political donations

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Obama Romancing 'Fat-Cat' Donors

And, simultaneously, not-so-rich ones

(Newser) - President Obama's 2012 machine is revving up early, and his campaign is using all its assets to pull in wealthy donors—while also courting the small Internet donors that fueled his grass-roots machine in 2008. The Washington Post takes a long look at the fundraising push, which has included...

54% of Trump’s Donations Went to Democrats

Which could hurt his chances as a Republican candidate

(Newser) - If Donald Trump officially decides to enter the Republican race, he'll probably have to explain why he has donated to so many Democrats. Of the more than $1.3 million in political donations he's made over the years, 54% has gone to Democrats, the Washington Post reports. Those...

After Uproar, Target Tightens Rules on Political Donations

Last year's contribution to anti-gay candidate triggers changes

(Newser) - Don't expect Target to be making any more controversial political donations. The store has revised its policy and will put all future contributions through a much tighter review process, reports the Advocate via the Washington Blade . The changes come after the company enraged the gay community last year by donating...

Foes of 'Fracking' Disclosure Rake In Gas Industry Dollars

Lawmakers oppose proposal requiring drillers to list chemicals

(Newser) - Seems like a reasonable enough request: Nearly 50 members of Congress want drilling companies to disclose what kind of chemicals they use to "frack" gas wells on federal land. Worried that toxins will leach into groundwater during the practice known as hydraulic fracturing, they've asked the Interior Department to...

Target Still Backing Anti-Gay Politicians

Money kept flowing after CEO's apology

(Newser) - Target continued to donate to anti-gay politicians after its CEO apologized for doing so and promised to investigate the retailer's political donation policy, an investigation by The Awl finds. A few politicians who support gay equality also received relatively small donations, but October filings with the Federal Election Commission show...

George Soros Sours on Obama

Tells other donors their money may be better spent elsewhere

(Newser) - Plenty of President Obama's supporters are disappointed after the midterms in his performance, but this one in particular has very deep pockets. Here's the quote attributed to progressive-minded billionaire George Soros: "We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line. And if this president can't do...

Olbermann: I Should Have Done This Years Ago!

Countdown host returns from MSNBC suspension

(Newser) - It might have gotten him onto the "front page of the New York Times without being dead or in jail or Charlie Sheen or something" but his suspension was no stunt, Keith Olbermann said on his return to MSNBC last night. "Of course," the Countdown host added,...

Olbermann to MSNBC: I Want an Apology

'Keith sees himself as the star,' says an insider

(Newser) - As Keith Olbermann prepares to return to MSNBC tomorrow, it’s the network, not the host, that’s reportedly apologizing. Olbermann “insisted that MSNBC bosses apologize to him before he would agree to return,” a network insider tells PopEater . “Keith sees himself as the star of MSNBC,...

Olbermann Donated to 3 Democrats

'Countdown' host appears to breach NBC ethics rules

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann donated $2,400—the maximum individual contribution—apiece to three Democrats before Election Day, apparently breaking NBC rules, Politico reports. The MSNBC host, who has acknowledged the contributions, gave to two Arizona representatives the day one of them, Raul Grijalva, stopped by his show (the other was Gabrielle...

Bailed-Out Companies Throw Cash to GOP

Even though Dems led push for TARP

(Newser) - Despite being bailed out by the government—and, in some cases, still owing money to the government—many companies are donating heavily to candidates. And many of those candidates are Republicans, even though it was mostly Democrats who supported the TARP program, the Washington Post reports. The 23 companies that...

Big Biz Pays Chamber of Commerce to Fight Its Battles

Handful of anonymous corporate donors account for bulk of funding

(Newser) - The foreign money that's been funneling into the Chamber of Commerce looks like small potatoes in light of a new analysis from the New York Times that found nearly half of the Chamber's $140 million in 2008 contributions came from 45 anonymous corporate donors who step up the spending when...

Soros: I'm Done Donating to Democrats

Says last 3 elections were 'exceptions,' sees GOP 'avalanche'

(Newser) - Like many Democratic über-donors, liberal billionaire George Soros is sitting this election out, but says throwing money at elections is something he didn’t like to do in the first place. “I made an exception getting involved in 2004,” Soros tells the New York Times . “...

Midterms Set to Be History's Most Expensive Elections

Spending on course to top $5B, totally dwarfing the 2008 presidential election

(Newser) - This year's midterm elections are on course to become the most expensive in American history. Experts predict that campaign spending will top $5 billion by the time voters go to the polls, dwarfing the $1 billion spent on the 2008 presidential campaign and the $2.8 billion spent on 2006's...

Move Over PACs, Here Come Super PACs

New weapon allows virtually unlimited spending on campaigns

(Newser) - Expect to hear the term "Super PAC" a lot between now and the midterms. As the Washington Post explains today, these fundraising committees are quickly becoming the norm in how modern campaigns are financed by interest groups. Thanks in part to the Citizens United court ruling, Super PACs are...

Christine O'Donnell Raises $850K Online

Donations pour in after win

(Newser) - Funny what a little publicity can do. Christine O'Donnell's campaign has raked in $850,000 since Tuesday's win, ABC News reports . "We're at 99% of our $1,000,000 goal," O'Donnell herself tweeted this afternoon. "Help push us over the top." And even if that math...

Whitman Has Given a Record $119M to Own Campaign

She breaks Michael Bloomberg's mark

(Newser) - Meg Whitman has dumped another $15 million of her own money into her campaign, which would be a ho-hum development for the former eBay CEO had it not pushed her personal total to $119 million—the most ever by a self-financed candidate. Whitman, who's running about even with Jerry Brown...

Dems Blast Murdoch's $1M GOP Donation

Fox News parent's move is not 'fair and balanced,' they say

(Newser) - Now that Bloomberg has reported that News Corp–the parent company of Fox News headed by Rupert Murdoch—has donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association, Democrats have quickly pounced. "'Fair and balanced' has been rendered utterly meaningless," the Democratic Governors Association tells Ben Smith of Politico...

Sorry About That Donation: Target CEO
 Sorry About 
 That Donation: 
 Target CEO 
mea culpa

Sorry About That Donation: Target CEO

Gregg Steinhafel apologizes, but doesn't renounce donation

(Newser) - Responding to the boycott of his company , Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel apologized to employees for donating to political group MN Forward, which supports right-wing politician Tom Emmer. The intent “was to support economic growth and job creation,” he wrote , but the “decision affected many of you in...

Companies Fund College Endowments to Woo Lawmakers

It's easy to stroke an ego in Congress

(Newser) - Surprise, surprise: Charlie Rangel's troubles prompted the New York Times to look into the ties between academia and politics, and things don't come off squeaky clean. At least a dozen current or former lawmakers have had endowments or chairs set up in their name, and those endowments were funded (usually...

BP's Biggest Recipient of Cash: Obama

President tops the 20-year list with $77K

(Newser) - Much like the stain of its oil creeping across the Gulf of Mexico, BP's cash flowed freely to politicians inside the Beltway—to the tune of some $3.5 million over two decades, reports Politico in a look at where the oil giant's dollars went. Add to that the $15....

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