presidential pardon

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Bergdahl Seeks Pardon Before Trump Presidency

He thanks Obama, asks for clemency

(Newser) - Bowe Bergdahl doesn't want his case to go to trial under a president who has called him a "no-good traitor who should have been executed." After Donald Trump won the election, the Army sergeant's lawyers asked President Obama for a pre-emptive pardon before Bergdahl's trial...

Hope of Exonerating Ethel Rosenberg May End With Trump

Sons are pressuring Obama to move now to clear mom executed in '50s spy case

(Newser) - With President Obama's term coming to an end, the sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are again calling on the president to clear their mother of the espionage charge for which they believe she was wrongly executed in 1953 in an intense Cold War case. Michael and Robert Meeropol...

FBI Stuns Clinton Campaign With New Document Release

Files relate to controversial 2001 pardon

(Newser) - The FBI has followed up its October surprise for Hillary Clinton with another shocker: the release of 129 pages of internal documents related to Bill Clinton's highly controversial pardon of financier Marc Rich. The heavily redacted documents were released Monday and the agency drew attention to them with a...

Pardon Snowden So He Can Work for US Public
Pardon Snowden So He
Can Work for US Public

Pardon Snowden So He Can Work for US Public

Human rights officials make the case in NYT

(Newser) - Edward Snowden put out a public plea earlier this week for a pardon from President Obama—and two human rights activists agree with his call for clemency. Making their case for the ex-NSA contractor in the New York Times , Kenneth Roth (director of Human Rights Watch) and Salil Shetty (secretary...

Family Seeks Pardon for 'Back to Africa' Founder

Marcus Garvey was convicted of mail fraud

(Newser) - The family of Marcus Garvey is asking President Obama to pardon the black nationalist, founder of the early 20th century “Back to Africa” movement, NBC News reports. Dr. Julius Garvey, 82, used what would have been his father’s 129th birthday on Wednesday to launch a campaign to clear...

Obama Can't Pardon Making a Murderer Inmate

Constitution bars him from freeing Wisc. inmate

(Newser) - Despite two petitions that now have around 300,000 signatures, there is zero chance of President Obama pardoning Making a Murderer inmate Steven Avery —and it's not because the president has strong feelings about the Netflix series that casts doubt on his conviction. As Leon Neyfakh at Slate...

Obama Commutes 95 Sentences to End the Year

They're mostly for selling or possessing cocaine or crack

(Newser) - President Barack Obama is commuting the sentences of 95 offenders and pardoning two more in a year-end spree. Almost all of those receiving commuted sentences are non-violent drug offenders. Many were convicted of distributing or possessing cocaine or crack-cocaine. Obama is also pardoning an Ohio man sentenced to probation in...

Obama Pardons 'Abe' the Turkey, and the Chinese ... Gloat

That was Abe as in Abe Lincoln, but the Chinese had a different interpretation

(Newser) - President Barack Obama's pardoning of a turkey named "Abe" this Thanksgiving has led some Chinese to gloat at the Japanese prime minister's expense. As part of a peculiar annual tradition at the White House, Obama on Wednesday granted amnesty from the dinner table to two turkeys named...

GOP Aide Backtracks on 'Class' Dig at Obama Kids

Elizabeth Lauten's comments to bored Sasha and Malia inspired backlash

(Newser) - President Obama trotted out his daughters for the sixth pardon of a turkey of his tenure, and when they, like much of the rest of the nation, appeared bored by the tradition , a congressional aide created a stir by publicly taking offense, reports the Washington Post . In a Facebook post...

Obama, It's Time to Pardon More Regularly

No more last-minute or Christmas pardons: PS Ruckman Jr.

(Newser) - President Obama is "one of the least merciful presidents in the history of the United States," writes PS Ruckman Jr. for CNN . He's so far granted just 52 pardons, which puts him ahead of the first two US presidents (one of whom only served one term), a...

