President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 2041 - 2060 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Secretly Gave Israel Powerful Bombs

Followed up on Bush-era request

(Newser) - A new twist in President Obama’s relationship with Israel: Though he was publicly calling for more concessions to Palestine, the president also covertly approved Israel’s longstanding request for “bunker buster” bombs. Some 55 of the special weapons were sent to Israel just after Obama entered office, officials...

Jon Stewart Steps Up for Palestine

One strategy: Change name to 'Palestein'

(Newser) - On last night’s Daily Show , Jon Stewart summarized the US response to Palestine seeking UN membership: To win a seat, “all you need to do is settle your differences with Israel!” Though a “spelling change” could also help--instead of “Palestine,” how about “Palestein”...

Obama: UN 'Shortcut' Won't Bring Mideast Peace

Netanyahu praises stance as 'badge of honor'

(Newser) - No big surprises in President Obama's address on Palestinian statehood today: He reaffirmed US opposition to a Security Council vote on the matter and said it had to be accomplished through Israeli-Palestinian negotiations instead, reports the Wall Street Journal . The takeaway quote: "There is no shortcut to the...

Sarkozy, Obama to Abbas: Drop UN Membership Bid

Presidents will make their appeal today

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US President Barack Obama plan to heap pressure on their Palestinian counterpart today in a concerted push to persuade Mahmoud Abbas to end his bid for full UN membership and to instead seek upgraded status in the world body. The presidents will make their pitches...

Obama Botches Group Photo
 Obama Botches Group Photo 

Obama Botches Group Photo

President waves at exactly the wrong moment after UN speech

(Newser) - After giving a speech at the United Nations yesterday to mark the launch of the Open Government Partnership initiative for greater transparency in government, President Obama joined other leaders for a group photo—and apparently failed to realize he isn't transparent. The president waved during the photo, completely blocking...

Obama to Meet With Palestinian Leader at UN

He'll also meet with Netanyahu as Perry, Romney hammer policies

(Newser) - If there is indeed a deal in the works to postpone a US-Palestinian showdown on statehood, the two leaders will get to hash it out in person. President Obama will meet Mahmoud Abbas at the UN tomorrow, the AP reports. Obama will meet separately with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu. Meanwhile,...

Issa to Investigate Obama on Solyndra, LightSquared

House oversight chairman criticizes 'crony capitalism'

(Newser) - Darrell Issa has long promised to use his House oversight panel to investigate the Obama administration, and the White House has served up two hanging fastballs for him: Solyndra and LightSquared. The chair of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee told C-SPAN today that he intends to investigate the administration'...

Why President Obama Should Resign Now: Steve Chapman

 Bow Out 
 Now, Obama 

Bow Out Now, Obama

'The vultures are starting to circle': Chapman

(Newser) - "The vultures are starting to circle" a president who can't solve the economy, can't excite his base, and "can't even sneak a cigarette," Steve Chapman writes in the Chicago Tribune . "But there is good news" for President Obama, Chapman insists: "I checked...

GOP Rep: More Taxes Would Kill My $600K a Year

John Fleming attacks Obama deficit plan

(Newser) - Welcome to the tragic world of Rep. John Fleming: Sure, he pulled in $6.3 million last year from his Subway and UPS franchises, but "that's before you pay 500 employees, before you pay rent, you pay equipment, and food." After coughing up those expenses, the Louisiana...

Obama Plan Preview: $3T Savings, $1.5T Tax Boost

'Washington Post' bares early details of president's plan

(Newser) - Details of President Obama's new debt-reduction plan to be unveiled this morning are emerging—and it's not a pretty sight for the rich. The president will likely outline a plan to cut the federal debt by $3 trillion over the next decade, with half of that coming from...

Congressional Black Caucus Head Emanuel Cleaver: If Obama Were White...
CBC Head:
If Obama Were White...

CBC Head: If Obama Were White...

