
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Dems Use Nukes to Lure GOP to Climate Bill

Plants, drilling offered as sweetener for cap-and-trade

(Newser) - The climate change bill up for Senate committee debate tomorrow doesn't stand a chance unless its Democratic backers can sweet talk some of their GOP colleagues, the Washington Post reports. The legislation focuses on a cap-and-trade system where companies could buy and sell emissions permits as needed. But Republican support...

Dems, Health Care Need to Enter the iPhone Age
Dems, Health Care Need to Enter the iPhone Age

Dems, Health Care Need to Enter the iPhone Age

Lumbering dinosaur of a bill will fall flat with 21st century voters

(Newser) - We live in the age of the iPhone, a world in which you can take your pick of 100,000 apps—and "Democrats are pushing the biggest, fattest, one-size-fits all legislation since 1965," writes Daniel Henninger for the Wall Street Journal. It's not what you'd hope for from...

Dems Want Health Reform Rollout By 2010, 2012
Dems Want Health Reform Rollout By 2010, 2012
2013 suddenly too late

Dems Want Health Reform Rollout By 2010, 2012

Everyone wants something to show by midterm elections

(Newser) - Democrats are pushing Senate leaders to rework their health care bills so that at least some benefits kick in by the 2010 and 2012 elections. As currently formulated, the bill would bring the pain immediately, in the form of $100 billion in industry fees, but its reforms mostly wouldn’t...

Paterson to Detractors: I'm Running

New York governor resists White House pressure

(Newser) - Gov. David Paterson isn't scrapping his plans to run for the office he inherited 18 months ago, despite growing pressure from Washington and intervention by the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has contacted the governor and the White House over his concern. "My plans for 2010 are to run for...

Student Loan Bill a No-Brainer That Actually Might Pass

But issue of rising tuition remains

(Newser) - For health reform watchers despairing that lawmakers "will never be able to do anything, ever," it's time to turn an eye on the no-brainer student loan reform in the House, Gail Collins writes in the New York Times. Right now, the government gives banks money, pays them to...

Apologize for 'You Lie,' or Else: Dems to Wilson

Lawmakers want apology on House floor

(Newser) - Apologizing to Rahm Emanuel apparently wasn't enough. Now House Democrats plan to vote next week on whether to discipline Joe Wilson for his "You lie!" outburst, the Washington Post reports. Aides say Democratic leaders want Wilson to apologize on the House floor for violating rules of decorum,...

Forget What You've Heard: Health Reform Is Nearly Done

Obama has party, public, industry support, despite a few town halls

(Newser) - Barack Obama goes into tonight's Congressional address amid talk that his health reform plan—and indeed his entire presidency—are nearly doomed. But the New York Times, in a front-page analysis piece, is far more optimistic, noting that August's town hall chaos did not substantially change public opinion, nor did...

Obama's Support Slides Among Whites

Prez's poll numbers drop among key demographics

(Newser) - President Obama’s support is eroding among those he fought hard to win over: whites, including independents and members of his own party, the Los Angeles Times reports. Since the close of his first 100 days in April, the president has seen his support among white Democrats plummet 11 points,...

Dems' Colo. Dream Win Begins to Look Shaky

Anxiety over recession, deficit quiets Obama supporters

(Newser) - Democrats won a huge symbolic victory by winning over conservative Colorado in last year's elections, but nervous state voters may be yearning for the GOP again, the Washington Post reports. Strategists are feeling it on the ground and incumbents in the halls of power: President Obama's supporters have grown quiet...

50% Approval Rating Just Another Number: Silver
50% Approval Rating Just Another Number: Silver

50% Approval Rating Just Another Number: Silver

Obama likely to win re-election, Dems to keep House majority with current numbers

(Newser) - Much has been made of President Obama’s 50% job-approval rating, but that number in and of itself is “not particularly newsworthy,” writes Nate Silver for Obama could probably win in 2012 even with approval below 50%: George W. Bush was re-elected with the approval of...

