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Life Insurers Mine Web to Profile Customers

Buying data Is cheaper than blood tests

(Newser) - Life insurers have traditionally relied on medical tests to get an estimate of a candidate's longevity—screening for things like drug use or high cholesterol. But they're experimenting with a much cheaper, and clandestine, method: gathering up the vast amount of information about people from the web via social networks,...

Texas Woman Now World's Oldest Person

Eunice Sanborn is 114

(Newser) - The woman considered to be the world's oldest person has died in the French Caribbean island of St. Barts. Eugenie Blanchard, 114, had been a nun with the nickname of "Sweets" because of her kind nature. Next in line is an American, Eunice G. Sanborn of Jacksonville, Texas. She...

'Elixir of Life' Discovered

 'Elixir of Life' 
extends mouse lifespan 12%

'Elixir of Life' Discovered

Cocktail of amino acids extended mouse lifespans 12%

(Newser) - Italian researchers say they've found an "elixir of life" that helped mice live longer and may do the same for humans. The cocktail of amino acids—found in a protein powder favored by bodybuilders—extended the lifespan of middle-aged mice by 12%, the Telegraph reports. Mice who drank water...

Strong Handshake = Long Life
Strong Handshake = Long Life

Strong Handshake = Long Life

Firm grip seems to correlate with longevity

(Newser) - Some researchers with perhaps a bit too much time on their, er, hands have correlated the strength of a person's handshake to longevity. In a study of 53,500 people under age 60, researchers found that those individuals with the weakest handshakes had a death rate 1.67 times higher...

Heavy Drinkers Outlive Abstainers

But moderate drinkers tend to live longest

(Newser) - Bad news for teetotalers: Drinking may be good for you, sort of. A new study suggests that drinkers, even heavy drinkers, tend to outlive those who abstain. "Moderate" drinkers, defined here as those who drink one to three glasses a day, were found to live longest, notes Time . The...

9 Ways Live Longer
 Nine Ways to Live Longer 

Nine Ways to Live Longer

Having a big butt helps—seriously

(Newser) - Sure, diet and exercise keep you healthy. And yes, smiling will extend your life . But the secrets of aging aren't all so straightforward. Here, courtesy of The Week, are 9 unusual ways to live longer:
  • Win the Nobel Prize: Winners live 1.4 years longer than those who were nominated.

Scientists Find Genes That Predict Longevity

But they worry what insurance companies might do

(Newser) - Researchers say they've found 150 genetic markers that can predict with 77% accuracy whether someone is likely to live a century or so. The scientists at Boston University made the discovery in a detailed study of the genomes of more than a 1,000 centenarians, reports the Guardian . Just don't...

9 'Innocent' Habits That Make You Old

Get more sleep, eat some fat, cut down on sugar: experts

(Newser) - Kicking that meth habit could take decades off your face in about 5 seconds, but some other less obviously dangerous activities also take a toll. Prevention lists nine other innocent habits that are secretly aging you:
  • You don't sleep enough: Pulling an all-nighter worked when you were 19. Now, it's

US Lags in Preventing Early Death

 US Lags in 
 Early Death 
iceland is tops

US Lags in Preventing Early Death

Obesity, smoking blamed as US falls behind in death rate before 60

(Newser) - America is lagging far behind other countries in preventing premature death among adults and now ranks behind Chile, Tunisia, and Peru, warn the authors of a new study. The researchers analyzed data on deaths before age 60 and found that over the last 20 years, the US has tumbled from...

Smile More, Live Longer
 Smile More, Live Longer 

Smile More, Live Longer

A happy face prolongs your life: Scientists

(Newser) - Scientists claim there's a new reason to put on a happy face: People who smile more aren't just more stable, happier in their marriages, and better at getting along with others—they also live longer. Researchers compared photos of 230 professional baseball players who started their careers before 1950 and...

