House of Representatives

Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>

Dems: Let's Just Call 'Public Option' Medicare

House Reps suggest rebranding government-run plan

(Newser) - Some House Democrats think the public option would sound better if they renamed it “Medicare,” or maybe “Medicare Part E,” as in “Medicare for Everyone.” They think that rebranding could bridge the gap between liberals and centrists who oppose the plan. “People don’...

Pelosi Fighting for Stronger Public Option

Plan with Medicare-linked option would cost only $871B

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is on a mission to pass the strongest public option on the table in the House—a plan that would pay doctors the same rates as Medicare—and she's close to having enough votes, she told fellow Dems last night. The plan would cost just $871 billion, according...

Senate OKs US Trials for Gitmo Prisoners

Obama expected to sign measure aimed at speeding jail's closure

(Newser) - President Obama won a modest victory today in his continuing effort to close the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba and allowing the government to continue to transfer detainees to the US for prosecution. The plan to permit terror suspects to be shipped to U.S. soil to face trial passed...

GOPers Run 'Witch Hunt' for Muslim Spies
GOPers Run 
'Witch Hunt' for Muslim Spies
Glenn Greenwald

GOPers Run 'Witch Hunt' for Muslim Spies

Advocacy group tries to place Muslim interns in Congress. So?

(Newser) - Four House Republicans are using a document reprinted in a fringe book on a supposed conspiracy to “Islamize America” to call for an investigation into Muslim “spies” in Congress—spies in the form of interns in congressional offices, that is. How “repugnant” and crazy, writes Glenn Greenwald...

GOP Takes Down Tweet Linking Pelosi, Hitler

Link to doctored video from NRCC 'an error,' pulled after DCCC outrage

(Newser) - Turns out linking a genocidal dictator with the speaker of the House might be a little over the top, as the National Republican Congressional Committee found itself today taking down a tweet with a link to a video comparing Nancy Pelosi to Adolf Hitler. A broadside from the Democratic Congressional...

House Bill Adds Hate-Crime Coverage for Gays

Dems secure victory by attaching measure to defense funding measure

(Newser) - The House voted today to make it a federal crime to assault people because of their sexual orientation, significantly expanding the hate-crimes law enacted in the days after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination in 1968. With expected passage by the Senate, and President Obama promising to sign the legislation,...

New Trouble for Rangel: Ethics Panel Widens Probe

Investigation will cover amended financial reports

(Newser) - The House ethics committee is expanding its yearlong investigation of Charles Rangel to look at amended financial disclosure forms he filed earlier this year. Rangel, who chairs the Ways and Means Committee, filed the reports in July to account for $600,000 in previously undisclosed assets, reports Politico. The development...

Pelosi Eye Roll Hints at Dem Rift on Afghanistan

She doesn't seem to be on the same page as Reid

(Newser) - It was a little thing. After Tuesday’s powwow with the president on Afghan strategy, Harry Reid emerged from the White House with Nancy Pelosi and announced: “Everyone said that ‘whatever decision you make, we will support it,’” as the House speaker rolled her eyes. Though...

Dems Block Move to Oust Rangel From Tax Post

GOP keeps his ethics trouble in spotlight

(Newser) - House Republicans failed today for a third time to oust Charles Rangel as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee—but they kept the spotlight on his ethical problems. Instead of removing him, the House voted 246-153 along mostly partisan lines to refer the GOP resolution to the House ethics...

2010 a Toss-Up as Indies Flee the Dems
 2010 a Toss-Up as 
 Indies Flee the Dems 
gallup poll

2010 a Toss-Up as Indies Flee the Dems

But trend and dismal 21% approval of Congress could spell Dem's demise

(Newser) - The sizable lead among registered voters Democrats have maintained since the 2006 midterm elections has eroded to almost nothing. In the latest Gallup poll, Dems have just a 2-point advantage over Republicans going into the 2010 midterms, 46% to 44%, well within the sampling error. That’s down from a...

