Meet the Press

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Senate Likely to Vote on McConnell Debt Deal

They'll also vote on a balanced budget amendment

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid are busily hammering out a debt ceiling Plan B, and are likely to put it to a vote in the coming week, senior Democratic aides tell Reuters . It would be based on McConnell's widely panned plan to allow Democrats to raise the ceiling, but...

Meet the Press Comment Not About Ryan Plan: Gingrich

Discusses 'right-wing social engineering' controversy with Rush Limbaugh

(Newser) - When Newt Gingrich said the words “right-wing social engineering” on Meet the Press—then called Paul Ryan to apologize for uttering them—he actually wasn't referring to Ryan's Medicare proposal, or so Gingrich said yesterday. The Atlantic reports that in an interview with Rush Limbaugh, Gingrich explains...

Iowan to Gingrich: 'You're an Embarrassment'

Newt takes heat for undercutting Paul Ryan

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is taking heat on the right, after calling Paul Ryan’s Medicare revamp “right-wing social engineering,” and saying he supported a “variation” on an individual health care mandate. Asked about Ryan’s voucher plan on Meet the Press , Gingrich replied, “I think that that...

On NBC News, Not a Peep About GE Tax Story

But reps say that has nothing to do with the fact that GE is parent company

(Newser) - The GE tax avoidance story was kind of a big one—so why wasn't it covered on NBC News when it broke on Friday ... or on Saturday or Sunday or Monday? Critics were quick to point out that GE is NBC's parent company, but representatives insist that had nothing to...

Boehner: 'We're Broke'
 'We're Broke' 


Boehner: 'We're Broke'

But he thinks Obama handled 'difficult' situation in Egypt

(Newser) - Uncle Sam's wallet is so empty, it's enough to make John Boehner cry: "We’re broke," he told Meet the Press today. "What’s really dangerous is if we do nothing...We’re going to deal with the entitlement problem." Furthermore, with Tea Partiers in the...

Pundits, Politicians Spar Over Tucson Shooting
Pundits, Politicians Spar
Over Tucson Shooting

Pundits, Politicians Spar Over Tucson Shooting

Some blame loopholes, others mental health treatment

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner got rejected from the Army for "excessive" drug use, yet was allowed to buy a gun because of a loophole that Sen. Chuck Schumer wants to close, reports the Hill. The New York Democrat is writing the White House to ask that the Pentagon be forced...

Biden: Assange Is a 'High-Tech Terrorist'

WikiLeaks founder shouldn't be considered whistleblower, VP says

(Newser) - Vice President Joe Biden has issued the administration's strongest denunciation yet of Julian Assange. Asked on NBC's Meet The Press whether he thought the WikiLeaks founder was a whistleblower or a "high-tech terrorist," the vice-president said Assange was definitely the latter, and that the administration is actively seeking...

Angle Ad Campaign's Most Racist: Maddow

Spot makes Latinos look menacing

(Newser) - Rachel Maddow has deemed an ad by Sharron Angle the most "overtly racist" spot of this down and dirty political season. Maddow blasted Angle on Meet the Press yesterday, criticizing the candidate for a television commercial that shows "a group of white college students being menaced by...

Colin Powell: We Need Illegal Immigrants...

...Because they're always around to fix my house

(Newser) - Colin Powell thinks the GOP needs to change its attitude on illegal immigrants—because they do great housework. "We have millions of illegal immigrants … who are doing things we need done in this country," he told MSNBC . "They’re all over my house, doing things making...

Rand Paul Bails on Meet the Press

He cancels appearance amid civil rights fallout

(Newser) - Rand Paul's team has found one sure way to make sure he avoids any more trouble in nationally televised interviews: avoid them entirely. Rand has backed out of an interview on tomorrow's Meet the Press, reports the Washington Post's Right Now blog . The move comes after his Rachel Maddow interview...

