Meet the Press

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Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris
Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris
Talk Show Roundup

Senate Sends Mixed Messages on Burris

Durbin says no, Reid open to talking, and Burris a no-show

(Newser) - Roland Burris dominated the Sunday morning tongue-wagging, though the would-be senator himself was a no-show, reports the Hill. Elsewhere, mixed messages on whether to seat him:
  • Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin said on This Week that the Senate has no plans to seat Roland Burris. Burris was scheduled to appear alongside

Axelrod to Warren Haters: Get Over It
Axelrod to Warren Haters: Get Over It
Talk Show Roundup

Axelrod to Warren Haters: Get Over It

Obama aide says tax cut coming; Laura Bush defends George

(Newser) - To those who object to Rick Warren delivering the invocation at Barack Obama's inauguration, chief adviser David Axelrod has a message: chill out. On today's Meet the Press, he heralded the choice as political bridge-building: A conservative pastor praying for a progressive president "is a healthy thing and...

Sunday Morning Shows: Parade of the White Dudes

Morning talk doesn't show as much diversity as the nation does

(Newser) - As women and minorities increasingly head up the US government, Face the Nation isn't showing a very accurate sample of the nation's faces anymore, and This Week is looking more like Last Century. Across the Sunday morning political shows, 80% of the guests are white, and 80% are men, reports...

Illinois AG: Let Voters Pick New Senator
Illinois AG: Let Voters Pick
New Senator

Illinois AG: Let Voters Pick New Senator

McCain scolds GOP for Blago flap; Granholm, Romney clash on autos

(Newser) - Blago and bailouts were the talk of today's talk shows. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan told Meet the Press that voters should elect Barack Obama’s Senate replacement in a special election, while the state’s lieutenant governor said legislation would allow him to appoint a caretaker until a special...

Obama: Dark Days Ahead, but Cultural Focus Will Re-Emerge
Obama: Dark Days Ahead, but Cultural Focus Will Re-Emerge
Talk Show Roundup

Obama: Dark Days Ahead, but Cultural Focus Will Re-Emerge

Condi makes rounds; UAW pleads for bailout

(Newser) - Barack Obama stressed that the economy will see darker times before things turn around, but promised in a Meet the Press interview that his White House will bring back a focus on culture and science. The president-elect also vowed to kick his smoking habit for good. Elsewhere on the talk...

Gregory Named to MTP Gig

White House correspondent had been frontrunner to succeed Russert

(Newser) - As long rumored, NBC News named David Gregory the new moderator of Meet the Press on the show today. Gregory, 38, NBC’s chief White House correspondent, has been hosting a political show on MSNBC and handled election night duties for the cable channel. The move had been widely reported,...

NBC Delays Meet the Press Announcement

Leaks about Gregory irk higher-ups; other contenders fuming

(Newser) - NBC, peeved about leaks that David Gregory is the next host of Meet the Press, may delay the announcement, the New York Post reports. Ongoing arguments over Tim Russert’s replacement are “at a new peak,” with other NBC talent fuming about being passed over. Chuck Todd, another...

David Gregory to Host Meet the Press

38-year-old White House correspondent will replace Russert

(Newser) - David Gregory is about to get the nod as host of NBC’s Meet the Press, reports Huffington Post. The chief White House correspondent has been a top contender for the spot since Tim Russert’s death in June. An announcement is expected as soon as today, reports Politico, giving...

Post-Russert, NBC Should Remake Meet the Press
Post-Russert, NBC Should Remake Meet the Press

Post-Russert, NBC Should Remake Meet the Press

NBC seems set on finding a Russert clone, but that's a mistake: Brown

(Newser) - Paralyzed by the perceived necessity of finding a Tim Russert doppelganger, NBC has already taken too long to choose a new host for Meet the Press, writes Tina Brown for the Daily Beast. “Russert defined an era,” Brown writes, "but that era is over.” Tom Brokaw...

Meet the Press May Get New Anchor(s) Soon

PBS' Gwen Ifill, NBC's own Andrea Mitchell, David Gregory among candidates

(Newser) - NBC could name a new anchor, or anchors, for Meet the Press by Dec. 7, the Los Angeles Times reports. Sources at the network say that could be interim moderator Tom Brokaw’s last day on the show. Up for consideration are NBC’s David Gregory, Chuck Todd, and Andrea...