How One Decision Drove Bush, Cheney Apart

The pardon of 'Scooter' Libby was apparently the last straw

(Newser) - In the final days of George W. Bush's presidency, Dick Cheney lobbied the president and lobbied him hard—for the pardon of Lewis "Scooter" Libby. President Bush dreaded facing Cheney about it, and once he did, their relationship would never be the same, reports Peter Baker in the...

Manning Asks Obama for Pardon

Amnesty seeks clemency as longshot request submitted

(Newser) - Chelsea Manning has formally put in a request for a presidential pardon, though few believe the private formerly known as Bradley has any chance of success. When Manning was sentenced to 35 years last month for the biggest intelligence leak in American history, her lawyer said the request would include...

Manning Will Ask Obama for Pardon

Tells defense team: 'It's OK ... I'm going to be all right'

(Newser) - With his 35-year sentence for leaking military secrets, Bradley Manning should be eligible for parole in seven years, reports the Guardian . But the 25-year-old is hoping for an even shorter stay: His defense team will formally ask President Obama for a pardon next week. The chances of success are right...

Clinton&#39;s 11th-Hour Pardon Dead at 78
 Clinton's 11th-Hour 
 Pardon Dead at 78 

Clinton's 11th-Hour Pardon Dead at 78

Marc Rich, 'King of Commodities' trader, died in Switzerland

(Newser) - Marc Rich, the trader known as the "King of Commodities" whose controversial 2001 pardon by President Bill Clinton just hours before he left office unleashed a political firestorm of criticism in 2001, died today. He was 78. Rich died of a stroke in a hospital in Lucerne, Switzerland, near...

Sea Turtles 'Pardoned' by President Obama on Hawaii Vacation
 Obama 'Pardons' 
 Sea Turtles 

Obama 'Pardons' Sea Turtles

President, daughters, friends release four of them in Hawaii

(Newser) - Apparently it’s not just turkeys that are eligible for a presidential pardon—sea turtles are, too. President Obama "pardoned" four of them yesterday during a visit to Hawaii’s Sea Life Park, releasing the 18-month-old turtles into Hanauma Bay. The president was accompanied by his daughters and a...

In Presidential Pardons, It Helps to Have the Right Pals
In Presidential Pardons, It Helps to Have the Right Pals
propublica investigation

In Presidential Pardons, It Helps to Have the Right Pals

It also helps to be white: ProPublica

(Newser) - ProPublica has wrapped up a two-part investigation into the very subjective world of presidential pardons, and one thing is not so subjective anymore: If you are white and happen to know someone in Congress, your chances of getting a pardon just went way up:
  • Minority odds: Part one of the

President Obama to Pardon Turkeys 'Liberty,' 'Peace' for Thanksgiving

Obama Pardons 'Liberty'

Thanksgiving turkey catches a break

(Newser) - Two lucky ducks, er, turkeys dodged a dark fate this year. Liberty, who is 19 weeks old and weighs 45 pounds, received a presidential Thanksgiving pardon; her alternate, Peace, also got one, USA Today notes. President Obama said it was his latest “executive order” that didn’t require Congressional...

Turkey Pardon as Barbaric as Death Penalty

Thanksgiving tradition a reminder of 'arbitrary' punishment: Justin Smith

(Newser) - On the surface, the annual presidential pardon of a turkey may be all in fun, but it’s also a disturbing reminder of the continued existence of the death penalty in this country. The pardon makes light of “the strange power vested in politicians to decide the earthly fates...

Obama Pardons 9, Including 'Coin Mutilator'

They're the first pardons (of humans) in his presidency

(Newser) - Proving his mercy isn’t limited to Thanksgiving turkeys, President Obama exercised his pardon power for the first time today to erase the criminal pasts of nine individuals convicted of various crimes, some dating as far back as the 1960s. The most unusual case appeared to be that of a...

Obama Spares Turkeys 'Shellacking'

Birds will head to George Washington's estate

(Newser) - It's official: President Obama has pardoned the National Thanksgiving Turkey. Continuing a decades-old White House tradition, Obama issued pardons today to a gobbler named "Apple" and its alternate, “Cider.” The two 21-week-old, 45-pound turkeys were raised on a California farm. Obama said it “feels pretty good...

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