We'd 'probably be marching on the White House'

(Newser) - Rep. Emanuel Cleaver has already made it abundantly clear that he’s not the biggest fan of some of President Obama’s policies, and the Congressional Black Caucus chairman isn’t done talking. Angry over the nearly 17% unemployment rate in the African-American community, Cleaver says, "If Bill Clinton...

White House Hits Back at Confidence Men

Key figures deny harsh quotes, assertions of Obama weakness

(Newser) - The Obama administration is fighting back against allegations from Ron Suskind's coming book Confidence Men that the president's top advisers undermined his authority and ignored his orders, reports Politico . “This is not what I told the author, this is not what I believe, and anyone who knows...

Obama to Unveil Tax-the-Rich Plan Monday

The 'Buffet Rule' create new minimum rate for the wealthy

(Newser) - President Obama plans to roll out his new tax-the-rich proposal on Monday and he's calling it the "Buffett Rule." Named after Warren Buffett, the financial whiz who argues that the mega-rich don't pay enough in taxes , the plan will include a new minimum tax rate for...

Perry Dumb? Like a Fox, Maybe
 Perry Dumb? 
 Like a Fox, 
kathleen parker

Perry Dumb? Like a Fox, Maybe

He's quite happy to be underestimated by his foes: Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - Modern politics has reduced Democrats and Republicans into stereotypes, writes Kathleen Parker. Democrats are the Ivy League know-it-alls who think government can solve all, while Republicans prefer guts and self-reliance over book smarts. Too bad, she writes in the Washington Post . "Would it be too much to ask that...

Support Slipping for President Obama in New York Times/CBS Poll

 Obama Support 
 Slipping; GOP 
 in Discord 

Obama Support Slipping; GOP in Discord

59% of independent voters disapprove of prez

(Newser) - President Obama is in hot political water but Republican contenders aren't faring much better, a new poll says. Obama's disapproval rating hit 50% for the first time in the New York Times/CBS poll, and reached 59% among the all-important independent voters. His overall approval rating, 43%, isn't...

White House Brews Its Own Beer
White House Makes
Its Own Beer

White House Makes Its Own Beer

It's called 'White House Honey Ale'

(Newser) - The beer that former Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer had with the president yesterday, before accepting the Medal of Honor? It was home-brewed, CBS reports. Historians say "White House Honey Ale" is the first first beer ever made on the premises. President Obama's chefs originally brewed it for a...

Most Popular National Politician Today Is ...

Hillary Clinton, as 'buyer's remorse' plagues a third of the country

(Newser) - The most popular politician nationwide is the one that got away: Hillary Clinton. Nearly two-thirds of the country sees the secretary of state favorably, and a third are battling what Bloomberg terms “buyer’s remorse” over not electing her president. Just over a year ago, only a quarter of...

Geithner Blew Off Obama's Order to Dissolve Citigroup

New book says Obama's team routinely undermined him

(Newser) - In March 2009, in the throes of the financial crisis, Barack Obama told Tim Geithner to focus on a proposal to dissolve Citigroup—but the Treasury Secretary ignored him and never developed a plan, according to former Wall Street Journal reporter Ron Suskind’s new book Confidence Men. In the...

James Carville to President Obama: It's Time to Panic
 Carville's Advice 
 for Obama: Panic! 

Carville's Advice for Obama: Panic!

It's time to 'fire. Indict. Fight,' he writes

(Newser) - What should the White House do now that Republicans won the special elections in New York and Nevada? "Panic," declares Democratic strategist James Carville. "The course we are on is not working," he writes on CNN . "The time has come to demand a plan of...

Obama Has Beer With Medal of Honor Marine

Dakota Meyer will be recognized at ceremony today

(Newser) - At just 21 years old, Dakota Meyer charged into a firefight in Afghanistan—five times—to save 36 lives from an ambush, and today he will become the first living Marine to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War. But before the ceremony honoring his actions on September...

Stories 2041 - 2060 | << Prev   Next >>