President Obama

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Today's Political Football: Falling Jobless Rate

Obama, Romney spar over whether the lower rate means much

(Newser) - Today's unemployment numbers were bound to surface on the campaign, considering the rate dropped below the 8% threshold:
  • President Obama: “We are moving forward again," he said. "After losing more than 800,000 jobs a month when I took office, our businesses have now added 5.

Ex-GE Boss: Obama Must Be Tweaking Jobs Figures

Slew of tweets jump in on conspiracy theory

(Newser) - And a new conspiracy theory is born. The only explanation for the latest jobs data is that President Obama has been meddling with the numbers, says former GE CEO Jack Welch. "Unbelievable jobs numbers," he tweeted. "These Chicago guys will do anything... can't debate so change...

What's Ahead for 'Reinvented' Romney

Foreign policy speech, debate ads aim to keep momentum going

(Newser) - After a strong debate performance, Mitt Romney is ramping up what Politico calls the Romney Reinvention Project. "One night doesn’t transform the race, but the next three to five days can," says a campaign rep. "We just have to stick to our plan and not chase...

Gore Blames Obama's Whiff on Altitude

He didn't get to Denver in time, says former VP

(Newser) - You know you did terrible in a debate when your defenders start playing the ... altitude card? From Al Gore on Current TV, floating a theory last night on President Obama's lackluster performance, as per Mediaite :
  • "I’m going to say something controversial here. Obama arrived in Denver at

Romney Kicked a Clutch Field Goal

 Romney Kicked a 
 Clutch Field Goal 

Romney Kicked a Clutch Field Goal

Nate Silver thinks his comeback chances are stronger now

(Newser) - Everyone from the left to the right thinks Mitt Romney smoked President Obama in last night's debate, but how will that translate to the polls? Nate Silver of the New York Times says it's possible he could see a gain of about 3 points, about as high as...

Big Winner in Debate: Twitter

Debate was most-tweeted US political event ever

(Newser) - Last night's debate was the most-tweeted US political event in history, Computerworld reports, with viewers offering some brilliant—and not so brilliant—analysis of the contest as it unfolded. Twitter and other social media gave viewers the chance to skip the pundits' take and jump right into the...

The Debate's Biggest Loser: Jim Lehrer

Pundits slam 'useless' moderator

(Newser) - The Denver debate wasn't President Obama's finest moment , but many pundits say there was a bigger loser: PBS' Jim Lehrer. The 78-year-old moderator struggled to enforce time limits and seemed to let the candidates—especially Mitt Romney—take control, Politico reports. Fox's Chris Wallace accused Lehrer of...

The Debate&#39;s Best Lines
 The Debate's Best Lines 

The Debate's Best Lines

'I love Big Bird,' Romney says

(Newser) - President Obama finished second in last night's debate, pundits agree, but both candidates managed to come out with a few memorable lines. Politico rounds up some of the best. Mitt Romney:
  • "Mr. President, you’re entitled to your own house and your own airplane, but not your own

A &#39;Disaster&#39; for Obama?

 A 'Disaster' 
 for Obama? 
instant analysis

A 'Disaster' for Obama?

Andrew Sullivan thinks so, and Bill Kristol raves about Romney

(Newser) - Here are three quick analyses of tonight's debate that should send Mitt Romney to bed with a smile on his face.
  • "Look: you know how much I love the guy," Andrew Sullivan writes of President Obama at the Daily Beast . "And I can see the logic

Debate Time: Romney, Obama Square Off
 First Debate Is in the Books 

First Debate Is in the Books

Romney is more the aggressor in their debut face-off

(Newser) - The first of the presidential debates has wrapped up, with President Obama asking voters to stay the course and Mitt Romney arguing that change is necessary because the "middle class is being crushed." The early consensus seems to be that the president was a little off his game,...

Obama Planned to Put Bin Laden on Trial

New book has details on raid, planning

(Newser) - In an excerpt from his new book, The Finish, appearing in Vanity Fair , contributing editor Mark Bowden reveals an inside look at the Osama bin Laden raid. The biggest reveal: In the unlikely event that bin Laden surrendered and was taken alive, President Obama planned to put him on trial...

'07 Video Shows Obama Praising Rev. Wright

But left is unimpressed by Tucker Carlson's 'bombshell'

(Newser) - It wouldn't be debate night without a media attempt to drum up some eleventh-hour controversy. Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller yesterday released what it termed a "racially charged" video of a speech then-Sen. Barack Obama gave to an audience of black ministers. In it, Obama gives a "...

Obama Leading —a Bit—in Slew of New Polls

But Romney not far behind as first debate looms

(Newser) - In the final hours before the first presidential debate of the 2012 election, a host of new polls to consider:
  • President Obama has a significant lead in the battleground state of Ohio, 51% to Mitt Romney's 43%, according to an NBC News /Wall Street Journal poll. That's been

Chinese Firm Sues Obama Over Blocked Wind Farm

Prez nixes project next to naval testing base

(Newser) - President Obama is being sued by a Chinese-owned company for blocking a wind-farm project on national security grounds. Ralls Corp's proposed wind farm next to a naval testing facility in Oregon is the first deal to be blocked by a president in 22 years, and the company's lawsuit...

Debate Flaws: Romney 'Fake,' Obama 'Long-Winded'

Romney, stop saying 'thank you;' Obama, kill the long pauses

(Newser) - Both campaigns are trying to lower expectations ahead of tomorrow night with my-guy's-not-a-great-debater claims. Don't believe it, writes Southern Illinois debate coach Todd Graham at CNN . He's been analyzing presidential debates for 20 years, and he thinks these two are rock solid. Mitt Romney is "smooth"...

How Obama Foiled Romney on Immigration

Romney finally backs executive order: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - After months of dodging the question, Mitt Romney has finally said that as president, he'd support President Obama's executive order giving legal status to illegal immigrants' kids. "The people who have received the special visa that the president has put in place, which is a two-year visa,...

Whistle-Blower Lawyers Give Obama $3M

And why not? His policies are making them rich

(Newser) - Attorneys for whistle-blowers have donated millions of dollars to President Obama—which is hardly surprising, considering that his fight against corporate fraud has put millions in their pockets, the New York Times reports. With the Dodd-Frank Act empowering whistle-blowers, Obama's administration has paid them $1.6 billion so far,...

Romney, Obama Nearly Tied in New Polls

CNN has president leading by only 3 points

(Newser) - So much for President Obama's unassailable lead: A handful of new polls are calling a close presidential race on the eve of Obama's first debate with Mitt Romney, CNN reports. CNN's latest poll found that 50% favor Obama and 47% favor Romney, a difference within the survey'...

OK, Obama, Romney: Stop Lying About the Budget
OK, Obama, Romney:
Stop Lying About the Budget

OK, Obama, Romney: Stop Lying About the Budget

Robert Samuelson argues that candidates should actually be honest

(Newser) - Truth may be the first casualty of war, but it's also in low supply on the campaign trail, writes Robert Samuelson in the Washington Post . The nut of the problem: "a yawning gap between the political rhetoric and the country's budget problems," he writes. "And...

Obama Cabinet&#39;s Transparency Grade: F
 Obama Cabinet's 
 Grade: F 

Obama Cabinet's Transparency Grade: F

Bloomberg: 19 of 20 departments don't comply with 'FOIA' rules

(Newser) - While the Obama administration assails Mitt Romney for keeping his tax returns quiet, it seems the White House has some transparency flaws of its own. Entering office, President Obama called for "a new era of open government." Bloomberg put this to the test by requesting documents from agencies...

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