House Dems Fear Senate, WH Steamroll on Health Care

Moderates don't want to spend risky votes on legless progressive bill

(Newser) - House Democrats on both ends of the spectrum are feeling sorry for themselves as they struggle to shape a final health care reform bill. The bill is widely expected—based in no small part on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s proclamations—to include a public option, a tax on wealthy Americans,...

GOP to Steele: We Set Policy, Not You

(Newser) - Congressional GOP leaders met with RNC chairman Michael Steele late last month to assert their authority when it comes to policymaking, and while those involved said the get-together in House Minority Leader John Boehner’s office was routine, Politico's sources described it as heated. Of particular concern was Steele’s...

Republicans Can Retake House in a 2010 'Landslide'

If trends continue, Republicans could gain 40 seats

(Newser) - Fred Barnes surveys the political landscape and sees the possibility of Republicans gaining up to 40 House seats—and thus regaining control of the chamber—in the 2010 elections. "A landslide of that dimension is quite possible," he writes. Democrats have time to reverse the trend, but they're...

Dem Won't Apologize for 'Die Quickly' Gag
 Dem Won't Apologize 
 for 'Die Quickly' Gag 
political hijinks

Dem Won't Apologize for 'Die Quickly' Gag

Comments about 'Republican health care plan' light up YouTube

(Newser) - Florida Rep. Alan Grayson is refusing to apologize for his snarky statement on the House floor that Republicans want Americans to “die quickly.” Last night, Grayson took the floor and declared that he had, after much probing, determined that Republicans had a two part plan: Don’t get...

Think Tank Taps Bachmann as 'Miss November'

Conservative group's calendar also features Prejean, Coulter

(Newser) - A conservative think tank's calendar of "Great American Conservative Women" features a relative newbie: Michele Bachmann. The Minnesota lawmaker, who was elected to Congress in 2006, appears in the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute's calendar as "Miss November." The calendar also features Carrie Prejean, Michelle Malkin, and...

DeLay Tangos a Little Too Hard on Dancing

Despite low score, the Hammer vows to dance on injured foot 'till it breaks'

(Newser) - Former House majority leader Tom DeLay showed off a dignified tango last night on Dancing With the Stars, performing the dance faithfully, if a bit robotically—until the end, when he dipped partner Cheryl Burke, stumbled, and almost dropped her. Though he scored an 18, tying for last with Kathy...

2010 Won't See Another Republican Revolution
2010 Won't See Another Republican Revolution

2010 Won't See Another Republican Revolution

Parallels with 1994 are exaggerated

(Newser) - Hopeful Republicans are starting to play up the similarities between 1994 and 2010 but any talk of a second Republican Revolution is probably just wishful thinking, writes Ed Kilgore in the New Republic. The Republican capture of the House in '94 was made possible by retiring Democrats—some 22 of...

Congress Wants McChrystal in Hot Seat

Members of both parties want testimony, but Pentagon is not forthcoming

(Newser) - With the White House beset by classified leaks and agonizing over a new Afghan strategy, lawmakers from both parties in both Houses of Congress are calling for a sitdown with Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the Wall Street Journal reports. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has refused requests for testimony from McChrystal until...

House Votes to Cut Off ACORN
 House Votes to Cut Off ACORN 

House Votes to Cut Off ACORN

Republicans lead charge against scandal-ridden community organizers

(Newser) - The House voted tonight to deny all federal funds for ACORN in a Republican-led strike against the scandal-tainted community organizing group that comes just three days after the Senate took similar action. "ACORN has violated serious federal laws, and today the House voted to ensure that taxpayer dollars would...

Lawsuit: Let's Double the Number of Congressmen

Organizers of court challenge want at least 932, as many as 1,761 seats

(Newser) - The House of Representatives is supposed to ensure equal representation for all Americans, but critics see a flawed system because of the expanding population. In Nevada’s 3rd District, for example, one representative speaks for nearly a million people, about twice as many as the congressman for all of Wyoming....

Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>