President Obama

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Romney Pinching Pennies on Ads

Obama backers outspend Mitt in key states

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and the Republicans have made plenty of big fundraising headlines over the summer—but with restrictions on political cash, Romney's already facing some financial hurdles . The indebted campaign is holding back on advertising spending at a time when the candidate may sorely need it. President Obama and...

60 Minutes to Interview Obama, Romney

They'll appear separately this weekend

(Newser) - Well, it's almost like a debate: 60 Minutes will feature separate interviews this Sunday with Mitt Romney and President Obama, reports USA Today . CBS promises that both will get similar questions on the economy, health care, national security, and the like—and no doubt some on Romney's "...

Obama: What Jay-Z and I Have in Common

President touts friendship with 'J and B' at fundraiser

(Newser) - At a fundraiser hosted by Jay-Z and Beyonce last night, President Obama noted that he and the rapper have a lot in common. What, they're both fans of 18-foot champagne towers ? Not exactly. "We both have daughters and our wives are more popular than we are,"...

Romney Defends Remarks, as Obama Takes a Dig

Republican goes on Fox to clarify views

(Newser) - Mitt Romney took to Neil Cavuto's show on Fox News today to defend his comments that 47% of Americans don't pay taxes and see themselves as "victims" who depend on the government, reports Politico . He may be taking plenty of heat , but Romney sees this as a...

At Jay-Z's Obama Soiree: $280K Champagne Tower

350 of the $800 bottles are stacked in 'breathtaking' piece

(Newser) - President Obama will raise $4 million tonight in true "Big Pimpin'" fashion. Yes, Jay-Z and wife Beyoncé are hosting a New York fundraiser for the prez tonight, and it will feature a modest little 18-foot tower of champagne. Specifically, Armand de Brignac champagne, the $800-a-bottle, gold-labeled brand served...

College &#39;Bro&#39;: How I Punked Fox
 College 'Bro': How I Punked Fox 

College 'Bro': How I Punked Fox

Max Rice promised what program wanted: disenchantment with Obama

(Newser) - Columbia College Chicago film student Max Rice knew he could snag Fox in a national TV prank after a friend of a friend reached out in a phone call seeking conservative graduates to blast President Obama on television. "When I picked up the phone, my ears perked up at...

Mitt Stands By Slams on Freeloading Voters

'My campaign is about helping people take responsibility'

(Newser) - Never explain, never apologize seems to be the strategy Mitt Romney is following after he was caught on a video obtained by Mother Jones calling half of American voters freeloaders. His comments, he admits, were not "elegantly stated," Romney told reporters last night in California. "I'm...

GOP Bill Would Can Welfare Work Requirements
GOP Bill Would Can Welfare Work Requirements 
irony dept.

GOP Bill Would Can Welfare Work Requirements

Republicans have slammed Obama for "gutting" welfare reform

(Newser) - Republicans have criticized President Obama for "gutting" welfare reform, but now they're working on a House bill that could gut welfare reform, Talking Points Memo reports. Introduced by Rep. Virginia Foxx, the bill would let states simplify workers' training by cutting and consolidating redundant programs. That means work...

Poll: Romney Loses Advantage on Economy

Obama now viewed as better candidate to turn it around

(Newser) - President Obama's convention plea for patience with his economic plans might have resonated: Mitt Romney is no longer viewed as the better candidate to fix the economy and create jobs in a new poll by CBS and the New York Times . Obama's advantage couldn't be slimmer—47-46—...

Kansas Birther Drops Challenge to Obama

Move had threatened his place on the ballot

(Newser) - It appears Kansas will allow the sitting president to appear on November's ballot after all. A man who filed a challenge questioning his citizenship has decided to drop it because of the backlash, reports the Topeka Capital-Journal . "There has been a great deal of animosity and intimidation directed...

Obama Has Abandoned Israel
 Obama Has Abandoned Israel 
charles krauthammer

Obama Has Abandoned Israel

Krauthammer: His 'incoherent' policy on Iran is proof

(Newser) - Here are a few of the ways Charles Krauthammer describes President Obama's policy on Iran in today's Washington Post : "incoherent," "in shambles," "beyond feckless," and "knowingly and obviously contradictory." No wonder Israel is angry , he writes. Obama insists he won'...

Egypt's Morsi Gets 'Blunt' Call From Obama

Officials there seem to acknowledge they didn't respond well to violence

(Newser) - President Obama delivered what the New York Times calls a "blunt" message to Egypt's Mohamed Morsi by phone, demanding that the nation better protect Americans there. It illustrates the new government's tight spot: Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood are under fire from the Obama administration for their...

US Clarifies Obama's 'Ally' Comment on Egypt

People 'reading way too much into this,' a spokesman says

(Newser) - Despite President Obama's comments earlier this week, there has not been a shift in America's Egypt policy and the country is still a Major Non-NATO Ally, as it has been designated since 1989, the White House and State Department say. "I don't think that we would...

Romney Tones Down Criticism Over Protests

But he says US lacks 'leadership' in foreign policy

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is making news for what he didn't say today: He stopped his criticism of the Obama administration's response to the unrest in the Mideast. At a stop in Virginia, Romney paid tribute to the four Americans killed in Libya—though a heckler accused him of politicizing...

Chris Stevens Mourned as 'Right Man in Right Place'

Diplomat's death 'one of the saddest days of my life,' says Libya counterpart

(Newser) - In the wake of the Libya attack that killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens , colleagues and officials are remembering those who died:
  • "This is one of the saddest days in my life," says Stevens' Libyan counterpart, ambassador to the US Ali Suleiman Aujali. "He was the man who

SNL Getting a New Obama
 SNL Getting a New Obama  

SNL Getting a New Obama

Jay Pharoah will impersonate 'first Canadian president'

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live is getting ready to skewer another election and they've got a new President Obama waiting in the wings. Jay Pharoah will impersonate the president this time around, replacing Fred Armisen, who has been the show's Obama since 2008. "Jay has been doing Obama in...

Obama: Romney Blew It on Libya Criticism

He likes to 'shoot first and aim later'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's criticism of President Obama after the violence in Libya and Egypt continues to spin off into a political story of its own. Now Obama himself weighs in, telling CBS News that Romney spoke too soon when he accused the White House of sympathizing with the protesters:
  • "

Sarah Palin: Obama Must Grow a 'Big Stick'

She blasts his foreign policy, in eyebrow-raising language

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may be drawing lots of attention for his criticism of the White House in the wake of the violence in Libya and Egypt, but Sarah Palin is gaining. In a Facebook post , she argues that America is now seeing the results of his weak foreign policy, especially in...

Bill Clinton Credits Obama for Speech Help

He may have slipped up a bit in Florida, though

(Newser) - Bill Clinton's speech last week may have been the high point for the Democratic National Convention, but the ex-president is happy to share the credit with the current one, reports Politico . Clinton said he showed his speech to Obama the morning of his presentation, and made changes regarding Medicare...

Bob Dylan: Slavery's Legacy 'Holds Back' America

Singer says first black president not enough to change hearts

(Newser) - Bob Dylan says the stigma of slavery ruined America and he doubts the country can get rid of the shame because it was "founded on the backs of slaves." The veteran musician tells Rolling Stone that in America "people (are) at each other's throats just because...

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