President Obama

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Advice for Romney Ahead of First Debate

Pundits weigh in before next week's big show

(Newser) - The first presidential debate is Wednesday night, and there's no shortage of advice out there for Mitt Romney. Examples today:
  • Talk about RomneyCare: Embrace it, finally, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal . Romney got it done in Massachusetts without tearing the state apart—contrast that with the

This Time, We&#39;re Electing a Regular Black Guy
This Time,
We're Electing
a Regular
Black Guy

This Time, We're Electing a Regular Black Guy

As opposed to the 'magical Negro' of '08

(Newser) - Barack Obama's 2008 election victory marked a step forward for US race relations, but a 2012 win would be an even bigger sign of progress, writes Touré in Time . How so? The 2008 Obama was a "superhero"; his election that year reminded Touré of a maxim from his...

Jackson's New Obama Video: 'Wake the F*** Up'

Samuel L. has a strong message for voters

(Newser) - Samuel L. Jackson wants you to vote for President Obama—and in a new ad, he gets that message across as only he can. "Wake the F*** Up" is a Dr. Seuss-style rhyme, written by Adam Mansbach, who also authored "Go the F*** to Sleep" ( which Jackson...

At Long Last, Dems Giving to Super PACs

But they've got a long way to go to match GOP

(Newser) - After the Supreme Court paved the way for super PACs, many Democrats were uncomfortable with the idea of limitless political spending—but as Republican-backing groups rake in the cash, it seems reluctant Democrats are coming around. As of the beginning of September, more than 40 donors had given at least...

Romney: Don't Expect Big Tax Cuts

He targets deficit as Obama pushes 'economic patriotism'

(Newser) - With the first presidential debate just days away, Mitt Romney is taking aim at the deficit, an issue even more important than job creation to independent voters, according to a Wall Street Journal poll. He told voters at a rally in Ohio yesterday that despite his tax-cutting plans, they shouldn'...

Voters: Obama Is Nike, Romney Is Armani
Voters: Obama Is Nike,
Romney Is Armani
brand-name survey

Voters: Obama Is Nike, Romney Is Armani

Pollsters ask people to match the candidates with brand names

(Newser) - The brand-identity firm Landor worked with pollsters to survey voters on which brand names they associate with Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, and it's pretty clear that Romney's rich-guy image resonates, reports USA Today . Examples:
  • Clothing: Obama is Nike, Romney is Armani
  • Car: Obama is Ford, Romney is

GOP Affiliate Posts Photos of Obama as Caveman, Thug

Virginia GOP wants them removed

(Newser) - President Obama photoshopped to look like a witch doctor, a caveman, and a thug recently appeared, not on the Facebook page of a misbehaving teen, but on the official Facebook page of the Mecklenburg County Republican Committee . The photos have been there for months, the Washington Post reports, but apparently...

Madonna: Obama Muslim Comment Was 'Ironic'

But plenty of people think he is a Muslim, Material Girl explains

(Newser) - If you watched the video of Madonna proudly declaring President Obama a "black Muslim," you may have found yourself wondering whether she was being serious, trying to be funny, or whether she was just high. The answer is none of the above: She was being "ironic,"...

Even Scott Walker Wants NFL's Union Refs Back

Wisconsin governor wants the real referees back on the field

(Newser) - Just how bad was that NFL call by replacement refs last night? It's got Wisconsin's union-busting governor clamoring for an end to the labor dispute and a return of the union refs, reports Yahoo Sports . "After catching a few hours of sleep, the #Packers game is still...

'War Criminal' Obama Worse Than Bush, Says Nader

But Mitt Romney's not so great, either

(Newser) - Ralph Nader had some harsh words for President Obama in an interview with Politico , calling the president a "war criminal" because of his foreign policy and military choices. He's even worse than George W. Bush "in the sense that he’s more aggressive, more illegal worldwide,"...

Madonna: Vote for Obama, He's 'a Black Muslim'

Material Girl goes on profanity-laced support rant

(Newser) - It's always fun when aging musicians get political, and Madonna was no exception last night. She went on an extended rant about civil rights and other matters at her Washington, DC, concert, ending with praise for President Obama. That's when things got a little weird: "Y'all...

Obama to UN: People Are Free to 'Call Me Awful Things'

President condemns Libya attack as assault on UN ideals

(Newser) - President Obama addressed the UN in New York this morning, condemning the attack on the US consulate in Libya, defending free speech, and vowing to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Here's what he said.
  • Obama opened with a glowing tribute to the late Ambassador Chris Stevens, saying

Obama on View : I&#39;m Eye Candy
 Obama on View: I'm Eye Candy 

Obama on View: I'm Eye Candy

But Romney zings him on Mideast 'bumps'

(Newser) - And now for something frothy on the campaign trail: President Obama is pretty certain he's "eye candy," at least when it comes to the women on The View. But forget anything serious, ladies. He spent part of his appearance, scheduled to air today, holding hands with the...

Obama Lies About Terrorism

 Obama Lies About Terrorism 

Obama Lies About Terrorism

Libya lies are 'a scandal,' writes Stephen F. Hayes

(Newser) - After the US ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in Benghazi, the Obama administration insisted they were simply caught in a protest over an anti-Islam film. Now, as it has become increasingly clear Chris Stevens and the other victims were actually killed in a planned terrorist attack,...

Romney, Obama Play Defense on 60 Minutes

New Obama ad slams Mitt on taxes

(Newser) - President Obama is unleashing the latest attack on Mitt Romney's taxes, following the candidates' dueling appearances on 60 Minutes last night, referencing his 47% comments as well as questions over his own tax rate. "Maybe instead of attacking others on taxes, he should come clean on his,"...

Romney Ad: Pelosi Put Obama on Mute

Bashes president's leadership via Woodward account

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is out with a new ad this morning that's generating some buzz, reports CNN . Repeating Bob Woodward's account of tensions between President Obama and top Democrats during negotiations over raising the debt limit, the ad alleges that during a phone conference, "As President Obama spoke,...

Homer Simpson Votes for ...
 Homer Simpson Votes For... 

Homer Simpson Votes For...

President Obama, or Mitt Romney? Homer decides

(Newser) - Just how will Homer Simpson vote? The burning political question of 2012 has been resolved in a promo clip for The Simpsons' new season, which shows Homer casting his ballot for ... Mitt Romney, but not without some regret, Politico reports. After pressing Romney's name on a touchscreen, Homer reads...

Retirees Boo Paul Ryan as He Slams ObamaCare

AARP members pounce on vice-presidential candidate

(Newser) - Paul Ryan evoked boos and jeers from an audience of retirees in New Orleans today when he promised to repeal ObamaCare—but he continued his argument apparently unfazed, Raw Story reports. "The first step to a stronger Medicare is to repeal ObamaCare," said Ryan at a meeting of...

Obama: 'You Can't Change Washington From the Inside'

And Mitt Romney quickly pounces

(Newser) - This one is shaping up to be the soundbite of the day, courtesy of President Obama. At a Univision forum in Miami, the president said this when reflecting on his first term:
  • “I think that I’ve learned some lessons over the last four years, and the most important

Texas GOPer Lynches Chair on Front Lawn

Any guesses what message he's subtly trying to convey?

(Newser) - An Austin Republican's lawn currently features an empty chair dangling from a rope on a tree, along with a US flag. Following Clint Eastwood's RNC speech , it's not a stretch to assume the empty chair symbolizes President Obama, suggesting not-so-subtly a lynching, Burnt Orange Report notes. A...

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