President Obama

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Stories 2061 - 2080 | << Prev   Next >>

Dems Balking at Obama Jobs Bill

Some lawmakers want to break up $447B bill

(Newser) - President Obama is touring the country trying to sell his $447 billion jobs plan to voters but even some lawmakers from his own party are still skeptical, the New York Times finds. Some Democrats, balking at certain portions of the American Jobs Act, say they cannot support the bill as...

GOP Rep: Get Obama's 'Drunken Uncle' Down Here

Steve King thinks there's a double standard here

(Newser) - Rep. Steve King thinks President Obama's latest family embarrassment, the boozing Onyango Obama, is getting preferential treatment in his drunk-driving case, so the Iowa Republican wants to give him a little more special attention—in the way of a House hearing. "We have to bring drunken 'Uncle...

Obama Disapproval Rating Highest Yet

It hits 55%; job approval at 43%

(Newser) - Pundits may have applauded President Obama’s jobs speech, but it doesn’t seem to have helped his poll numbers: Now 55% of Americans disapprove of how he’s doing his job, a CNN/ORC poll finds. It’s his highest disapproval rating thus far, CNN notes; July and August polls...

Obama: Taxing Rich Will Pay for Jobs Plan

Prez wants to end tax breaks for the wealthy and oil, gas companies

(Newser) - President Obama has picked another fight over tax breaks for the wealthy—this time to pay for his jobs plan. The White House said today that Obama will seek to end tax breaks over 10 years for oil and gas companies, hedge fund managers, and people making over $200,000,...

Obama's Jobs Bill Goes to Congress Tonight

But it's missing one crucial element, 'Los Angeles Times' notes

(Newser) - "Pass this bill," President Obama said more than two dozen times during his two speeches last week touting his jobs bill —and he’ll say it again tonight when he officially sends the American Jobs Act to Congress. “He will call on Congress to pass the...

Obama Lays Wreath at Pentagon

Obamas mingle with family members of 9/11 victims

(Newser) - After visits to New York's Ground Zero and a memorial in rural Pennsylvania where Flight 93 went down, President and Michelle Obama continued their solemn remembrance of 9/11 today at the Pentagon, the AP reports. The president lay a wreath at a bench and small pool that memorialize the...

Maureen Dowd: Obama Fights Back With Jobs Speech, But Reveals Lazy Side
 Barry's Baaaaaack, 
 But Are We Satisfied? 
Maureen Dowd

Barry's Baaaaaack, But Are We Satisfied?

Obama gets feisty again, but he had to be 'cajoled': Dowd

(Newser) - Fiiiiinally... the fiery President Obama of old came roaring back with a killer jobs speech this week. "What a relief," sighs Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "The president was strong and House Republicans were conciliatory." But it's not that simple, she says, because...

At Flight 93 Memorial, Courage Praised

Obamas pay respects in Shanksville

(Newser) - President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, placed a wreath at the Flight 93 National Memorial today, arriving at the site to pay respects to the 40 passengers and crew who died a decade ago. The Obamas visited the Wall of Names. Each of the 40 marble slabs is inscribed...

Obamas, Bushes Pay Respects at Ground Zero

Moment of silence at 8:46, moment first plane hit

(Newser) - President Obama opened a sun-splashed day of solemn remembrance today by honoring the 9/11 dead with a visit to ground zero, bowing his head at the cascading pools of the North Memorial Pond created in the footprint of the demolished north tower of the World Trade Center. Obama, hand in...

Dems Worry There's No Fight in Obama 2012

White House insists criticisms off-base, but liberals frustrated

(Newser) - With the economy's continuing weakness, a 9.1% unemployment rate, and the president's sagging poll numbers, leading Democrats are voicing louder doubts and concerns about President Obama's re-election chances, reports the New York Times . Attempts to capture the middle ground have both failed with independents and alienated...