Mutant Genes Linked to Long Life

DNA-protecting enzyme may be key to living to 100

(Newser) - Scientists have spotted a link among people who live to age 100: high levels of telomerase, an enzyme that protects DNA and could possibly be simulated in life-lengthening drugs. The enzyme repairs telomeres, end sections of DNA that have been likened to plastic tips that prevent shoelaces from unraveling. In...

Sperm, Grapefruit Slow Aging
 Sperm, Grapefruit Slow Aging 

Sperm, Grapefruit Slow Aging

Spermidine found to increase lifespans of fruit flies, worms

(Newser) - The fountain of youth may be filled with grapefruit and human sperm, according to Austrian researchers. The scientists found that spermidine, a chemical compound abundant in both sperm and grapefruit, increased longevity by around a third in fruit flies and worms when it was added to their diet. Human immune...

7 Personality Traits That Hurt Your Body

Something for the cynical and anxious to feel cynical and anxious about

(Newser) - Scientists probing the mind-body connection are finding ever more evidence of the ways temperament affects a person's health. Some personality traits can boost your health; others can weaken your immune system, give you job burnout or even send you to an early grave, Live Science reports. These include:
  • Cynicism: Suspicious

Got Milk? Kids Who Eat More Dairy Live Longer

(Newser) - A new study suggests that children who eat more dairy products live longer lives, the BBC reports. Researchers followed up a 1930s study of childhood diets and found that those who had diets rich in milk, butter, and cheese had lower mortality rates from strokes and other causes. The children...

World's Oldest Man Dies at 113
Oldest Man
Dies at 113

World's Oldest Man Dies at 113

British man was one of the last surviving WWI veterans

(Newser) - Britain's oldest surviving veteran of World War I has died aged 113, the BBC reports. Henry Allingham, who became the world's oldest man after the death of a Japanese 113-year-old last month, passed away peacefully at a care home for veterans. Politicians and veterans' groups paid tribute to Allingham, who...

Overweight People Live Longer: Study

(Newser) - A few extra pounds can actually be good for you, the Globe and Mail reports. A recent long-term study of Canadian health records shows that people classified as overweight—with a Body Mass Index of 25 to 30—are 17% less likely to die than those with “normal” BMI,...

Live Longer: Be Conscientious
 Live Longer: Be Conscientious 

Live Longer: Be Conscientious

Researchers find industrious types live lengthier and less stressful lives

(Newser) - The key to a longer life could lie in an individual's personality, the Los Angeles Times reports. University of California researchers analyzed 20 studies and discovered that conscientious people—disciplined, hardworking, and responsible folks—tend to live an average of 2 to 4 years longer than their more slapdash counterparts....

McCain and Mortality: What the Tables Show

A man his age has a 15% chance of dying in one term, 33% in two

(Newser) - With all the talk about John McCain's advanced age and the suitability of his vice presidential pick, Politico offers up some statistics on mortality rates. According to the actuarial tables that insurance companies use, there is about a 15% chance that a 72-year-old man would die within 4 years—and...

'Blue Zones' Harbor Key to Long Life
 'Blue Zones'
 Harbor Key
 to Long Life 
New Release

'Blue Zones' Harbor Key to Long Life

Authors find world's oldest populations and keys to longevity

(Newser) - It's not quite the Fountain of Youth, but one author spent 5 years exploring the world's "blue zones," or areas which sport unusual concentrations of long-lived people. In his new book, Dan Buettner details some keys to happy old age—including creating an environment that fosters physical activity,...

McCain's 'Real Age' Is 63
 McCain's 'Real Age' Is 63 

McCain's 'Real Age' Is 63

Expert calculates candidate's years in biological time

(Newser) - McCain may be 71.8 years old on paper, but his biological age is a youthful 63.7, according to the physician who wrote You: The Owner's Manual. Dr. Michael Roizen made the estimate based on McCain's recently-released medical records (though some details on the candidate's dietary and exercise habits...

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