
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

High-Protein Diet 'Risky as Smoking' for Middle-Aged

But effects were reversed among over-65s

(Newser) - Good news and bad news for meat lovers: People who eat a diet high in protein in middle age are a staggering four times more likely to die of cancer than people on a low-protein diet, according to new research, but people over 65 who consumed more protein were less...

Oldest Man in History Dies
 Oldest Man in History Dies 

Oldest Man in History Dies

Japan's Jiroemon Kimura was 116

(Newser) - Japan's Jiroemon Kimura has died after living longer than any man in recorded history. The 116-year-old was born in 1897, the same year as Amelia Earhart and a time when the average male life expectancy in Japan was just 44, the BBC reports. "He has an amazingly strong...

New Fountain of Youth: Red Wine Pills

GlaxoSmithKline developing drugs based on resveratrol

(Newser) - You've no doubt heard that drinking red wine is good for your health. But scientists and Big Pharma alike are getting excited about putting the health-boosting essence of red wine in pill form. GlaxoSmithKline is working on a slew of new pills that do just that, the Daily Mail...

Life Expectancy Declining for Many US Women

It's just the latest study to find disturbing trend

(Newser) - A new study offers more compelling evidence that life expectancy for some US women is actually falling, a disturbing trend that experts can't explain. The latest research found that women age 75 and younger are dying at higher rates than previous years in nearly half of the nation's...

French Secret for Long Life: Stinky Cheese
 French Secret 
 for Long Life: 
 Stinky Cheese? 
in case you missed it

French Secret for Long Life: Stinky Cheese?

Researchers investigate 'French paradox' of longevity

(Newser) - It's packed with fat and salt—yet a moldy blue cheese could help you live longer, say researchers. Though the French enjoy a diet high in saturated fats, its women share the title of Europe's longest-living, with a life expectancy of 85.3 years. That prompted researchers to...

Americans Living Longer, but Also Living Sicker
Americans Living Longer,
but Also Living Sicker
in case you missed it

Americans Living Longer, but Also Living Sicker

Report finds we're increasingly living with chronic illnesses

(Newser) - The good news: A new report shows that Americans are living longer. The bad news: They're doing so while suffering from more chronic illnesses. The 2012 America's Health Rankings find that, while there are fewer heart disease and cancer deaths, there are more people living with obesity, diabetes,...

World's Oldest Person Dies in Georgia at 116

Besse Cooper fought for women's right to vote

(Newser) - A former schoolteacher in Georgia has died after spending nearly two years as the oldest person alive. Besse Cooper died peacefully at the age of 116 yesterday, not long after she had her hair done and watched a Christmas video in the nursing home where she had lived since 2001,...

Keys to Longer Life: Puppy, Spouse

Finding love later in life still counts

(Newser) - The ticket to a longer life: happiness, reports the Daily Mail . In 1940, Harvard researchers reviewed 200 young, white, healthy men; they checked back in on that group every two years. They found that happiness (stemming from factors like marriage, puppies, and friendships) had more of an impact than social...

Want to Be 100? Sleep and Eat Right
Want to Be 100?
Sleep and Eat Right

Want to Be 100? Sleep and Eat Right

Spirituality and socializing also help

(Newser) - What can you do to live for more than a century? Researchers from UnitedHealthCare surveyed a group of centenarians and collected advice on achieving longevity. Here are their tips, courtesy of SmartMoney :

Lonely? You May Not Live as Long
 Lonely? You May 
 Not Live as Long 
in case you missed it

Lonely? You May Not Live as Long

Those who live alone also at risk of early death: studies

(Newser) - Loneliness and living alone may actually affect your longevity, according to two new studies in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The first found that participants ages 45 and up who had or were at risk of developing heart disease were more likely to die from heart complications if they lived...

Get College Degree, Live 9 Years Longer
 Get College Degree, 
 Live 9 Years Longer 

Get College Degree, Live 9 Years Longer

Education linked to better health, longevity

(Newser) - Sure, college costs a lot of money and you won’t necessarily get a job after you graduate, but good news! At least you'll live longer in your loan-induced poverty, because higher education is linked to longer life. An annual report from the CDC shows that those who obtain...

