Which Will Change Color in November?

Post's Cillizza pegs Iowa as most likely to flip
By Jonas Oransky,  Newser Staff
Posted Mar 14, 2008 7:06 PM CDT
Which Will Change Color in November?
Democratic presidential candidate New York Sen. Hillary Clinton (left), Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and Arizona Sen. and presumptive Republican nominee John McCain (right) are focused on November.   (Getty Images)

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are bragging about which states they might flip. The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza has a top-10 list, ranked in order (only New Hampshire and Minnesota appear headed red):

  1. Iowa: The Democrats get “HUGE” points for their diligence in primary season, while John McCain was AWOL.
  2. New Mexico: It’s all about savvy Bill Richardson’s influence. The Land of Enchantment is always a virtual tie.

  1. Nevada: One of the fastest-growing states, Nevada’s always shifting. Dems' attention in the newly early primary helps.
  2. Colorado: The Centennial State has the biggest head of progressive steam in the country.
  3. Ohio: Recent elections have shown a blue streak, but the GOP has skills on the ground.
  4. Virginia: Mac’s military base will help him, but the northern suburbs are booming with new lefties.
  5. New Hampshire: McCain is simply beloved in the Granite State.
  6. Florida: Republicans still have the upper hand, but Candidate Clinton would surge here.
  7. Minnesota: If Gov. Tim Pawlenty gets the veep spot, this close call could turn red.
  8. Missouri: Show Me-ers are socially conservative, but have a popular new Dem senator.
(More Hillary Clinton stories.)

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