Stop Sunday 'Coffee Hour,' Start Fact-Checking

Sunday shows should put guests 'at a maximum disadvantage'

(Newser) - How do we give Sunday morning shows some bite when they’d prefer to stick to the role of “amiable, risk-free coffee hour”? One media expert suggests a midweek online fact check of what was said over the weekend—but why wait ‘til Wednesday? asks Jason Linkins...

Summers: Recession Is Over
 Is Over 


Summers: Recession Is Over

No, it's not, says fellow White House adviser

(Newser) - Key White House economic advisers split today on whether the recession's over, reports Politico . "Everybody agrees that the recession is over, and the question is what the pace of the expansion is going to be," Larry Summers said on State of the Union. Christina Romer didn't get that...

Geithner: Recovery Could Be 'Choppy'

 Could Be 
Sunday Talk shows

Geithner: Recovery Could Be 'Choppy'

Tells NBC that financial crisis caused 'a lot of damage'

(Newser) - Timothy Geithner says the US economy has suffered a lot of damage in the current downturn, and it's going to take time before it fully recovers. The treasury secretary said on NBC's Meet the Press that creating jobs and regaining the confidence of investors will be the real test of...

Rachel Maddow Can Rescue Meet the Press
Rachel Maddow Can Rescue
Meet the Press

Rachel Maddow Can Rescue Meet the Press

Liberal MSNBC host is Tim Russert's spiritual heir

(Newser) - Meet the Press has been pretty lame since Tim Russert died. No offense to David Gregory, who’s done respectable work, but he was always the safe choice, "and he's made the show just that: safe," writes Brian Donovan. NBC's Sunday morning stalwart needs its fire back,...

Clinton: Iran's Nuke Program 'Futile'

(Newser) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took square aim at Iran's nuclear ambitions today, bluntly warning Tehran that "Your pursuit is futile." Clinton’s statements mark a step back from her musings earlier this week about creating a “defense umbrella” to protect other Middle Eastern countries from a...

Clinton Hits Back at N. Korea
 Hits Back 
 at N. Korea 


Clinton Hits Back at N. Korea

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton minced no words on North Korea today, telling Meet the Press Pyongyang’s days of “acting out” are over, Politico reports. The secretary of State, whom the North called “a primary school girl” because of tough comments she made, said the North’s pursuit of nuclear...

McConnell: Health Plan 'Not Good' for US
 Health Plan 
 'Not Good' for US 

McConnell: Health Plan 'Not Good' for US

Republican leader says nation already has quality care

(Newser) - The fight over health care got even testier today when Mitch McConnell said Republicans wouldn’t support President Obama’s reform plan. “It’s not good for the country,” the Senate minority leader told Meet the Press. “We have quality health care now. We do not have...

'I'm Terribly Sorry, But David Gregory Had a Fit'

Scarborough cancels on Stephanopoulos

(Newser) - The highbrow news shows are seeing a little soap-opera drama—and a good old-fashioned hissy fit: MSNBC's Joe Scarborough had to cancel an appearance on George Stephanopoulos' This Week on ABC, reports the New York Post. "I'm terribly sorry," he told Stephanopoulos, "but David Gregory had a...

A Year Later, Russert Remembered
 A Year Later, 
 Russert Remembered 

A Year Later, Russert Remembered

Legendary host's shoes may never be filled

(Newser) - Tim Russert died suddenly one year ago this weekend, and while a new moderator inhabits his chair on Meet the Press, no clear successor to his legacy has emerged, Patrick Gavin writes for Politico. “Of course there’s a void,” says CNN’s John King. “Tim was...

Stimulus Will Hit Fast: Axelrod
Stimulus Will Hit Fast: Axelrod

Stimulus Will Hit Fast: Axelrod

Obama aide defends Geithner; Graham: country 'screwed' if this is bipartisanship

(Newser) - Calling Tim Geithner’s economic rescue plan “a very thoughtful strategy,” David Axelrod said the economic stimulus will be felt soon and defended the treasury secretary today on NBC’s Meet the Press. President Obama’s senior adviser said Wall Street’s expectations were unrealistic and that the...

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