridiculed face of the birther movement, but he's discussed the issue...

How Stewart Wins Over Neocons

Lefty comedian ready to listen to the other side

(Newser) - Jon Stewart’s liberal inclinations don't stop him from booking voices from the far right on the Daily Show—and they give glowing reviews of their experiences, New York magazine reports. A former GOP spokesman was leery of appearing on the program to discuss torture; pundit Bill Kristol encouraged him....

Beck to Audience: Nobody Flip Out, Kill a Bunch of People

Gawker wonders what prompted this bizarre request

(Newser) - Glenn Beck took it down a notch last night, adopting an “unusually subdued” manner to close his show by “imploring his audience not to murder innocent people,” writes the Cajun Boy for Gawker. Beck’s thoughts included, among other things, the warning that “Just one lunatic...

Beneath the Growl, Michael Savage Is a Softie

(Newser) - Michael Savage is on a roll: First the Brits take him off the "hate promoters" list that had him banned from the country, and now Kelefa Sanneh has an affectionate profile of the heretical conservative shock jock in the New Yorker. The toxic soundbites that emerge from Savage's show,...

GI's Capture Fuels Desertion Controversy

Lawmakers rip Fox analyst; blogger says Bergdahl left unarmed

(Newser) - With some speculating that the US soldier kidnapped by the Taliban deserted his Afghanistan post, conservative media are hot on the trail. Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl “walked off (his base) with a water bottle and (a military ration pack) on some kind of he-man expedition,” a military blogger tells...

Beck: 'Be Afraid' of Obama's 'Socialist Wonderland'

Sees hybrid of 'France and Venezuela'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck outdid himself yesterday with a high-strung rant about health care reform. He told his viewers to “be afraid” because Obama is “remaking” America “into a place that’s a whole lot crappier. Kind of a hybrid between France and Venezuela.” He then cackled like...

Forget Best: Colbert Wants to Be Worst

Demands title from Olbermann over sweet-talking email to Mark Sanford

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert is a glutton for punishment. Keith Olbermann dished some out to conservative media outlets Tuesday, spanking them for plying Gov. Mark Sanford with email offers of friendly treatment, and awarding them “Worst People in the World” honors. But he omitted Colbert, despite Colbert’s email offering Sanford...

Beck Melts Down, Screams at 'Pinhead' Caller

Radio host infuriated over health care

(Newser) - Conservative radio host Glenn Beck had an on-air fit yesterday when a caller questioned him about health care and wouldn’t back down, the Daily Kos reports. The caller, “Kathy,” started by talking about the high cost of care. Beck countered that he doesn’t believe there are...

Beck, Drudge Blast Obama for... Opposing a Coup?
Beck, Drudge Blast Obama for... Opposing
a Coup?

Beck, Drudge Blast Obama for... Opposing a Coup?

It's yet another way the president's a commie

(Newser) - Glenn Beck found a new and creative way of insinuating that President Obama is a commie last night, attacking him for—of all things—opposing the military coup in Honduras. See, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro also opposed the coup, which means clearly any right-thinking non-pinko would support it. “...

Reader's Digest Shifts to the Right

Struggling magazine aims for new niche market

(Newser) - Reader's Digest is no longer going after Middle America, reports the New York Times. Instead, the slimmed-down magazine will be "aiming a little more to the right," hoping to carve out a niche among conservatives, writes Stephanie Clifford. “It’s traditional, conservative values: I love my family,...

Why the Limbaugh Schtick Still Sells

Incendiary host hangs onto huge audience in dying medium

(Newser) - Radio is a dying format, listeners are aging out, and Americans aren’t in the mood for “hands-off government.” So why is Rush Limbaugh's audience, not to speak of his prominence in the GOP, soaring, Michael Wolff asks in Vanity Fair. It's not his politics. "Showmanship,"...

Glenn Beck: Fox News' Rising 'Rodeo Clown'

Beck achieves popularity in Obama era

(Newser) - Fox News host Glenn Beck is a moralizing, sometimes tearful, usually outraged revivalist, often reminding conservatives that they “are not alone”—and his "mad as hell" approach seems to be working. After just 2 months on the job, Beck draws 2.3 million cable viewers, behind only...

DC Right-Wingers Get Joe the Plumber 'Horny'

(Newser) - Being honored at a Washington event last night skewering the liberal media made Samuel Wurzelbacher—better known as Joe the Plumber, of Campaign ’08 fame—“horny,” the Washington Post reports. “God, all this love and everything in the room—I’m horny,” the Republican everyman...

On Fox, Beck Profits With Doomsday Scenarios

New pundit's ratings up in Obama admin

(Newser) - On Fox News, Glenn Beck is pushing the apocalypse—and it’s working out nicely for him, the Los Angeles Times reports. Beck’s new show averaged 2.2 million viewers during February, double the number attracted by the time slot last year. Why does Beck think the Obama administration...

Draft Your Limbaugh Apology Here

Democratic site mocks GOP regrets to right-wing radio guru

(Newser) - Democrats have launched a website to mock the stream of Republicans rushing to apologize to Rush Limbaugh, the New York Daily News reports., launched on the official DNC site, helps users formulate a mock note of regret for publicly criticizing the radio host. They can sign it on...

As a Reporter, Joe the Plumber's a Good Plumber
As a Reporter, Joe the Plumber's a Good Plumber

As a Reporter, Joe the Plumber's a Good Plumber

Would-be journo mainly full of crap

(Newser) - In our YouTube world, "anyone and everyone can play journalist," but not everyone should, writes James Rainey in the LA Times. Case in point: Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher. In his work for conservative Pajamas Media, "Wurzelbacher looks about as capable with a microphone and a...

Obama Meets With Lefty Media Pundits

Convo with liberals follows dinner with conservatives

(Newser) - Barack Obama recalibrated his bipartisan scale today, CNN reports, meeting with liberal commentators a day after convening with conservative writers at columnist George Will's home. The left-leaners included Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich of the New York Times and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. Obama aides remain mum about both off-the-record...

Stories 81 - 98 | << Prev