Scientists Zero In on Red Wine&#39;s Health Secrets
Scientists Zero In on 
Red Wine's Health Secrets
study says

Scientists Zero In on Red Wine's Health Secrets

Resveratrol boosts cell power, says study

(Newser) - Scientists have unlocked the mystery of a special ingredient in red wine that could increase lifespan and promote health in humans. The organic compound resveratrol aids the body by jump-starting the activity of mitochondria—the power suppliers of cells, reports the Daily Mail . Resveratrol, which occurs naturally in red wine,...

Fountain of Youth for Your Brain: Slashing Calories

Calories-restricted diets release CREB1, the key to brain health

(Newser) - Scientists have long known that calorie-restricted diets— as in 30% fewer calories than normal —are a key to living longer and keeping your brain healthier. But now, for the first time, they think they know why: Apparently extreme calorie restriction triggers a brain protein, CREB1, that unlocks good genes...

Living Alone Can Kill You
 Living Alone 
 Can Kill You 

Living Alone Can Kill You

Death rate 21% higher for people under age 65 who live by themselves

(Newser) - Upside to living alone: Your leftover pizza won't go missing. Downside: You have a greater risk of dying, or so says a four-year study of 45,000 people from 29 countries. Researchers found that those living solo under age 65 had a 21% greater chance of dying; in their...

Happy People 35% Less Likely to Die

 Happy People 
 Live Longer 
study says

Happy People Live Longer

Another study finds that positive feelings are associated with longevity

(Newser) - Want to avoid death? Get happy. A new study finds that subjects who reported feeling the most happy were 35% less likely to die than those who reported feeling the least happy, according to USA Today . Interestingly, the researchers didn’t ask participants to recall past feelings of happiness; rather,...

Exercising 15 Minutes Daily Adds Years to Life: Study

A small amount of activity could have huge benefits

(Newser) - What's more important to you: saving about 15 minutes every day or three years later on? Exercising 92 minutes per week could substantially extend your life, according to a new study. Researchers in Taiwan studied more than 400,000 subjects between 1996 and 2008, and deduced that those who...

Walter Breuning, World's Oldest Man, Dies in Montana
 Oldest Man 
 Dies In Montana 


World's Oldest Man Dies In Montana

Walter Breuning dead at 114

(Newser) - Walter Breuning credited his long life to working, eating only two meals a day, and having a willingness to embrace change—including death. "We're going to die. Some people are scared of dying. Never be afraid to die. Because you're born to die," said Breuning, who...

How to Live to 100: Learn to Bounce Back

Those who adapt to stress live longer, writes geriatrics expert

(Newser) - Dr. Mark Lachs is an expert on geriatrics, and his oldest patient is 109. Not only is she 109, but she still lives at home—"with all her marbles," he writes—and enjoys chocolate truffles and Budweiser. What's her secret? "Adaptive competence," which Lachs defines as...

Happiness Leads to Longer Life, Say 160 Studies

Chronic anger, anxiety leads to higher disease rates

(Newser) - Being happy—or at least optimistic—makes you live longer, found scientists analyzing the combined results of more than 160 studies. "Happiness is no magic bullet," one scientist said, but there's "clear and compelling evidence" linking positivity and longevity. Some studies, for example, linked an upbeat, "...

Tiny Ecuadorean Villagers Free of Cancer, Diabetes
Tiny Ecuadorean Villagers Free of Cancer, Diabetes

Tiny Ecuadorean Villagers Free of Cancer, Diabetes

Genetic mutation may shed light on longevity

(Newser) - After studying a group of villagers in Ecuador for nearly a quarter-century, researchers think it's safe to say it: These people don't get cancer or diabetes. The villagers are dwarfs—more specifically, they have Laron syndrome—and their particular genetic mutation helps keep them free of those two common diseases...

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