
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Ebola Spread at Baby's Funeral

New cases suspected at Ugandan prison

(Newser) - The Ebola outbreak gripping western Uganda spread widely at the funeral of the first known victim, a 3-month-old girl whose mother also died, according to Doctors Without Borders. Of the 65 people who attended the baby's funeral, 15 contracted the deadly disease and at least 11 of them have...

14 Dead in Ebola Outbreak in Uganda

Still no cure or vaccine for deadly hemorrhagic fever

(Newser) - Ebola is back. Health officials have confirmed that a deadly virus that killed 14 people in western Uganda earlier this month is a new "outbreak of Ebola," reports the AP . "Laboratory investigations done at the Uganda Virus Research Institute ... have confirmed that the strange disease reported in...

Biggest Problem in Hunt for Kony: It Hasn't Begun

Just 2.5K troops when 5K were planned

(Newser) - The African Union’s hunt for Joseph Kony hasn’t started yet, because it’s missing some very important resources: troops and equipment. Ugandan Col. Dick Olum, who is heading up the hunt for the warlord, tells the AP there are only 2,000 Ugandan soldiers and 500 South Sudanese...

Uganda Bans 38 'Pro-Gay' Agencies

Says NGOs are encouraging kids to be homosexual

(Newser) - Uganda plans to kick out 38 nongovernmental organizations over their alleged support for gay rights, say officials there. "Some NGOs, under the pretext of providing social services, are receiving funds to promote homosexuality," its ethics minister says. "We will ask them to step aside and stop pretending...

Nodding Disease Strikes Uganda, Confounds World

No answers to affliction that causes retardation, stunts growth

(Newser) - It's called the "nodding disease," a mysterious ailment in East Africa that attacks only children, striking the brain and nervous system, stunting growth, causing seizures and mental retardation, reports the New York Times . It first appeared in the 1960s, but was often misdiagnosed until recently. Found from...

Uganda Nabs Top Kony Crony
 Uganda Nabs Top Kony Crony 

Uganda Nabs Top Kony Crony

Caesar Acellam was LRA's top military strategist

(Newser) - Ugandan forces today captured a senior commander of Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army, reports the BBC . Caesar Acellam is Kony's top military strategist, notes the AP , though he was not indicted alongside Kony by the ICC in 2005. "He is in good condition," says a...

Kony Search Could Take Years: US

Reports put him in Sudan, Central African Republic

(Newser) - The search for Joseph Kony continues, and it could be a long time—even years—before we see results, US officials say. They believe the warlord is hiding in the jungles of the Central African Republic, but his low-tech survival methods—no radios, no phones, just messengers on foot—have...

Delta Passengers Quarantined Over Bug Bites

Rash on flier from Uganda triggers health scare

(Newser) - Dozens of Delta passengers spent a nervous two hours quarantined on a plane in Chicago before health officials decided a passenger's mysterious rash was caused by bedbug bites, not a tropical disease. Passenger Lise Seivers noticed she had a small rash before boarding her flight in Uganda. While she...

Ugandans to Release Their Own Kony Video

'UgandaSpeaks' wants local voices to be heard

(Newser) - The Kony 2012 video made a lot of Ugandans mad—and not because of the atrocities it depicted. Now Ugandan bloggers, outraged by the viral sensation's lack of actual Ugandan voices and the fact that, as one says, their story was "grossly mistold," are working on their...

US Barely Trying in Kony Hunt
 US Barely Trying in Kony Hunt 

US Barely Trying in Kony Hunt

US hasn't deployed technological muscle in effort to bring down LRA warlord

(Newser) - When US troops arrived in the Central African Republic village of Obo, residents cheered. "The Americans have captured Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein," said one tribal chief. "Surely they can catch Joseph Kony." But so far the US has shown little progress in catching the...

Invisible Children Co-Founder Found Half-Naked, Detained

Jason Russell is one of those behind 'Kony 2012' viral video

(Newser) - Jason Russell, a co-founder of the charity behind the Kony 2012 viral video , was detained in San Diego yesterday for allegedly being drunk and masturbating in public. Russell, 33, was found allegedly vandalizing cars, masturbating, and generally acting strange, a police officer says, adding that he may have been under...

Ugandans Sue Evangelist Over Anti-Gay Message

Scott Lively tried to whip up hatred against gays, says lawsuit

(Newser) - Scott Lively was one of the American evangelicals cited by Ugandan authorities who introduced a bill in 2009 calling for the death penalty for homosexuals . Now a Ugandan gay rights group is suing Lively and four Ugandan co-defendants in a federal court in Massachusetts, saying he violated international law by...

Video to Stop African Warlord Joseph Kony Goes Viral

It's part of a savvy campaign to get him arrested

(Newser) - You might be hearing the name Joseph Kony a lot lately, and it's all part of a calculated media campaign to get the African warlord arrested. The group Invisible Children has posted a 30-minute video called "Kony 2012" whose sole purpose is to spread the word about his...

Uganda Cops: Cocaine Killed Amazing Race Producer

Jeff Rice, critically ill assistant tested positive for drug

(Newser) - Police in Uganda have dismissed reports that thugs poisoned Amazing Race producer Jeff Rice, saying the American appears to have died from a cocaine overdose. Rice was found slumped in a chair on his hotel balcony, and an autopsy found the drug in his system, officials say. Rice's assistant...

Amazing Race Producer Poisoned in Africa

Jeff Rice dead in Uganda following failed shakedown by thugs

(Newser) - An American Amazing Race producer was found dead of poisoning in an African hotel following a failed shakedown by local thugs, Fox News is reporting. Freelance producer Jeff Rice's assistant was also discovered critically ill from poisoning in the same Uganda hotel after the pair refused to comply with...

US Will Use Foreign Aid to Push Gay Rights

Marks government's first push for LGBT rights abroad: White House

(Newser) - President Obama has ordered US agencies abroad to use foreign aid to fight for gay rights. "I am deeply concerned by the violence and discrimination targeting LGBT persons around the world," Obama wrote in a memorandum, calling the effort "central to the United States' commitment to promoting...

Limbaugh Defends Lord's Resistance Army

Radio host puzzled by US operation against murderous Ugandan militia

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh has attracted scorn even from his fellow conservatives with a bizarre defense of Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army. The radio host attacked President Obama for sending troops to track down the militia's leader , slamming the president for "targeting Christians," the New York Times reports....

Obama Sends US Troops to Hunt African Militia Leader

One-hundred will help find Joseph Kony of Lord's Resistance Army

(Newser) - President Obama is sending about 100 US troops to central Africa to help track down Joseph Kony, the head of the Lord’s Resistance Army, he told Congress today. Obama said that LRA “has murdered, raped, and kidnapped tens of thousands of men, women and children in central Africa,...

'Crisis Tracker' Maps Atrocities in Africa

Rights groups create site to monitor rebels of Lord's Resistance Army

(Newser) - Two nonprofit rights groups are bringing technology to bear on a rebel group that has terrorized Uganda and central Africa for more than two decades. Mashable takes note of a digital mapping service called LRA Crisis Tracker that provides real-time accounts of assaults, kidnappings, and worse committed by the infamous...

Landslides Kill 23 in Uganda
 Landslides Kill 23 in Uganda 

Landslides Kill 23 in Uganda

At least 6 of the victims are children

(Newser) - Landslides buried homes and killed at least 23 people in an eastern district of Uganda today, says a rescue official. The landslides came after heavy rainfall in Mabono village in the Bulambuli district, 167 miles east of Kampala. The Red Cross has retrieved 15 of the 23 bodies, including those...

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