Aide: Mac 'Greatest Closer of All Time'
 Mac 'Greatest 
 Closer of All Time' 

Aide: Mac 'Greatest Closer of All Time'

Davis predicts McCain surprise win

(Newser) - McCain campaign manager Rick Davis told Fox News Sunday that the Republicans will seize Pennsylvania and the Southwestern states for a come-from-behind finish on Tuesday, the Hill reports. “John McCain may be the greatest closer politician of all time,” he said. Other highlights from the talk shows:
  • An

Obama Speech Draws 100,000 in Denver

Red states flicker as McCain struggles to fill stadiums in Iowa, Ohio

(Newser) - John McCain insists his campaign is “doing fine” even as his rallies in key states pull a fraction of the crowds turning out for Barack Obama, the Chicago Tribune reports. The Republican drew about 2,000 supporters at each of his recent events in Iowa and Ohio. Obama, meanwhile,...

McCain Guarantees 'Close' Victory
McCain Guarantees 'Close' Victory

McCain Guarantees 'Close' Victory

Va. governor Kaine says Mac can't win without his state

(Newser) - A confident John McCain “guaranteed” today that election night will be a nail-biter, but that he will win. “We're going to do well in this campaign, my friend,” McCain told Tom Brokaw on NBC’s Meet the Press. The prediction comes as polls show the GOP hopeful...

Powell's Anti-Islamophobia Stance Tops Endorsement

Too many in both parties let stabs at Muslim faith go unparried

(Newser) - Colin Powell's Barack Obama endorsement wasn’t the only, or even most, notable aspect of his Meet the Press appearance: equally crucial was his rejection of Islamophobia, an issue too long skirted in this country, Abed Z. Bhuyan writes in the Washington Post/Newsweek Faithbook blog. In doing so, “Colin...

Powell Endorses Obama
 Powell Endorses Obama 

Powell Endorses Obama

(Newser) - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president, describing the Dem as a "transformational figure." Powell says both Obama and John McCain are qualified to be commander in chief. But, in an interview today on NBC's Meet the Press, he said Obama is...

Why Powell Is Expected to Back Obama

Ex-Secretary thinks McCain has too many neocons around him

(Newser) - Colin Powell will make his presidential preference clear on Meet the Press tomorrow, the New York Daily News reports, detailing some of the reasons the former secretary of state is expected to defect from his party's candidate. "McCain has too many neocons working for him,"  says one...

Talking Heads Talk Economy
 Talking Heads Talk Economy 

Talking Heads Talk Economy

Pocketbook issues seem likely to trump racism for voters

(Newser) - With little time remaining until Election Day, the Sunday talk shows focused on the ongoing economic turmoil and the racial issues roiling the presidential campaigns. Politico spins the dial:
  • On This Week, surrogates from both parties endorsed the Treasury’s capital-injection plan for banks. But guests split over an economic

Pundits Zero In on McCain's Slide
 Pundits Zero In 
 on McCain's Slide 

Pundits Zero In on McCain's Slide

GOP candidate once sat on board of far-right group linked to "anti-Semites"

(Newser) - With the election campaign in its last month, the Sunday talk shows turned to John McCain’s substantial slide in the polls, Politico reports. The highlights:
  • Vice-presidential debate moderator and soon-to-be author Gwen Ifill suggested on Meet the Press that hype over her alleged pro-Obama bias came from a twitchy

In His Encore, Brokaw Again a Heavy-Hitter for NBC

Russert's fill-in has played diplomat between NBC, McCain

(Newser) - NBC is preparing for a post-Brokaw Meet the Press, but replacing the elder statesman won’t be easy, the New York Times reports. Brokaw has exceeded expectations as a fill-in for Tim Russert, keeping NBC’s Sunday show atop the ratings. Less publicly, he’s been a crucial diplomat between...

Sunday Pundits Dissect Biden Pick

Biden dominates Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - The newly announced Obama/Biden ticket predictably dominated the talk shows today. Politico gives the run-down:
  • Obama VP adviser Caroline Kennedy told Meet the Press she hoped Joe Biden would prove to be as sage a pick as her father's choice of LBJ.
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned Biden's rep for

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