
Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>

Dems to Probe Cheney's Secret CIA Program

(Newser) - Democrats plan to investigate the CIA program Vice President Dick Cheney reportedly ordered be kept secret from Congress, reports the Washington Post. The 8-year-old covert operation only came to light June 24 after CIA officials briefed spy-chief Leon Panetta, who then canceled the program. A day later, Panetta notified Congress,...

Dems Put Pragmatism Before Policy
Dems Put Pragmatism Before Policy

Dems Put Pragmatism Before Policy

Desperate to pass bills, Congress quick to forgo ideals: Brooks

(Newser) - The Democrats learned lasting lessons from the Clinton health care battle: Let Congress, not the White House, write the bills; don’t try to fight the corporations; and avoid failure at all costs. As a consequence, writes David Brooks in the New York Times. the party has taken a “...

Rush: Blame Obama for AWOL Sanford
Rush: Blame Obama for AWOL Sanford

Rush: Blame Obama for AWOL Sanford

Gov bolted because country's 'going to hell in a handbasket'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh has a novel theory about why Mark Sanford left the US: He was sick of the way the country’s being run. The South Carolina governor's disappearance, it seems, was President Obama’s fault, the Huffington Post reports. “This is almost like: I don't give a damn!...

Obama Needs to Toughen Up on Health Care: Krugman

President is dooming reform effort with 'giveaways': Krugman

(Newser) - Barack Obama loves to talk about his post-partisan approach to politics, finding common ground on domestic policy and bringing Republicans into his fold. But on many issues Obama "searches for common ground where none exists," New York Times columnist Paul Krugman writes, and the resulting bills are far...

Obama Clashes With Rural Democrats
Obama Clashes With Rural Democrats

Obama Clashes With Rural Democrats

Environmental rules, car dealerships among sticking points

(Newser) - Democrats from rural areas aren’t pleased with President Obama, and they’re threatening to show it by revolting against key parts of his domestic agenda, Politico reports. The tension boiled to the surface last week when rural and moderate Democrats decried plans to close 3,400 General Motors and...

State Sen. Routs Clinton Pal McAuliffe in Virginia

(Newser) - The country lawyer has trumped his better-known foes in Virginia's Democratic primary for governor, reports the Washington Post. State Sen. Creigh Deeds easily defeated former Clinton insider Terry McAuliffe and former legislative colleague Brian Moran. Deeds will now face Republican Robert F. McDonnell, a conservative with ties to Pat Robertson,...

The GOP Needs More Sarah Palins
The GOP 
Needs More Sarah Palins

The GOP Needs More Sarah Palins

Lack of high-profile women hampers credibility on Sotomayor

(Newser) - Since Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, something has been missing from the ranks of her GOP detractors: women. The departure of Sarah Palin and President Bush’s estrogen-packed Cabinet from the national spotlight has exposed the dearth of Republican women, David Bernstein writes for the Boston Phoenix....

Nader: Dems Offered Me Money in '04 to Skip Key States

McAuliffe doesn't deny the charge

(Newser) - Ralph Nader says Democrats were so worried about him in 2004 that DNC chief Terry McAuliffe offered to give his campaign money if he steered clear of 19 battleground states, reports the Washington Post. "When you get a call like that, first of all it's inappropriate,'' Nader said....

Reid: We Still Need Details; McCain: Obama Is 'Punting'

(Newser) - Leading Democrats praised President Obama's speech today while making clear that they still need details about closing Gitmo, Politico reports. “We’re all awaiting the details of the plan and the president is going to come up with one,” said Harry Reid, echoing the sentiment of fellow senators....

Specter Backs Pelosi in CIA Torture Flap

Cites agency's 'very bad record' on honesty, chides GOP for 'games'

(Newser) - Arlen Specter defended Nancy Pelosi today against the CIA and former GOP colleagues he says are making a “political game” out of the interrogation debacle. “The CIA has a very bad record when it comes to honesty,” the Senate’s newest Democrat said. Specter charged that the...