Daschle: Insurers Can Talk to Rush—Or Me

Says Dems need to 'do better' at selling health care reform

(Newser) - Why is Tom Daschle taking money to advise an insurer that’s against the creation of a public health care option—a measure he supports? Pish-posh, the former Senate majority leader tells Deborah Solomon in the New York Times. Who would doubters on the left “advise these insurance companies...

Kennedy Legacy Testament to Power of Compromise
Kennedy Legacy Testament to Power of Compromise

Kennedy Legacy Testament to Power of Compromise

US political system 'rewards negotiators'

(Newser) - The political agenda outlined in Ted Kennedy’s speech at the 1980 Democratic convention was radical: Kennedy called for a policy of full employment, government intervention to “reindustrialize” American cities, and universal health care. Having lost the Democratic nomination, “his liberalism was unbound," writes David Brooks for...

Chill Out, Liberals: Remember Last August?

Left feared disaster then—but they won in November

(Newser) - Angry opponents are spewing spittle at the Obama administration over health care and climate change, but progressives should chill out: After all, this has happened before, Ed Kilgore writes in the New Republic. Last August, liberals withered in despair when John McCain tied President Obama at the polls. Just...

Noonan to Dems: Heed 'Mob,' Hold Reform

(Newser) - Americans everywhere are storming town halls to heckle their congressmen over health care, and that shouldn't come as a surprise. “They hired a man to represent them in Washington,” explains Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal. “And all they ask in return is that he see...

Republicans Winning the Shouting Match
 Republicans Winning 
 the Shouting Match 

Republicans Winning the Shouting Match

(Newser) - As unbelievable as this sounds, given the huge crowds Barack Obama was able to drum up not so long ago, the Democrats could be losing the enthusiasm wars, writes Nate Silver of A new poll from Virginia shows that in its upcoming gubernatorial race, 52% of voters will...

Democrats Still Harping on Bush in Gov Races

State elections will test if Dubya-bashing works in Obama age

(Newser) - George Bush is out of office, but it's hard to tell from watching current gubernatorial contests. In Virginia, Democratic candidate R. Creigh Deeds has slammed incumbent Robert McDonnell for praising the effect of Bush tax cuts on the economy. In New Jersey, John Corzine is hoping to quash a bid...

Minn. Dems Red-Faced Over Email Error

Blue language in linked video derails Pawlenty criticism

(Newser) - Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party is frantically apologizing after sending out a mass email that linked to a profane YouTube video, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The email, which blasted Gov. Tim Pawlenty over his economic record, was supposed to include a link to a development report. Instead, it linked to...

Why the Public Isn't Buying Obama's Health Care Plan

Because there really isn't a plan yet

(Newser) - Americans still want health care reform, polls show, but they're losing confidence in the Democrats' plan, and who can blame them, writes writes Nate Silver on, because Democrats don’t actually have a plan yet. It probably would've been better if Obama had given them a plan, instead...

Dems' 2010 Prospects Start to Dim

 Dems' 2010 
 Start to Dim 

Dems' 2010 Prospects Start to Dim

Economy plagues party whose future looked brighter months ago

(Newser) - Things looked rosy for the Democrats in January—but amid economic concerns and trouble for party governors, 2010 could be tougher than expected, Politico reports. Midterm elections typically favor the opposition, and “we don’t have the burden of Iraq as we did in 2006 and don’t have...

Jindal: Dems' Health Care Reform 'Devastating'
Jindal: Dems' Health Care Reform 'Devastating' 

Jindal: Dems' Health Care Reform 'Devastating'

(Newser) - President Obama “is currently just flinging stuff against the wall, in trillion-dollar chunks, to see what sticks,” and his plans for health care are no different, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal writes on Politico. Thanks to failed bailouts and a “trillion-dollar stimulus that has not stimulated,” America...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>