presidential pardon

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Giuliani: We Sat Trump Down, Told Him No Pardons

At least none that have any connection with Robert Mueller

(Newser) - President Trump has discussed the political fallout of a potential pardon for Paul Manafort, whom he believes "has been horribly treated"—and understands a pardon is off the table, at least for now, according to Rudy Giuliani. The president's personal lawyer made the comments to the New ...

Trump's Latest Pardons: 2 Oregon Ranchers

Dwight Hammond Jr., and son will go free; their case inspired Bundy-led takeover of refuge

(Newser) - Father and son cattle ranchers whose sentences for arson triggered the 2016 armed takeover of a national wildlife refuge in Oregon are the latest to receive a presidential pardon. President Trump pardoned Dwight Hammond Jr., 76, and Steven Hammond, 49, on Tuesday, according to a White House statement describing the...

Trump to NFL Players: Who Should I Pardon?

One former NFL player already has a suggestion: his brother

(Newser) - President Trump extended a peace offering of sorts to NFL players on Friday, asking them to recommend people who’ve been unfairly treated in the criminal justice system and deserve a pardon, reports CNN . "I'm going to take a look at those applications. And if I find, and...

'Greatest of All Time' May Get Trump's Next Pardon

But late boxer's attorney says it's unncessary

(Newser) - It's been said President Trump has dozens of pardons on deck after this week's commutation of Alice Johnson's life sentence , and per the AP , he may already have one at the plate. "I'm thinking about Muhammad Ali," Trump was quoted as saying Friday by...

Kim Kardashian West to Meet With Alice Marie Johnson
Trump's Pardons Are
the Talk of the Town

Trump's Pardons Are the Talk of the Town

White House is preparing paperwork for at least 30 more pardons

(Newser) - After Kim Kardashian West met with President Trump to plead the case of Alice Marie Johnson, a great-grandma jailed for life over a first-time, non-violent drug offense, Trump commuted Johnson's life sentence. Now, Kardashian will meet Johnson for the first time as early as this week, reports TMZ . Getting...

Giuliani Uses Extreme Example to Illustrate Trump's Powers

Suggests Trump couldn't be indicted even if he shot James Comey

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani appeared on the Sunday talk shows over the weekend to make the point that President Trump's constitutional powers are so sweeping that he could avoid legal trouble while in office. Giuliani said Trump could theoretically pardon himself in any situation, and he used an extreme hypothetical in...

Trump Announces Surprise Pardon to Conservative Figure
Trump Flexes His 
Pardoning Muscles
the rundown

Trump Flexes His Pardoning Muscles

Dinesh D'Souza is a yes, Martha Stewart a maybe; may commute sentence of Blagojevich

(Newser) - President Trump made big news Thursday through his power to issue pardons and commute sentences. First, he announced that he would issue a full pardon to conservative firebrand Dinesh D'Souza, who once pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations. Hours later came two higher-profile names: Trump told reporters on Air...

Trump Does What Obama Wouldn't, Pardons Black Boxer

Jack Johnson's is just the 3rd posthumous presidential pardon in history

(Newser) - President Trump has granted a rare posthumous pardon to boxing's first black heavyweight champion more than 100 years after what Trump said many feel was a racially motivated injustice. Jack Johnson was convicted in 1913 by an all-white jury for violating the Mann Act, which made it illegal to...

Trump Weighing a Pardon for This Man

After call from Sly Stallone, boxer Jack Johnson could get a posthumous pardon

(Newser) - A legendary boxer, an actor who played a legendary boxer, and the current president of the United States: It's an unlikely trio, but President Trump, at the urging of his chum Sylvester Stallone, says he's considering a pardon for the world's first black heavyweight champ, Jack Johnson,...

Trump Gives Full Pardon to Cheney Aide Scooter Libby

President says Libby was 'treated unfairly' over Valerie Plame case

(Newser) - President Trump issued a full pardon Friday to I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby , a former top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney. Trump said he does not know Libby, but "for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly. Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a...

