political donations

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Hollywood Shells Out for Obama's Big Day

A-listers fork over $50K for events

(Newser) - A blackout hit Barack Obama’s Hawaii vacation home last week, but his inauguration next month will be lit up with plenty of star power. Hollywood A-listers have been shelling out top dollar to help pay for the president-elect’s big day, Politico reports. Donors include Halle Berry, Jamie Foxx,...

Caroline Has Been Stingy With NY Dems
Caroline Has Been Stingy With NY Dems

Caroline Has Been Stingy With NY Dems

Lack of donations may hurt efforts to gain Clinton's Senate seat

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy has not donated much money to New York Democrats, and it could dent her appeal to Gov. David Paterson as he decides on his appointment to fill Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat, the New York Daily News reports. Although Kennedy has given around $30,000 to federal candidates,...

Small Donors Didn't Drive His Campaign: Study

(Newser) - The little guy didn't fill Barack Obama's campaign coffers after all, a new non-partisan study says. True, almost 50% of his donations were $200 or less, but many of those donors gave again. Only about a quarter of them stopped at two C-notes, a figure in the same range as...

Secretive Gay Donors Back Candidates Nationwide

Group of donors organizes to put millions of dollars behind pro-gay pols

(Newser) - A secretive group of wealthy gay activists who call themselves the Cabinet has been pouring huge sums into defeating anti-gay political candidates across the country, Time reports. The seven members of the Cabinet are estimated to have injected at least $7.8 million into races nationwide since 2004, and have...

Nonprofit Workers Favor Dems
 Nonprofit Workers Favor Dems 

Nonprofit Workers Favor Dems

Charity employees are more likely to donate money to the left side of the aisle, study finds

(Newser) - People in the charitable world lean heavily Democrat and love Barack Obama, but try to keep their affiliation low-key to avoid insulting the other side, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reports. A new study shows that 88% of foundation worker donations went to Dems, enriching Obama's effort by $399,000 and...

SNL Expects Obama Nov. 1
 SNL Expects Obama Nov. 1 

SNL Expects Obama Nov. 1

Meyers spills the beans to Palin at afterparty, aide tells blogger

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live has lined up Barack Obama for Nov. 1—the weekend before the election, blogger Martin Eisenstadt says he’s hearing from an aide to Sarah Palin. In boozy glee over the successful Palin appearance Saturday, SNL political writer Seth Meyers blurted, “just wait til you see...

UK Tories Accused of Soliciting Russian Magnate

Party's finance leader denies discussing illegal donation

(Newser) - Britain's Conservative Party is taking heat for allegedly requesting $85,000 from a Russian billionaire and suggesting he skirt UK law by gifting the money through his British firm. The solicitation was firmly denied by the party’s finance spokesman, who confirmed he met with aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska but...

Small Print Lets Donors Write Big Checks

Individuals are giving as much as $70K to candidates and parties

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s small donors have grabbed the headlines this election, but the latest campaign finance reports reveal that big donors have been playing their biggest role in ages, the New York Times reports. Both candidates have used joint committees, which raise money for both the candidates and their parties,...

Tenn. Dad Names Baby After GOP Ticket

Newborn Sarah McCain Palin Ciptak's mom is not amused

(Newser) - It isn’t your typical get-out-the-vote strategy, but a Tennessee man says he hopes naming his new baby after the Republican ticket will get people to the polls, the Kingsport Times-News reports. Sarah McCain Palin Ciptak was born last week to a couple who’d agreed on the name Ava...

Pelosi's PAC Paid Husband's Firm $99K for Work

Transaction legal, but would have been banned by bill Dem Speaker supported

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi paid her husband’s company $99,000 through her political action committee during the past 9 years, the Washington Times reports. Payments to Paul Pelosi’s Financial Leasing Services are routine fees for accounting and office-space rent payments, but would have been illegal under a bill Pelosi supported...

Dems Get Higher Doses of Drug Company Donations
Dems Get Higher Doses of Drug Company Donations

Dems Get Higher Doses of Drug Company Donations

McCain's scorn, growth of government programs behind shift in support

(Newser) - Pharmaceutical firms have been a stalwart Republican ally—$22 million of the industry’s $30 billion in contributions went to GOP congressional candidates in 2002—but drug makers are increasingly supporting Democrats, Jeanne Cummings reports in Politico. Programs such as President Bush’s prescription-drug plan mean half of pharmaceutical sales...

McCain, Obama Both Have Ties to Loan Giants

Both took cash from leaders; McCain's manager is GSEs' ex-lobbyist

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain are both railing against the excesses of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the campaign trail, and promising to end the lobbyist culture in Washington that led to their fall. But both candidates and their parties have multiple ties to Fannie and Freddie, the New ...

Obama Rakes in $52M in June

 Obama Rakes in
 $52M in June 

Obama Rakes in $52M in June

So much for losing his fundraising power

(Newser) - Barack Obama is back up in the fundraising stratosphere, pulling in $52 million in June, the campaign said today. The total is just shy of the record $55 million he drew in February, and it more than laps John McCain’s $22 million take in June. The total lays to...

Housing Industry Funnels Cash to Lawmakers

Campaign contributions soar compared to 2006

(Newser) - The housing industry has given more campaign cash to lawmakers and political parties this election cycle than it gave through the entire 2006 cycle, the Wall Street Journal reports, as an emergency housing bill containing favorable provisions for the industry has been working its way through Congress. Cash has flowed...

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt
 Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt 

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt

Aides explain much of it as paperwork matter

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had $8.7 million in debt at the end of February, including roughly $300,000 in unpaid health insurance invoices for her staff and $3,100 from her own high school alma mater, where she held a campaign event. Barack Obama notched only $625,058 in debt, reports...

January Take: Obama $36M, Clinton $13.5M, Mac $11.6M

Small Internet donations key Obama success; debate over public funds grows

(Newser) - Barack Obama vastly outpaced his rivals in January fundraising, scoring $36 million to Hillary Clinton’s $13.5 million and John McCain’s $11.6 million. The Democratic front-runner drew $28 million online, with 90% of donations at or below $100. Obama is now on the spot over a 2007...

Stars Shine on Presidential Candidates

From Hollywood to 'Little House on the Prairie,' celebs pony up

(Newser) - This just in: Hollywood loves Democrats, a "Baywatch" babe likes Dennis Kucinich, and Paulie Walnuts is with Rudy Giuliani. CNN scrutinized FEC records with some degree of thoroughness—the results are improbably light on Republicans—to generate a list of celebrity donations to the presidential candidates, and the results...

Stories 101 - 117 | << Prev