
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Kennedy's Widow: Don't Let Ted Down on Health Care

Please finish 'the work of his life,' writes Victoria Kennedy

(Newser) - In an impassioned plea to Democratic senators threatening to vote against the health care reform bill, Victoria Reggie Kennedy begs them not to squander this opportunity because the bill isn't all they would like it to be. "Ted often said that we can't let the perfect be the enemy...

Obama Praises Public-Option Compromise

President praises deal, says it will still provide more choice

(Newser) - President Obama applauded Senate Democrats for yielding on the public option in favor of a "creative framework" for health care reform that could attract wider support. "I support this effort, especially since it's aimed at increasing choice and competition and lowering cost," Obama said at a health...

Obama Goes to Hill Tomorrow to Cajole Dems
Obama Goes to Hill
Tomorrow to Cajole Dems
health care reform

Obama Goes to Hill Tomorrow to Cajole Dems

He will meet with Senate Democrats to try to iron out differences

(Newser) - President Obama will head to Capitol Hill tomorrow afternoon to try to keep health care reform from flying off the track in the Senate. Obama will attend a meeting of Senate Democrats at 2pm as internal squabbles intensify over key parts of the legislation. The two big ones revolve around...

Max Baucus Nominated His Girlfriend for US Attorney

Woman withdrew after she moved in with Senate Dem

(Newser) - Max Baucus was having an affair with a woman he recommended for US attorney last year, the senator's office admitted last night after Roll Call reported the apparent lapse. Baucus, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and former state office director Melodee Hanes began their relationship in the summer...

NY Senator Diane Savino Wins Over Internet

 NY Senator 
 Diane Savino 
 Wins Over 
gay marriage debate

NY Senator Diane Savino Wins Over Internet

She may be on gay marriage's losing side, but she's a viral video sensation

(Newser) - The New York state senate voted down gay marriage yesterday, but the debate created a big winner on the losing side: viral video darling Diane Savino, who's taking the blogosphere by storm. "Savino for President 2016!" Lindsay Robertson writes for Jezebel . In just over 7 minutes, the Staten...

This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats
This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats

This New Poll Should Terrify Democrats

Almost half say they won't vote next year; but 8 in 10 GOPers will

(Newser) - The enthusiasm gap between angry Republicans and blasé Democrats is ridiculously wide, according to a new poll that ought to scare the bejeezus out of those who color themselves blue. Conducted by the non-partisan firm Research 2000 for the decidedly partisan Daily Kos, the poll asked respondents how likely they...

Left, Right Assail Obama Plan
 Left, Right Assail Obama Plan 

Left, Right Assail Obama Plan

GOP faults timetable; Dems fault surge itself

(Newser) - There was a bipartisan show of unity after President Obama’s speech tonight on Afghanistan—though hardly the unity Obama was looking for, as negative reaction echoed from his leftmost supporters to his rightmost critics. The 30,000-troop buildup irked Democrats, the Wall Street Journal reports, despite Obama pairing that...

Kid Lit Goes Political
 Kid Lit Goes Political 

Kid Lit Goes Political

Children's books get hyper-partisan

(Newser) - Hyper-partisan children’s books are on the rise, bringing the culture wars to an age group typically sheltered from political extremes. Katharine DeBrecht's new Help! Mom! Radicals are Ruining My Country!—which lampoons liberals—is but the latest example. While political books for kids are nothing new, “the...

India, DC, Hollywood Mix at Obama Shindig
 India, DC, 
 Hollywood Mix 
 at Obama Shindig 

India, DC, Hollywood Mix at Obama Shindig

GOP, Dems rub elbows with movie stars, media types

(Newser) - Swaths of green and purple surrounded guests tonight as the White House paid tribute to Indian PM Manmohan Singh at the first state dinner given by President Obama. The company was top-notch, with Washington’s elite (from both parties) rubbing elbows with Hollywood stars and media elites. For the guest...

Reid Gets 60th Vote: Holdout Lincoln Agrees

She'll allow health care bill to move forward; vote at 8pm

(Newser) - Democrats have hit the 60-vote number needed to move ahead on health care legislation. Just hours before the 8pm roll call, Arkansas' Blanche Lincoln said on the Senate floor that she will vote with her party. The centrist Democrat had been the last remaining Democratic holdout, after Mary Landrieu and...

