Election 2008

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>

Bill Richardson: Don't Call Me Judas
 Bill Richardson:  
 Don't Call Me Judas 

Bill Richardson: Don't Call Me Judas

Former candidate says Democrats need to move beyond insults

(Newser) - Bill Richardson defended himself today from the "personal attacks and insults" he has received—most notably from James Carville, who likened him to Judas—since he  endorsed Barack Obama. “We need to move on from the politics of personal insult,” the New Mexico governor wrote in a ...

1996 Survey Reveals a More Liberal Barack

Aides deny Obama opposed death penalty and gun ownership

(Newser) - Barack Obama's older, liberal views came to light today after Politico unearthed an old questionnaire. Twelve years ago, he apparently wrote that he opposed the death penalty and the possession of handguns—opinions he has fine-tuned since. But his camp denies the writing is Obama's. "There are several answers...

McCain Clutches at Shrinking Spotlight

Upcoming tour aims to rally media attention

(Newser) - John McCain is now in a race for media coverage, packing in a full slate of public events through April, Politico reports. The press corps tailing the famously accessible senator has dwindled since he sealed the Republican nomination. Though campaign aides say his Democratic contenders “would rather be us,...

Hillary Says She Won't Drop; Obama Thinks That's OK

She says she'll take her battle all the way to the convention

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton insisted today that she will not drop out of the race early, and Barack Obama thinks that's just fine. Clinton told the Washington Post that she will compete in every primary, then take her fight to the convention in August if necessary. Could any scenario change her mind?...

NDSU Prez Sorry About Obama Skit
NDSU Prez Sorry About Obama Skit

NDSU Prez Sorry About Obama Skit

Vows probe after student wears black makeup in racy sketch

(Newser) - North Dakota State University apologized yesterday for a student skit that depicted Barack Obama in black face paint, the Forum reports. A white student in the sorority sketch wore makeup and an Afro wig to portray the hopeful; he received a lap dance while two students simulated sex and ripped...

Leahy Be Damned, Hillary Soldiers On

Clinton has no thoughts of dropping campaign, as Dems wonder about the health of the party

(Newser) - Citing the rights of voters to speak their piece and the “many differing opinions and strong-minded individuals” of the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton yesterday reaffirmed her candidacy in the face of senator Patrick Leahy’s call for her end a campaign with “no very good reason” to continue...

This Is Your Life, John McCain
This Is Your Life, John McCain

This Is Your Life, John McCain

Aiming for better image control, candidate sets out on 'biography tour'

(Newser) - John McCain will take a tour of his own biographical highlights, reports USA Today. His campaign intends the “Service to America” tour of schools and military installations to help the candidate define his brand before the Democrats do—and help offset a significant fundraising disparity. He will visit places...

Wright 'Would Not Have Been My Pastor': Clinton

She'd have left church over racial remarks by Obama's ex-preacher

(Newser) - After a week’s silence, Hillary Clinton spoke today on the Jeremiah Wright flap, saying the ex-minister at Barack Obama's church “would not have been my pastor,” the Washington Post reports. She said “getting up and moving” would have been the right choice for Obama. “You...

Will the Losers Rebound, Try Again, or Retire?

Clinton seen as Senate heavyweight, Obama a future contender, Mac a retiree

(Newser) - Very different futures await the two candidates who don't reach the White House, watchers say, with Barack Obama viewed as a future White House candidate, Hillary Clinton seen as a likely party leader in the Senate, and John McCain expected to retire in 2010. If Hillary doesn’t win, and...

Fred Stumps for Acting Roles
 Fred Stumps for Acting Roles 

Fred Stumps for Acting Roles

Former candidate turns to Hollywood

(Newser) - He won't be president next year, but maybe he'll play one on TV. Fred Thompson, the former US senator whose folksy run for the White House failed to galvanize support, is returning to acting. He has signed with Hollywood's William Morris Agency to seek new movie and television roles, reports...

