
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Bachmann Staffer Was Busted for Terrorism

Peter E. Waldron's activities in Uganda murky

(Newser) - The campaign worker Michele Bachmann credits with a "tremendous" job in helping her win the Ames straw poll was charged with terrorism five years ago in Uganda. Peter Waldron was arrested for possession of assault rifles and ammunition just days before that nation's elections, reports Politico . A conviction...

18 Students, 1 Teacher Killed by Uganda Lightning

Strikes have killed at least 34 in recent weeks

(Newser) - Eighteen students and a teacher died after lightning struck their school in Uganda's midwest, police say. An additional 51 students between the ages of 7 and 16 were injured in yesterday's incident at the Runyanya primary school, about 160 miles west of Uganda's capital. Another school 200...

Uganda Lightning Strikes Kill 15 ... in One Week

Another 52 people are injured

(Newser) - Officials in Uganda say a recent spate of lightning strikes has killed 15 people in one week. Several police officials across the East African nation cited incidents. In all, they said 52 people have also been inured by the strikes. A strike last week killed three school children who were...

Sex Partner Killed Ugandan Gay Activist: Police

Officer sees 'nothing concrete' pointing to hate crime, gay activists not so sure

(Newser) - A Ugandan man beaten to death last week was not murdered over his gay-rights campaign, but was killed by a sexual partner, say police. But gay activists in the country have called for more proof amid concerns that the government would hide any homophobic element to David Kato's murder for...

Ugandan on 'Gay Hit List' Killed

Gay rights activist David Kato found murdered

(Newser) - A Ugandan gay rights activist whose name appeared on a tabloid "hit list" has been found beaten to death in his home. "He was killed by someone who came in his house with a hammer, meaning anyone else could be the next target," said a fellow activist....

Ugandan Paper Prints Another Gay 'Hit List'

Tabloid publishes 10 addresses, alleged anatomical details

(Newser) - After calling for the hanging of 100 “top gays and lesbians” in Uganda—which spurred attacks on gays—a tabloid in the country has published another list, this time of 10 homosexuals, their addresses, and alleged details about their anatomy, CNN reports. The paper's 22-year-old editor says he discourages...

Uganda Revives Gay Death Penalty Bill

Sponsor confident it'll be law "soon."

(Newser) - A Ugandan lawmaker says he’s confident that his bill to make homosexuality punishable by death or imprisonment will be law “soon.” The bill was thought to have been permanently shelved thanks to international outcry, but David Bahati tells CNN that’s not the case. “We are...

Ugandan Newspaper Outs Gays, Suggests Lynching

'Hang Them' banner proclaims, alongside addresses

(Newser) - A Ugandan newspaper recently ran a front-page story giving pictures, names, and addresses of Uganda’s “top homos,” beneath a headline that read “Hang Them.” Since the story ran on Oct. 9 in a newspaper called Rolling Stone—no relation to the American magazine of the...

'Terrorist' Who Threatened South Park Busted

Virginia man nabbed before flight to Uganda

(Newser) - A Virginia man who threatened South Park creators for mocking Mohammad has been busted and charged with supporting a terrorist organization. Zachary Chesser, 20, was nabbed as he was about to board a flight to Africa, where he planned to join the al-Qaeda-linked group al-Shabab, according to law enforcement authorities....

Las Vegas Megachurch Aids Anti-Gay Ugandan Pastor

Ssempa 'wants to redeem people,' says US pastor

(Newser) - A controversial Ugandan pastor who claims that many gays are pedophiles who deserve death is being supported by an evangelical "megachurch" in Las Vegas. Pastor Martin Ssempa is a powerful force behind Uganda's anti-gay bill—which would criminalize homosexual activity and impose the death penalty for gay sex with...

Brother of Bombing Victim Hurt in Plane Crash

Two injured, one killed in single-engine crash

(Newser) - Yesterday was a bad day to be a member of the Henn family. First, 25-year-old Nate Henn was killed in a bombing in Uganda . Then his brother Kyle, 22, tried to rush home to mourn with his family, but the single-engine plane he was in crashed at a North Carolina...

Cops Foil New Uganda Attack, Bust Duo

Bomb in bag abandoned in popular hangout

(Newser) - Terrorists planted yet another bomb in a crowded bar in the Ugandan capital last night, but police foiled the attempted attack following a tip off from the bar's management. "A cell phone kept ringing from the bag and when an attendant opened the bag, the phone was attached to...

64 Killed in Bomb Attack on World Cup Revelers

Somali militants suspected in twin blasts

(Newser) - At least 64 people were killed in twin blasts in Uganda targeting World Cup revelers. The explosions tore through a packed rugby club and a restaurant in the capital of Kampala as exuberant fans watched yesterday's final match. One American was among the dead. "I remember blacking out, hearing...

Ritual Sacrifice of Children on Rise in Uganda

Mutilated bodies likely victims of ceremonial murder

(Newser) - Ugandan police don't know who killed Caroline Aya, but they think they know why she was killed. The eight-year-old was found with her tongue cut out, a likely sign that she had been used in a ritual killing designed to bring wealth or happiness. The practice of human sacrifice is...

Anti-Gay Pastor Airs Gay Porn in Uganda Church

Martin Ssempa slammed for showing minors porn slideshow

(Newser) - Pastor Charles Ssempa's congregation was treated to a slideshow of gay pornography downloaded from the Internet this week as part of his attack on Uganda's homosexual community. Ssempa, supporter of a bill that would impose the death penalty on people found guilty of having gay sex, says it is necessary...

Gay Death Penalty Bill Linked to 3 US Evangelicals

Uganda bill introduced after series of anti-gay talks

(Newser) - Uganda introduced its bill calling for the death penalty for those who engage in homosexual behavior one month after a three-day series of anti-gay lectures presented by three American evangelical Christians to thousands of Ugandans. The theme of the event was the "hidden and dark agenda” of gays and...

Uganda Won't Sentence Gays to Death

Death penalty is dropped from proposed new law

(Newser) - Uganda still views homosexuals as "repugnant," but it won't execute them or send them to jail for life because of their sexual orientation. Those two punishments are being dropped from an anti-gay bill being readied for parliament, the nation's ethics and integrity minister said. The government approves of...

Mountain Gorillas Take Fight to Survive Online

Ugandan animals' advocates embrace social networking

(Newser) - Not only can your online buddies be any age and in any location, they don't even have to be your species. Tech-savvy advocates of the endangered mountain gorilla are about to launch an umbrella site,, that will feature videos, social networking, and blogs—by park rangers, not gorillas....

Toxic Booze Kills 40 Ugandans

Victims of adulterated spirits include much-loved radio host

(Newser) - Toxic alcohol has killed at least 40 drinkers in the last month in the the African party capital of Kampala, where all-night bars sell cheap spirits. Among the victims who suffered sudden blindness followed by organ failure was one of the country's best-loved media personalities, lonely-hearts radio host DJ Ronnie,...

Ugandan Child Murders Linked to Witch Doctors

US-backed task force struggles to quell brutal surge

(Newser) - Ritual murders and kidnappings continue to haunt Uganda despite police efforts to battle the horrors, the Guardian reports. Often linked to organ trafficking and witch doctors, some 300 cases were reported last year, and only 18 taken to court. A US-backed task force started this year has failed to stem...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>