Politics / Sharron Angle Angle Ad Campaign's Most Racist: Maddow Spot makes Latinos look menacing By Emily Rauhala Posted Oct 25, 2010 2:43 AM CDT Updated Oct 25, 2010 7:00 AM CDT Copied Angle Ad Campaign's Most Racist: Maddow Meet the Press (msnbc) Rachel Maddow has deemed an ad by Sharron Angle the most "overtly racist" spot of this down and dirty political season. Maddow blasted Angle on Meet the Press yesterday, criticizing the candidate for a television commercial that shows "a group of white college students being menaced by some tough-looking Latinos." The spot has since been removed from YouTube, notes the Huffington Post. Angle tried to head off criticism related to her ads last week by indicating the spots don't necessary feature Latinos. Maddow also poked at Angle for "saying conservatives should be expected to use guns to try to get what they want if they don't get what they want from the election." (More Sharron Angle stories.) See 1 photo Report an error