political donations

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RNC, DNC Pig Out on Donor Bucks

Lavish dinners, digs, fishing guides eat up millions

(Newser) - Nearly two-thirds of donations to the national committees of both the Republican and Democratic Party are spent on staffers and to pay for luxuries like lavish dinners, limousines and mysterious "tips" to lure more donations, reports the Washington Post . In the last spending period, administration and fundraising expenses gobbled...

Steele Must Stop Trying to Be Shadow President

GOP needs him to do his job, the 'boring' fundraising

(Newser) - The headlines about the Republican National Committee's embarrassing week will fade, but the party has a bigger problem, warns Kimberley Strassel. "Michael Steele has yet to figure out his role." The RNC chief is acting like a glitzy "shadow president" instead of doing what a party chief...

Conservative Chief Tells Group Not to Give to RNC

Bondage club incident further shows 'tone-deaf' brass

(Newser) - The influential head of a key conservative group is urging that group’s members to avoid donating to the Republican National Committee in the wake of its most recent scandal. “This latest incident is another indication to me the RNC is completely tone-deaf to the values and concerns of...

RNC Will Use 'Fear' Campaign for Big Donors

Also, Harry Reid is depicted as Scooby Doo

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee plans to hit up major donors with a campaign based on fear of Barack Obama and impending Socialism, writes Ben Smith at Politico . He got hold of a confidential presentation by the RNC's finance director, which points out how "ego-driven" donors can be coaxed into...

GOP's Marco Rubio Charged Party for His Groceries

Florida Senate candidate says he repaid personal expenses

(Newser) - Marco Rubio, a Republican candidate for Senate in Florida, used his party’s credit card to pay for his groceries, repairs for his family minivan, purchases at his local wine store, and other personal expenses while he was speaker of Florida’s house. Documents obtained by the Miami Herald outline...

Miffed at Obama, Wall St. Closes Wallet to Democrats

GOP swoops in to take advantage of 'buyer's remorse'

(Newser) - As President Obama pushes for tighter regulation of the financial industry, offended Wall Street donors are shifting ever more money to the Republicans. Obama's financial ties helped him pull in record Wall Street donations in 2008; now his policy proposals and anti-fat-cat rhetoric have the industry grumbling that "even...

Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'
Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'
supreme court

Schumer: Campaign Ruling 'Undermines Democracy'

Democrats, good-government groups blast Supreme Court decision

(Newser) - Democrats and campaign reformers alike are railing against today’s Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to use their money how they please in the political arena. “This decision allows Wall Street to tap its vast corporate profits to drown out the voice of the public in our democracy,”...

Disaffected Right, Left Close Purse Strings to Parties

Miffed at election behavior, partisans boycott DCCC, NRCC, etc.

(Newser) - Frustrated voters are letting Congressional Democrats and Republicans know how they feel—by opening their mouths and closing their pocketbooks. One Dem blogger, miffed at the DNC for perceived inaction in the Maine gay marriage fight, has proposed a boycott on donations to the national committee: “Clearly, money talks....

Fundraising Looms Large on Obama's Schedule

President spends more time chasing donations thanks to McCain-Feingold

(Newser) - In between massive federal bailouts and health reform, President Obama has spent a lot of time rustling up cash for Democrats this year, with tonight marking his 26th fundraiser. George W. Bush, by contrast, headlined only six fundraisers in his first year. But that was before McCain-Feingold capped how much...

Health Bill Author Baucus Reaps $1.5M From Industry

Finance chairman raked in donations while crafting measure

(Newser) - It's no secret that Capitol Hill is awash in money from the health-care industry but the amounts involved are far larger than many realize, according to a new report from a watchdog group. The Sunlight Foundation found that many senators—especially Montana Democrat Max Baucus, chair of the Senate Finance...

Court Rescinds Cap on Political Spending by Nonprofits

Emily's List wins ruling on 'soft money'

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today rescinded FEC limits on “soft money,” the Washington Post reports. The federal regulations had required that funds used by a nonprofit to influence a federal election be drawn from “hard money” accounts—individual contributions of “hard money” are capped at $5,...

Blue Dogs Raking In Campaign Donations

(Newser) - Blue Dog Democrats may be ticking off President Obama and party leaders with their opposition to health care overhaul, but the move is doing wonders for their campaign coffers, reports CQ Politics. The Blue Dog Political Action Committee has pulled in $1.1 million for the 2010 races, more than...

Palin's Haul From Small Donors Echoes Obama: Silver

60% of war chest in chunks under $200

(Newser) - The nearly $1 million raised by Sarah Palin’s political action committee this year is not in itself all that impressive, writes Nate Silver for FiveThirtyEight.com. After all, her figures are dwarfed by Republican players with significantly less star power. But Palin’s fundraising numbers reveal a true strength:...

Palin PAC Fund Reaches $1M
Palin PAC Fund Reaches $1M

Palin PAC Fund Reaches $1M

Gov's resignation sparks $200K in new donations to spread Sarah's word

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's political action committee has received almost $1 million dollars since she created it at the end of January, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The fund—which Palin plans to use to spread her message and campaign for chosen candidates across the country—has received $200,000 in donations...

Stalled Minn. Senate Race a Home Run for Fundraisers

Groups for both parties reap cash by citing Franken-Coleman battle

(Newser) - For some political fundraisers, the longer the Franken-Coleman race barrels onward, the better: it’s helping them pull down huge sums, Politico reports. Groups from both parties are hitting up their constituents for cash, using the Minnesota race to spark sympathy. “We need to expose these illicit attempts to...

AIG's Money Lined Pockets in Washington

Dodd, Bush, Obama campaigns benefited from insurer's largesse

(Newser) - Chris Dodd has been a major AIG critic of late, but the Senate Banking chairman also has the uncomfortable distinction of being the politician to benefit the most from the insurer’s generosity, the Wall Street Journal reports. AIG employees have donated $280,000 to Dodd over the years, including...

Amid Recession, Obama to Prod Weary DNC Donors

(Newser) - President Obama is set to address a Democratic fundraiser later this month—the first such event of his presidency—but the money might not flow from donors cowed by recession and overextended after the recent election, Bloomberg reports. “Nonetheless,” said a White House deputy press secretary, “the...

Commerce Pick Has Fundraising Skeletons
Pick Has
Fundraising Skeletons

Commerce Pick Has Fundraising Skeletons

Locke is no slam dunk: Malkin

(Newser) - President Obama's administration surely hopes Gary Locke will prove a relatively uncontroversial pick for Commerce after the messy Bill Richardson and Judd Gregg nominations. Not likely, writes Michelle Malkin, who covered Locke for the Seattle Times when he was Washington's governor. Locke, she reminds, faced a series of probes from...

Dems Expect Fundraising Decline

Only consolation: GOP will probably do much worse

(Newser) - The economic slowdown is having its expected effect on Democratic fundraising, and the added effects of “donor fatigue” and the magnetic force that draws campaign cash to Barack Obama could leave them pinched for the next election cycle, Politico reports. But things could be worse—like they are for...

100 Families Gave $100K to Obama
100 Families Gave $100K
to Obama

100 Families Gave $100K to Obama

Rockefellers, Spielbergs among Barack's 'elite' donors

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s political efforts haven’t run purely on grassroots fuel: almost 100 families that gave $100,000 or more made up an “elite” group of repeat donors over the past 2 years, the Washington Post reports. Current donation rules make whopping contributions possible if donors distribute funds...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>