Election 2008

Stories 1401 - 1420 | << Prev   Next >>

Democrats Face Off in Philly
 Democrats Face Off in Philly  

Democrats Face Off in Philly

Clinton, Obama look for advantage 6 days ahead of primary

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama squared off in a Philadelphia debate tonight less than a week ahead of Pennsylvania's primary, and the recent flap over Obama's "bitter" comments took center stage early. Clinton noted that she's the granddaughter of a factory worker and that her family wouldn't "cling...

'Bitter' Voters Hand Obama 9-Point Lead

Hopeful maintains margin over Hillary despite uproar

(Newser) - Barack Obama is holding a 9-point lead over Hillary Clinton despite the uproar over "Bittergate." He is ahead by 50% to 41%, a margin he has maintained with little change for the past week, including Friday and yesterday.  Meanwhile, he and Clinton are both in statistical dead...

'Bittergate' Flares Up on Sunday Shows

Bob Casey defends Obama from attacks left and right

(Newser) - "Bittergate" erupted on talk shows today as pundits hammered Barack Obama for calling some rural voters "bitter," the Swamp blog reports. “He’s going to have to do some more explaining about this,” Clinton ally James Carville said. "It's big," said George Will....

Revenge of the Geezers?
Revenge of
the Geezers?

Revenge of the Geezers?

As boomers hit 60, politics become an old man's—or woman's—game

(Newser) - Once, Frank Lautenberg was a 58-year-old hopeful who implied that his opponent, at 72, was too old. Now, Lautenberg is running for re-election in New Jersey at the spry age of 84. “Age is not a factor,” he says. “The question is effectiveness.” But as John...

Media Can't Agree on Superdelegate Count

Tally varies as superdelegates hedge their bets

(Newser) - Media can't settle on a superdelegate count these days because many of the mucky-mucks refuse to name a candidate, Politico reports. Current figures all have Clinton leading Obama—and she needs the votes badly—but media estimates vary from 256-225 to 221-209. “This is an art rather than a...

The Tug of War Over John McCain's Soul

Neocons, pragmatists battle for influence with Republican candidate

(Newser) - Republican “pragmatists” are growing uneasy seeing John McCain consorting with prominent neoconservatives, the New York Times reports. They fear McCain’s foreign policy isn’t as crystallized as it seems, and could be influenced by neocon advisers like John Bolton. “It might be too strong to say a...

Penn Ties Still Hurting Clinton in Pa.

Pro-Obama unions attack Hillary for not dumping strategist

(Newser) - The demotion of Mark Penn in Hillary Clinton's campaign hasn't ended the problem the errant consultant is causing her in Pennsylvania, Bloomberg reports. Unions supporting Barack Obama have pounced on the strategist's advocacy of a Colombian free-trade deal, calling him pro-business and anti-worker. "She has to sever completely with...

Traders Predict Obama Victory
 Traders Predict Obama Victory 

Traders Predict Obama Victory

Dems will win presidency, they say

(Newser) - Futures traders are betting Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee—and that the Democrats will take the White House. Although they expect Hillary Clinton to take three upcoming primaries, groups based in Iowa and Dublin give Obama an 86% chance of winning the party’s nod, compared to 12....

Rice as Running Mate Would Be Icing on Cake
Rice as Running Mate Would Be Icing on Cake

Rice as Running Mate Would Be Icing on Cake

Press could totally dig VP Condi—and she's a decent choice, too

(Newser) - Is it too much to ask for one more major dose of entertainment this election season, Eugene Robinson wonders in the Washington Post—then answers his own question by begging John McCain to pick Condoleezza Rice as his running mate. The secretary of state may not come with a natural...

McCain Blasts Dems on Iraq
 McCain Blasts Dems on Iraq 

McCain Blasts Dems on Iraq

Presumptive GOP nominee says departure calls are 'imprudent and dangerous'

(Newser) - John McCain slammed his Democratic presidential rivals today over their calls for an Iraq troop withdrawal, calling the notion “the height of irresponsibility.” Speaking to veterans in Kansas City, McCain said a quick departure would be “imprudent and dangerous." The remarks foreshadowed political heat over this...