GOP: Dems Buddying Up to Big Business
GOP: Dems Buddying Up to Big Business

GOP: Dems Buddying Up to Big Business

Irony-proof party employs new strategy to battle climate bill

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are turning the tables on Democrats as the GOP battles a bill to fight climate change, Politico reports. A strategy memo says Republicans should paint the opposition as the party of big business, suggesting Dems are cozying up to “Wall Street traders,” “polluters,” and...

Right-Wing Radio Host Calls Maddow 'Little Boy'

Andrew Wilkow also attacks Perez Hilton

(Newser) - A right-wing radio host's rant on Tuesday got nasty—even for talk radio. Andrew Wilkow of Sirius/XM, filling in on the syndicated "Mark Levin Show," called MSNBC's Rachel Maddow a "nice little boy" and Perez Hilton a "vile sodomite," Salon reports. "It just sounds...

Why the Olympics Could Be Bad News for GOP
Why the Olympics Could Be Bad News for GOP

Why the Olympics Could Be Bad News for GOP

(Newser) - Barack Obama is wielding his clout to try to win the Summer Olympics for Chicago in 2016, which, if you follow the bouncing political ball, could be great news for Hillary Clinton or another lucky Democrat, writes Nate Silver of Here's the logic: The Olympics create a groundswell...

Edwards Staff Planned to Sabotage Him

Affair rumors inspired 'doomsday' scheme if he led Dems

(Newser) - Suspicious that John Edwards was having an affair, several of his campaign staffers drew up a “doomsday” plan to take him down if he seemed likely to win the Democratic nomination, George Stephanopoulos blogs for ABC News. Most staffers dismissed the rumors, but a few close advisers saw the...

Specter: I'll Filibuster the Dems If Needed

Former Republican says GOP let him down

(Newser) - Arlen Specter may be a Democrat now, but the erstwhile Republican senator says he’s not afraid to use the F-word: filibuster, Politico reports. Specter told NBC’s Meet the Press he hasn’t promised to be “a loyal Democrat” and made the switch after realizing through “polls...

GOP Lacks Focus, Leaders on Health Care
 GOP Lacks Focus, Leaders 
 on Health Care 


GOP Lacks Focus, Leaders on Health Care

Dems' organization on issue towers over Republicans'

(Newser) - While Democrats build up serious steam on health-care reform, the GOP has been left behind, with no firm message, no plan, little funding, and no clear leaders on the issue, writes Carrie Budoff Brown for Politico. Republicans fear the lag could make opposition to President Obama’s plans difficult. “...

Opinion on 'Tea Parties' Split Down Party Lines

(Newser) - Evaluations of the effectiveness of yesterday’s anti-tax “tea parties” are split predictably down partisan lines, Chris Cillizza writes for the Washington Post. Republicans touted the protests, which brought out tens of thousands and garnered major media coverage, as a success. “I think something is going on out...

Liberal Groups' Attack Ads on Moderate Dems Not Helpful: Reid

MoveOn should back off, majority leader says

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says left-wing groups shouldn’t run ads pressuring moderate Democrats into backing President Obama’s budget, Politico reports. “I think it’s very unwise and not helpful,” Reid said today of the efforts by and Americans United for Change to convert...

Obama Meets With Dems to Push Budget

(Newser) - President Obama visited Capitol Hill today for a closed-door meeting with Senate Democrats to push for his budget plan. As Senate and House panels began debating their own versions, Obama urged Democrats to retain his budget's core principles on health care, energy, education, and deficit reduction. He also asked them...

Specter's Shift May Doom Bill on Union Organizing

It's a major blow to EFCA hopes

(Newser) - Sen. Arlen Specter said today he won't support the Employee Free Choice Act, delivering a serious setback to the much-watched labor initiative, the Wall Street Journal reports. The bill would allow unions to organize more easily, using card signatures instead of secret ballots. The Republican's support of the measure was...

Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>