President Obama

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Barbara Boxer: Green Groups Should Sue Obama

California Democrat stands against ozone decision

(Newser) - Count Barbara Boxer among those steamed about President Obama’s decision to ditch the EPA’s proposal for stricter smog standards . The California senator talked to reporters yesterday, and while Politico notes that she was more measured than many environmentalists , she did call for a lawsuit against the president. “...

Obama Moves to Save USPS From Default

He wants to delay a pension payment mandated in 2006 law

(Newser) - President Obama intends to swoop to the rescue of the ailing US Postal Service —or at least try, reports the New York Times. The White House yesterday announced that it would push for legislation giving the USPS a three-month reprieve on the $5.5 billion it’s supposed to...

Obama Hits 51% Disapproval as Speech Looms

Just 44% approve of his job in office

(Newser) - With a major speech approaching , President Obama's disapproval ratings have once again climbed above 50%, a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. While 44% of Americans approve of Obama's work in office, the new poll finds that 51% disapprove. Some 44% say they're likely to vote Republican...

Hoffa: Let's 'Take Out' Tea Partiers

'They started the war,' say Teamsters

(Newser) - Furious Tea Partiers are demanding that President Obama call Teamsters union boss James Hoffa to heel after he urged workers at a Labor Day rally to "take out" party members. "They've got a war. We're going to win that war," Hoffa said in Detroit before...

Obama to GOP: Pass Jobs Program

President says jobless construction workers can build roads, bridges

(Newser) - President Barack Obama said today that congressional Republicans must put their country ahead of their party and vote to create new jobs as he used a boisterous Labor Day rally to aim a partisan barb at the GOP. In a preview of the jobs speech he will deliver on Thursday...

Obama Must Return to Deficit Spending in Jobs Speech Krugman
 Obama: Be 'Big and 
 Bold' in Jobs Speech 
Paul Krugman

Obama: Be 'Big and Bold' in Jobs Speech

Go back to deficit spending to boost economy: Krugman

(Newser) - "Everyone in Washington" should be crying out, "My God, what have we done?" writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . His reasons: The puny 2% interest rate on 10-year national bonds is proof that President Obama's deficit spending did not raise interest rates, as critics had...

Obama Tours Flood Zones in New Jersey

Says 'Washington politics' won't stop federal aid

(Newser) - President Obama visited flood-ravaged communities in New Jersey today and vowed that "Washington politics" won't obstruct federal aid for people along the Atlantic Coast, the New Jersey Star-Ledger and the AP report. Dressed in rolled-up shirt sleeves and khaki-style pants, Obama landed in Newark just after noon and...

Hot New iPhone App: Obama Countdown Clock

It's either counting down to start of 2nd term ... or end of his presidency

(Newser) - Not an Obama fan? Then you might want to jump on this bandwagon and download the "Obama Clock," which is currently No. 2 on the iTunes App Store’s best-seller list for "reference” apps. The 99-cent iPhone app tracks the president’s popularity according to Rasmussen polling...

'Repugnant' White House Headed for One Term

Obama can't fight the class he wants to join, says Dowd

(Newser) - President Obama is turning into such a passive, spineless self-parody that he risks getting the boot in 2012, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "It's repugnant," she condemns. Blocked by Republicans at every turn and facing a terrible economy, Obama is turning once again to...

Greenies Rage After Obama Drops Ozone Plan

Environmentalists still uncertain how to retaliate against president

(Newser) - Environmentalists are reeling today after President Obama backed away from a plan to enact stricter ozone pollution standards on Friday. And this, only days after the State Department gave preliminary support to a pipeline slated to carry tar sands oil to the Gulf Coast from Canada. "There is shock...

What Obama Must Say in His Jobs Speech

He has to offer specific solutions, not platitudes: John Nichols

(Newser) - President Obama gives his jobs speech next week, and John Nichols of the Nation has some words of advice: Don't blow it. This speech cannot be political boilerplate, for the sake of Obama's presidency and the economy. Nichols offers some suggestions:
  • Be specific: Skip vague generalities. He must

NASCAR Drivers Turn Down White House Invite

Jimmie Johnson will show, but Tony Stewart, Kurt Busch, others bow out

(Newser) - Are some of NASCAR’s top drivers snubbing the president? Barack Obama has invited 12 NASCAR drivers to the White House for an event honoring champion Jimmie Johnson—and five of them aren’t planning on showing up, SB Nation reports. While Johnson himself will be there, Greg Biffle, Kurt...

Tea Party Congressman to Skip Obama's Jobs Speech

Joe Walsh of Illinois says he would just be a political 'prop'

(Newser) - Hoping today's dismal employment report will ignite a bipartisan fight to create jobs? Yeah, good luck with that. Tea Party congressman Joe Walsh of Illinois says he is skipping President Obama's joint session of Congress because it will be a waste of time, reports the Chicago Tribune . "...

President Obama Dumps New Smog Rules in Surprise Win for Businesses
 Obama Dumps 
 New Smog Rules 

Obama Dumps New Smog Rules

He says standard will change anyway in 2013

(Newser) - Barack Obama handed the business community a surprise win today by asking the Environmental Protection Agency to scrap new smog standards that would force state and local government to improve air quality or risk losing federal funds, the Washington Post reports. "Work is already underway to update … the...

Yet Another Cave-In to GOP Shows Obama in a 'Bubble'

He seems unaware of how weak he looks: Cenk Uygur

(Newser) - Cenk Uygur heaves a big sigh on behalf of progressives over President Obama's decision to postpone his jobs speech at the behest of Republicans. Obama comes off looking weak and defeated yet again, writes Uygur in Salon . He once held out hope that this pattern was part of a...

Boehner to Obama: Speak on Another Night

He asks president to postpone address to joint session of Congress

(Newser) - This might not bode well for President Obama's chances of getting Republicans to go along with his jobs plan: The two sides can't even agree on when he should unveil it. In response to Obama's request to address a joint session of Congress on Sept. 7, John...

Always-Right Formula Says Obama Wins 2nd Term

And a look at the 13 'keys' to success

(Newser) - Looks like President Obama can stop worrying about the 2012 election—it’s a done deal, according to American University professor Allan Lichtman. “Even if I am being conservative I don’t see how Obama can lose,” he tells US News . Lichtman has a simple system for determining...

Obama Asks to Unveil Jobs Plan to Congress

He wants to address joint session on Sept. 7

(Newser) - Congress will hear about President Obama's plan to create jobs directly from the source: He has asked to address a joint session at 8pm EST on Sept. 7, reports the Hill . His plan would be delivered on the same night and the same time as a GOP presidential debate...

Obama Scrambles for Jobs Plan
 Obama Scrambles for Jobs Plan 

Obama Scrambles for Jobs Plan

But problem may be too big to fix

(Newser) - As he announced the appointment of Alan Krueger yesterday, President Obama promised a speech outlining his new jobs agenda next week—but behind the scenes, Obama and company haven’t actually agreed on that agenda yet, the Washington Post reports. The president is considering a number of options, including a...

VFW Accuses President Obama, White House of 'Insult of Highest Magnitude'
 VFW: White House Insulted Us 

VFW: White House Insulted Us

Group accuses President Obama of snub

(Newser) - The VFW is not happy with President Obama: In what it's calling a first, the group’s annual convention this week will not feature a top-tier official from his administration. Obama himself addressed the VFW two years ago, and Joe Biden did so last year. This year the president...

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