All Eyes on Blanche Lincoln in Cliffhanger Senate Vote
All Eyes on Blanche Lincoln in Cliffhanger Senate Vote
showtime: 8pm

All Eyes on Blanche Lincoln in Cliffhanger Senate Vote

Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson expected to back health reform in first vote

(Newser) - Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln is in the hot seat tonight, as the last Democratic holdout to the 60 votes Harry Reid needs in balloting tonight to bring the health care bill to the Senate floor for debate. Nebraskan Ben Nelson said yesterday he would vote yes, and Louisiana's Mary Landrieu...

Palin Pulls in Big Bucks —for Democrats

'Going Rogue' boosts Dem fundraising to new high

(Newser) - Guess who else is raking in the dough as Sarah Palin noisily returns to the national stage: her detractors. After months of trailing Republicans in fundraising, Dems raised $11.5 million in October, a record for a non-presidential year, the Washington Post reports, compared to $8.7 million for the...

Paterson Rips Obama for Putting 9/11 Trials in NYC

NY governor among few Dems to criticize move

(Newser) - New York Gov. David Paterson, already unpopular with the White House, tonight ripped the Obama administration for deciding to try five men implicated in the 9/11 terror attacks in New York City. "This is not a decision that I would have made,” Paterson said. “New York was...

Should Democrats Panic? Yes, but Only 'a Little'
Should Democrats Panic? Yes, but Only 'a Little'
nate silver

Should Democrats Panic? Yes, but Only 'a Little'

Party's in 'fairly bad shape,' but there's time to rebound

(Newser) - A new Gallup poll shows Republicans ahead of Democrats in a generic House ballot, a reversal of political fortune from October. Is it time for the party to panic? "Maybe a little," writes Nate Silver . "My 30,000-foot view is that between the pressures of the jobs...

Democrats Ought to Thank Stupak
 Democrats Ought 
 to Thank Stupak 

Democrats Ought to Thank Stupak

Congressman brings the party in line with the public on abortion

(Newser) - Liberal Democrats are angry at Bart Stupak for forcing an amendment restricting abortion into the House’s health care bill. But one day, they may view the unassuming congressman as a savior of health care reform. Polls show the American public is evenly split on abortion, and most don’t...

GOP Wants to Resurrect That Town Hall Feeling

Party hopes to drum up anger over health bills

(Newser) - Republicans are hoping to re-create the late-summer town hall meetings at which angry voters lashed out over proposed health care legislation. Sen. Lamar Alexander tells Politico the party is planning 50 phone and in-person gatherings over the next few weeks. "If every American has a chance to read the...

Bill Clinton to Corral Senate Dems on Health Care

Meets with caucus as fight over abortion funding heats up

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is expected to speak to Senate Democrats about health care legislation during their weekly caucus today. Clinton's appearance comes as fragile Democratic unity is threatened by abortion opponents in the Senate seeking similar restrictions in the bill to those in the House version passed Saturday. Nebraska Sen. Ben...

Obama: 'Let's Finish the Job'
 'Let's Finish the Job' 
heatlh care push

Obama: 'Let's Finish the Job'

President rallies Democrats as House debates bill

(Newser) - President Obama rallied the Democratic troops today and told the nation that "this is our moment to deliver" on health care reform. In a brief Rose Garden address that took place as the House debated its long-awaited bill, Obama again stressed the need for reform and urged lawmakers to...

Health Care Reform Hinges on House Abortion Vote

Stupak amendment blocks private insurers offering procedure

(Newser) - In a last-ditch effort to corral 40 anti-abortion party members whose votes are needed to pass health care reform, Democrats last night agreed to let the whole House vote today on an amendment that would bar insurers participating in the new government-run health care exchange from providing abortions except in...

Christie Takes NJ for GOP
 Christie Takes NJ for GOP 

Christie Takes NJ for GOP

First Republican to win a statewide race in a decade

(Newser) - Chris Christie scored the second big victory for the Republicans today, taking the governorship of New Jersey from incumbent Jon Corzine. Christie, 47, had 50% of the vote to Corzine’s 44% with nearly three-quarters of precincts reporting. He’s the first Republican to win a statewide race in more...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>