Report: Trump to Pardon Scooter Libby

Sources say full pardon to Dick Cheney's ex-chief of staff is imminent

(Newser) - President Trump appears about to set a second potentially controversial pardon in motion, sources tell ABC News and the New York Times . Scooter Libby, former chief of staff to ex-VP Dick Cheney, will be the next to see a presidential reprieve, with a pardon greenlit by Trump after he mulled...

Fox News 'Absolutely' Key in Getting Trump to Pardon Sailor

Kristian Saucier took pictures of classified area on nuclear submarine

(Newser) - Despite it getting dragged by the Justice Department and dismissed by a judge, lawyers for Kristian Saucier have proven that a legal argument consisting of "Well, what about Hillary Clinton though?" is a great first step toward a presidential pardon. CBS News reports Saucier, a former Navy sailor, served...

Trump Pardons Turkeys, Gets in Obama Dig

President spared Wishbone, Drumstick, but not before poking fun at his predecessor

(Newser) - President Trump wielded his pardon power Tuesday to spare a pair of turkeys from the Thanksgiving roaster, joking that he would also let last year's turkey pardons stand despite his penchant for overturning Obama-era orders. In a brief White House ceremony, Trump extended the annual presidential tradition of pardoning...

Arpaio to Plead With Judge to Toss Conviction

His lawyers will present oral arguments on Oct. 4

(Newser) - Joe Arpaio has asked an Arizona judge to vacate his contempt of court conviction, arguing a presidential pardon "warrants an automatic vacatur of all opinions, judgments, and verdicts related to the criminal charge." But he'll have to come up with a bit more than that. On Tuesday,...

Trump Asked Sessions if Arpaio Case Could be Dropped

President told that would be 'inappropriate,' was long decided on issuing pardon

(Newser) - President Trump's intervention in Joe Arpaio's fate dates back well before he announced the controversial pardon of the former Arizona sheriff on Friday, reports the Washington Post . Citing White House sources, the Post reports that Trump reached out to AG Jeff Sessions this past spring to see if...

Man Locked Up Under Arpaio Calls Pardon 'a Nightmare'

'Disgusted, dispirited, and disappointed in the American political system'

(Newser) - "There’s evil in the world that’s unrepentant, and I’ve experienced it firsthand," Francisco Chairez writes for the Washington Post . Chairez, a Mexican immigrant, spent time in one of Joe Arpaio's infamous "tent cities" following a 2015 conviction for drunk driving. His experience doing...

Trump: 'President Has Complete Power to Pardon'

President unleashes early morning tweetstorm

(Newser) - "The US President has the complete power to pardon," President Trump claimed early Saturday during what USA Today characterizes as a "tweetstorm" and "tweet-o-rama." Trump sent 10 tweets in a span of two hours, starting at 6:30am. Out of those 10 tweets, perhaps none...

Report: Trump Is Asking About the Pardons Process

But Trump attorney says 'pardons are not being discussed'

(Newser) - As special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation continues to simmer, President Trump's legal team is allegedly brainstorming how to throw cold water on it, "people familiar with the effort" tell the Washington Post . Among the strategies reportedly on the table is an attempt to slow or stop...

Obama Could Grant a Christmas Wish for 200K

Fearing deportation under Trump, immigrants hope for his pardon

(Newser) - As a teenager, 31-year-old Liz was convicted of fraud after attempting to return an item to a store for her uncle (she was unaware he hadn't bought it there). Years later, she was convicted again after agreeing to pick up a package for a friend, which she later learned...

Obama Issues Record Wave of Clemencies

Pardons 78, shortens sentence of 153 others

(Newser) - President Barack Obama has pardoned 78 people and shortened the sentence of 153 others convicted of federal crimes, the greatest number of individual clemencies in a single day by any president, the White House said Monday. Obama has been granting commutations at rapid-fire pace in his final months in office,...

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