Obama Doesn't Shy From Hard Truths: Sister

'Typical white' grandma OK with depiction in his speech on race

(Newser) - Barack Obama's diverse family has remained silent since the flare-up over his former pastor's sermons. But in her first public comments since Obama's speech on race in America, half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng told the Telegraph their "typical white" grandmother, whose opinions on blacks sometimes made the candidate "cringe,"...

When to Drop Out?
 When to Drop Out? 

When to Drop Out?

Usual factors don't affect Clinton and Obama

(Newser) - How does a Democratic candidate know it's time to quit? Common indicators like low funds, indifferent press, and fading support may not apply in this year's race, where both hopefuls have enough of all three to last to the convention. Instead, one may quit when fighting on hurts that candidate’...

Keystone State Students Won't Boost Obama

Voter drive came too late to register them as Democrats

(Newser) - College kids' love for Barack Obama won't help him in the Keystone State, Politico reports. Many of Pennsylvania's 680,000 students hail from elsewhere and have voted absentee; among natives, a high number are Independent and therefore barred from the April 22 primary. Worse, attempts by Obama backers to enroll...

Barr Considers Libertarian Bid for White House

Ex-GOP rep launches exploratory committee for 2008 race

(Newser) - With only seven months left in the presidential race, Republican-turned-Libertarian Bob Barr is considering tossing his hat belatedly into the ring, the Hill reports. The ex-congressman said it was up to the Libertarians to give the American people a "real choice." "They deserve better than the choices...

Hillary Renews Call for State Re-Votes

Obama camp accuses her of serving 'political self-interest'

(Newser) - Stumping in Oregon today, Hillary Clinton kept up her fight to recognize Florida and Michigan primary results, saying the votes had been “officially tallied,” the AP reports. “The question is whether those 2.3 million Democrats will be honored.” Meanwhile Barack Obama’s camp, which has...

Obama Holds 5-Point Lead Over Hillary

Hopeful grabs rare tie with McCain in Gallup poll

(Newser) - Barack Obama held a 5-point lead over Hillary Clinton in the latest Gallup poll and grabbed a rare 45%-45% tie with John McCain. McCain usually polls higher than either Democrat, and currently edges Clinton 47% to 45%. The numbers are a sign that Obama has overcome his January/February swoon, largely...

Clintons Made $109M Since 2000
 Clintons Made $109M Since 2000 

Clintons Made $109M Since 2000

7 years of returns show Bill was bigger earner; couple paid $33M in taxes

(Newser) - Of the $109 million the Clintons pulled in the past seven years, Bill pulled in the lion’s share: That’s the news in tax files released today, Ben Smith reports on Politico. The long-awaited documents reveal that, with Bill bringing in $80 million from books and speeches, the couple...

Carter Closer to Backing Obama
 Carter Closer to Backing Obama 

Carter Closer to Backing Obama

Former president, superdelegate coy in dangling endorsement

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter all but endorsed Barack Obama as the Democratic presidential nominee, Reuters reports. His home state of Georgia went to Obama, Carter reminded a Nigerian newspaper, and his children and their families support the Illinois senator. "As a superdelegate,” he continued, “I would not disclose who...

Next Prez's To-Do: Fix Diplomacy
 Next Prez's To-Do:
 Fix Diplomacy 

Next Prez's To-Do: Fix Diplomacy

New administration will need to fix problems Bush has not addressed

(Newser) - Taking the attitude that "since we were now all-powerful, allies were no longer necessary," President Bush damaged the US' image and diminished its power, Fred Kaplan writes in Slate. How can the next president heal our diplomatic woes?
  1. Visit all Middle East countries; leave a full-time envoy: "

Obama Raises $30M in March
Obama Raises $30M in March

Obama Raises $30M in March

Clinton estimated at $20M amid concern about mounting debts, delayed payments

(Newser) - Barack Obama had a tough March, but his campaign raised upwards of $30 million, reports Time—less than February's $55 million but enough to give him a hefty margin over Hillary Clinton’s estimated $20 million. Clinton's campaign, which hasn't released its March results yet, has been dogged by vendors...

Stories 1401 - 1420 | << Prev   Next >>