presidential pardon

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Analyst Says Trump Was Right to Pardon Flynn
Analyst Says Trump Was
Right to Pardon Flynn

Analyst Says Trump Was Right to Pardon Flynn

But a Washington Post editorial calls move a 'disgrace'

(Newser) - President Trump's decision to pardon former national security adviser Michael Flynn was widely expected—but still hugely controversial. The president announced the day before Thanksgiving that he was granting a full pardon to Flynn, who pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI about discussing anti-Russia sanctions with...

More Trump Pardons Are Coming: Reports

Michael Flynn is the biggest name on the table, according to Axios and 'NYT'

(Newser) - Apparently the White House turkey won't be the only one receiving a presidential pardon this fall. Axios and the New York Times are reporting that President Trump is expected to pardon his former national security adviser Michael Flynn—and several other undisclosed people—before his term is up. Flynn...

Joe Exotic Claims He Was Sexually Assaulted by Jail Staff

He asks for pardon in 257-page letter to Trump

(Newser) - Joseph Maldonado-Passage, federal inmate No. 26154-017 and better known as Joe Exotic, is seeking a pardon—and has written to both Donald Trumps. The former zoo owner, who is serving a 22-year murder-for-hire sentence, has sent President Trump a 257-page letter outlining his case for a pardon, TMZ reports. Exotic...

Hours After Convention Speech, Alice Johnson Receives Pardon

Kim Kardashian West had championed her case

(Newser) - President Trump pardoned a woman on Friday who was a featured speaker on the final night of the Republican National Convention and had praised him as a compassionate leader. Trump pardoned Alice Marie Johnson, who had spent more than two decades serving life without parole for a nonviolent drug offense....

Trump Pardons Bank Robber During RNC
Trump Pardons
Bank Robber
During RNC

Trump Pardons Bank Robber During RNC

Jon Ponder launched nonprofit after his release

(Newser) - A President Trump pardon took center stage Tuesday at night two of the Republican National Convention : Trump pardoned Jon Ponder, with the White House making the announcement shortly before the RNC kicked off for the evening; Ponder appeared during the night's events alongside the former FBI agent who arrested...

Trump Will Pardon Suffragist Figure Susan B. Anthony

She was arrested for voting in 1872

(Newser) - President Trump said Tuesday he will pardon Susan B. Anthony, a leader in the women’s suffrage movement, who was arrested for voting in 1872 in violation of laws permitting only men to vote, per the AP . Anthony is best known for her role in the movement to secure voting...

Snowden Could Be in Line for a Pardon

Trump has recommended execution before but now says his staff's advice is divided

(Newser) - He hears conflicting advice about whether to pardon Edward Snowden, President Trump says, saying that it "seems to be a split decision." Conceding that he's "not that aware of the Snowden situation," Trump said, "Many people think he should be somehow treated differently, and...

A Pardon for Trump? Not From Joe Biden

Former VP says he wouldn't try to stop any potential investigation into Trump after he leaves office

(Newser) - When Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon, it was seen as a way for the United States to heal and move on from Watergate. So, if Joe Biden became president and Donald Trump faced any charges, would he do the same? That would be a no, as would any attempt to...

Trump: A 'Full Pardon' Might Be in Order

The president tweets about former national security adviser Michael Flynn

(Newser) - President Donald Trump said Sunday he is considering a full pardon for former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about dealings with Russia’s ambassador before Trump took office, the AP reports. Flynn attempted to withdraw the guilty plea in January, saying...

Ex-Congressman: Yeah, I Talked to Assange About a Pardon

But Rohrabacher says Trump had nothing to do with it

(Newser) - Former GOP congressman Dana Rohrabacher tells Yahoo News in a new interview that, yes, he did talk to Julian Assange about getting the WikiLeaks founder a presidential pardon if Assange said that Russia was not responsible for the DNC email leak . However, he says he never actually spoke to President...