Obama Jobs Speech Outdraws NFL Opener

He gets 31.4M viewers, vs. 27.2M for the Packers-Saints game

(Newser) - The ratings are in for President Obama's jobs speech to Congress, and White House spin doctors will be relieved to know he outdrew the NFL opener later that night. Nuggets from USA Today and the Los Angeles Times .
  • Nielsen says 31.4 million people watched his 7pm speech, more

Oops: Tokyo Blogger Posts Flight Plan of Air Force One

Air traffic controller apparently just wanted to impress friends

(Newser) - An air traffic controller in Tokyo is in hot water after posting secret information on his blog, including the flight plan of Air Force One when President Obama visited last year. The controller apparently wasn't looking to cause trouble but to impress his friends with all the cool stuff...

Even &#39;Stimulus Skeptics&#39; Should Back Obama&#39;s Plan
Even 'Stimulus Skeptics' Should Back Obama's Plan
David Brooks

Even 'Stimulus Skeptics' Should Back Obama's Plan

It's a reasonable effort to guard against a double-dip: David Brooks

(Newser) - David Brooks counts himself among the "stimulus skeptics," but he's signing on to President Obama's plan to juice the economy. The president's proposals come from "the middle of the ideological spectrum," and collectively they help guard against the "truly horrifying" prospect of...

Obama Plan Would Bring 1.9M Jobs: Moody's

Would grow economy 2%, says expert

(Newser) - President Obama’s jobs plan would put some 1.9 million people back to work and grow the economy 2%, says Moody’s chief economist. The plan could slice the unemployment rate by a percentage point, adds Mark Zandi, whose analysis comes as the president heads to Virginia to...

Obama &#39;Bolder, Better Than Expected&#39;
 Obama's Plan 
 'Bolder, Better 
 Than Expected' 
Jobs Speech Reax

Obama's Plan 'Bolder, Better Than Expected'

Pundits from left and right generally praise address

(Newser) - Pundits handed out good grades aplenty for President Obama's new jobs proposal last night, with generally positive feedback from liberals like Paul Krugman—but also from conservatives like David Frum and Andrew Sullivan.
  • Krugman writes in the New York Times that he was "favorably surprised by the new

Bachmann: Obama's Plan Just 'Gimmicks'

She denounces it as a 'political speech'

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann criticized President Obama's jobs plan tonight as filled with "failed gimmicks" and "yet one more political speech where he doubled down on more of the same policies that are killing the United States economy," reports Fox News . "Mr. President, what among your proposals...

Obama Pushes $450B Jobs Plan

He wants to extend the payroll tax cut, spend on infrastructure projects

(Newser) - President Obama made his pitch to Congress this evening for what he's calling the American Jobs Act, a wide-ranging proposal whose centerpiece is an expansion of the payroll tax break (he figures it's worth $1,500 a year to the average family), along with more spending on school...

What to Watch for in Obama's Jobs Speech

Can the president appease his base and Republicans at once?

(Newser) - President Obama gives his much-hyped jobs speech tonight, and though the stakes are high, expectations are pretty low . Obama’s “task is nearly impossible,” Politico writes: “appease liberals, appeal to independents, win over some Republicans and make a compelling case to Washington-weary voters.” Here’s what...

Al Gore Disappointed in Obama

He criticizes decision to stop push for tougher smog rules

(Newser) - Et tu, Al? Former VP Gore joined the chorus critical of President Obama today in a short blog post headlined "Confronting Disappointment." Gore focused on the president's environmental moves, specifically the surprise decision not to impose tougher smog rules . But he also noted that the decision came...

Bad Sign: The Hamptons Are Totally Over Obama
Bad Sign: The Hamptons
Are Totally Over Obama

Bad Sign: The Hamptons Are Totally Over Obama

Richard Cohen spent Labor Day there, and found zero fans

(Newser) - Richard Cohen spent his Labor Day hobnobbing around the Hamptons, that magical place where, in his description, "the Democratic energy, money, and intellectual firepower of Manhattan goes for R&R." It may not be the vacation destination of the working-man Democratic base, he acknowledges, but it's a...

Stories 2061 - 2080 | << Prev   Next >>