Obama Speech Injects Race Into Easter Sermons

Many ministers preach anew about ending racial acrimony

(Newser) - Barack Obama altered the agenda for many Easter sermons with his risky speech last week on racial acrimony, the New York Times reports. Ministers of a variety of faiths say they will use Obama’s words—framed to explain the incendiary statements of his former minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright—...

Richardson to Endorse Obama
 Richardson to Endorse Obama 

Richardson to Endorse Obama

Candidate picks up one of Democratic Party's most coveted nods

(Newser) - Bill Richardson will back Barack Obama for president today, giving the Illinois senator one of the Democratic party's most coveted endorsements. The New Mexico governor and former presidential candidate called Obama a "once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America's moral leadership in the world" in...

First Lady Skeds Were Sanitized
 First Lady Skeds Were Sanitized

First Lady Skeds Were Sanitized

Very little remains in Clinton's calendars for historians, or foes

(Newser) - Schedules from Hillary Clinton’s time as first lady don’t reveal much, Newsweek reports. The mound of documents consists only of her public engagements, rather than her private calendar, meaning many potentially revealing details are left out. The thousands of pages don’t, for example, mention her four-hour Whitewater...

Obama Blasts Both Rivals Over Iraq Positions

He notes McCain's gaffe confusing Sunni and Shiite groups

(Newser) - Barack Obama laid into both presidential rivals on the Iraq war today, chiding John McCain for misspeaking about terror groups there and criticizing Hillary Clinton for voting to authorize the conflict. "We heard Sen. McCain confuse Sunni and Shi'ite, Iran and al-Qaeda," Obama said, pouncing on McCain for...

Obama Readies Major Speech on Race
Obama Readies Major Speech
on Race

Obama Readies Major Speech on Race

Will respond today to furor over Wright's inflammatory remarks

(Newser) - Barack Obama will deliver a major speech on race and politics in America in Philadelphia this morning. The candidate will address the racial issues that have dominated the campaign in recent days, fueled by the firestorm over the divisive remarks of Jeremiah Wright, Obama's former pastor. An aide told the...

Firebrand Pastor Worried Obama Campaign Early

Aides uninvited Wright from Barack candidacy announcement

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign uninvited his controversial former pastor Jeremiah Wright from speaking at his candidacy announcement last year, reports the Los Angeles Times. The campaign didn’t want to "make him the target and a distraction on a day when Senator Obama was going to announce his candidacy,...

Superdelegates Should Follow Voters: Pelosi

Speaker agrees with Obama as hopeful gains 14 delegates

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi boosted Barack Obama today by saying superdelegates should vote with the people, Politico reports. “If the votes of the superdelegates overturn what happened in the elections, it would be harmful to the Democratic Party,” the House speaker said on ABC’s "This Week". Ex-lawmaker Bill...

Journo Picks Up Clinton's Spin
Journo Picks Up Clinton's Spin

Journo Picks Up Clinton's Spin

AP scribe renames 'superdelegates' and becomes 'messenger' for campaign: pundit

(Newser) - The AP described superdelegates as "automatic delegates" in a story last night, just as the Clinton camp asked—and turned the news service into a spin "messenger," Josh Marshall writes on the Talking Points Memo blog. The campaign wants superdelegates to sound less privileged in case they...

Obama Campaign Drops Rev. Wright

Minister prone to provocative statements will no longer advise the Illinois senator

(Newser) - Jeremiah Wright, the militant Chicago minister and spiritual adviser to Barack Obama, is off the senator’s campaign, CNN reports. Wright will no longer sit on the senator’s African-American Religious Leadership Committee, the campaign announced. Obama has often said he rejects the reverend’s more incendiary opinions, especially his...

Which Will Change Color in November?
 Which Will Change 
 Color in November? 

Which Will Change Color in November?

Post 's Cillizza pegs Iowa as most likely to flip

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are bragging about which states they might flip. The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza has a top-10 list, ranked in order (only New Hampshire and Minnesota appear headed red):
  1. Iowa: The Democrats get “HUGE” points for their diligence in primary season, while John McCain

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>