The Public Is Behind Trump on Blagojevich
The Public Is
Behind Trump
on Blagojevich

The Public Is Behind Trump on Blagojevich

Lots of people thought 14 years was excessive, writes Natasha Korecki

(Newser) - The backlash was swift Tuesday as President Trump commuted Rod Blagojevich's 14-year prison sentence for political corruption. But Politico reporter Natasha Korecki argues the move "isn't crazy." In a Tuesday op-ed, Korecki—who wrote about Blagojevich's case for the Chicago Sun-Times and in a subsequent...

In Surprise Pardon, Trump Clears NFL Figure

Former 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo Jr. was convicted years ago of gambling fraud

(Newser) - President Trump has pardoned Edward DeBartolo Jr., the former San Francisco 49ers owner convicted in a gambling fraud scandal. DeBartolo, who built the San Francisco 49ers' 1980s-'90s dynasty, was involved in one of the biggest owners' scandals in the sport's history. In 1998, he pleaded guilty to failing...

Marianne Williamson Mistakenly Slams Trump

She falls for a satirical article about Charles Manson

(Newser) - Marianne Williamson is still a 2020 candidate for president, though she hasn't been generating much attention in the media. That changed Monday, but not in a good way. It seems that Williamson got snookered by a satirical article and condemned President Trump for doing something he hadn't done—...

Pardons, Promotion From Trump, Despite Pentagon Pushback

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said he had a 'robust discussion' with the president on this

(Newser) - President Trump has pardoned a former US Army commando set to stand trial next year in the killing of a suspected Afghan bomb-maker and a former Army lieutenant convicted of murder for ordering his men to fire upon three Afghans, killing two, the White House announced late Friday. The commander...

Trump Looks at Pardons for War Criminals

White House prepares for announcement around Memorial Day

(Newser) - White House officials have begun the process for issuing presidential pardons for several members of the military accused or convicted of war crimes. Among them is Edward Gallagher, a Navy SEAL charged with shooting unarmed civilians and killing a captive while deployed in Iraq, the New York Times reports. The...

Trump Pardons Conrad Black
Trump Pardons Conrad Black

Trump Pardons Conrad Black

Ex-media mogul wrote flattering Trump biography

(Newser) - President Trump has granted a full pardon to Conrad Black, a former newspaper publisher who has written a flattering political biography of Trump. Black's media empire once included the Chicago Sun-Times and the Daily Telegraph of London. He was convicted of fraud in 2007 and spent three and a...

Trump Pardons Rogue Soldier Who Killed Rumored Terrorist

Sarah Sanders says Michael Behenna is 'entirely deserving'

(Newser) - President Trump has granted a full pardon to a former US soldier convicted of killing a suspected al-Qaeda terrorist in Iraq. Press secretary Sarah Sanders described former Army 1st Lt. Michael Behenna as "entirely deserving" of the executive grant of clemency in a Monday statement, noting he was a...

Tweet Battle Between Trump, Cohen Uses Word 'Lie' a Lot

President and his former attorney take their tiff to Twitter

(Newser) - The falling out between President Trump and his former attorney Michael Cohen headed straight to Twitter Friday morning, with the commander in chief addressing the confusion over whether Cohen had ever asked him for a presidential pardon, and whether he'd ever lobbied to work in the White House, the...

Cohen Once Explored a Pardon, Despite His House Testimony

But his attorney says what Cohen told Congress is 'literally true'

(Newser) - It seems pretty straightforward. When Michael Cohen testified before a House panel last week, he said this: "I have never asked for, nor would I accept, a pardon from Mr. Trump." But now Cohen attorney Lanny Davis is out with a statement that seems to contradict that assertion—...

Even if Manafort Is Pardoned, New York Has a Plan

State prosecutors may bring their own charges

(Newser) - Even if Paul Manafort receives a presidential pardon for his federal crimes , he could face state charges that would send him to prison. Manhattan prosecutors have assembled a criminal case against Manafort, President Trump's onetime campaign manager, the New York Times reports. Presidents have no pardon power in state...

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